I can't speak to how "unique" Fry street is, or how integral it is to the "culture" or "personality" of the North Texas student body. When I was going to school, it was just starting to gain it's "infamous" reputation. The friend that I commuted to school with would occasionally stop by the "head shop" there to buy some supplies. And that's about as much contact as I ever had with Fry Street. Since it was never part of my University experience, I don't have any nostalgic feelings about it. What I can tell you is this. I've hung out with the "freaks" (that's what they called themselves in the 70's) and I've hung out with the non-freaks of North Texas. The freaks certainly gave North Texas it's "uniqueness", but part of that "uniqueness" was apathy and (when they were clear headed enough) antagonism toward athletics and/or anything that smacks of school loyalty/spirit. For some reason they seem to have set the criteria for what was "cool" at North Texas. And that didn't include attending athletic events, or giving back to the University. If attracting more "conservative" students to this school is the only way that we can dig ourselves out of this culture of "slacker-student" mentality, then so be it. I just don't want to talk politics with any of them.