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Everything posted by SilverEagle

  1. Yeah, but they could really do the dessert thing.
  2. I'll take four in chrome vinyl.....style B.
  3. Damn! You took mine. .................
  4. I wasn't lamenting that Fry left the program. I was just answering your question. So pay attention this time. THE LAST COACH AT NORTH TEXAS THAT WOULD HAVE EVEN CONSIDERED YOUR IDEA OF USING BOTH PHILLIPS AND WILSON IN THE SAME BACKFIELD WOULD HAVE BEEN HAYDEN FRY. THE NEXT MOST RECENT COACH WOULD HAVE BEEN CORKY NELSON..... AND POSSIBLY DENNIS PARKER. AGAIN, YOUR IDEA OF HAVING THE MOST TALENTED AND VERSATIVE ATHLETES IN THE SAME BACKFIELD IS INTRIGUEING AND IMAGINATIVE. BUT IMAGINATIVE IS A WORD THAT HAS NEVER BEEN USED TO DESCRIBE THE CURRENT COACHING STAFFS COACHING STYLE......AND PROBABLY NEVER WILL. And BTW, when I was broke up with someone......it stayed that way. But unlike some people, I learned from each relationship experience, and it helped me to grow. Hayden taught us a lot, but some people with concrete for brains refused to listen and/or incorporate the lessons.
  5. ....but you were applying it to Matt Phillips only. I agree that having the best and most versatile athletes on the field at all times is the ideal. However, the last coach that would have seriously contemplated your "wide open offense" idea would have been Hayden Fry. And only then for a play or two.
  6. The power of positive thinking?
  7. As I'm always fond of saying... "I'm about as sympathetic to the problems of the rich, as I am to the problems of the skinny (ie...Oh my, I've gained 1lb since last year....this is terrible....my clothes will never fit now!!! )".
  8. They just look so different out of uniform, don't they?
  9. Will 350-pound behemoth T.J. Raymond be able to clog up the middle in what is a young and extremely undersized D-line? The defense is moving to a 3-4 formation in part because of the questions surrounding the front line. If Raymond doesn't get his academics in order by the end of the summer, This is the first that I've heard about T.J. still being a possibility for this fall. I hadn't even heard that he was still trying to qualify. They realize the offense has become too predictable and are trying to do something about it. … They're just now realizing it?!?! My wife realized it over four years ago.
  10. Well Microxot. There you go.
  11. I can't speak to how "unique" Fry street is, or how integral it is to the "culture" or "personality" of the North Texas student body. When I was going to school, it was just starting to gain it's "infamous" reputation. The friend that I commuted to school with would occasionally stop by the "head shop" there to buy some supplies. And that's about as much contact as I ever had with Fry Street. Since it was never part of my University experience, I don't have any nostalgic feelings about it. What I can tell you is this. I've hung out with the "freaks" (that's what they called themselves in the 70's) and I've hung out with the non-freaks of North Texas. The freaks certainly gave North Texas it's "uniqueness", but part of that "uniqueness" was apathy and (when they were clear headed enough) antagonism toward athletics and/or anything that smacks of school loyalty/spirit. For some reason they seem to have set the criteria for what was "cool" at North Texas. And that didn't include attending athletic events, or giving back to the University. If attracting more "conservative" students to this school is the only way that we can dig ourselves out of this culture of "slacker-student" mentality, then so be it. I just don't want to talk politics with any of them.
  12. That may be true, but they still can't hold a candle to North Texas women. What I admire is their damn loyal fans.
  13. Just curious, but what national stores are you talking about?
  14. The North Texas Exes have a chrome sticker that they sell on their web-site. Maybe they could contact the same company that does their stickers, and see about having the chrome trailer hitch design produced. Here's their product. http://www.goemerchant1.com/index.cgi?Page...dedDepts=101771
  15. Well, here's an idea. If there is a fund/foundation set-up for the stadium, then why doesn't the University ask Harry if they can post a banner/link to it on gmg.com? Do they have a banner/link for it on the University's athletic web-site? Clearly some of the most avid supporters of a new stadium are here on this board. And they could spread the word (and the link) to others who might be interested, but who don't frequent the board as much.
  16. I dream about having the loyal fan base that they have. The budget takes care of itself after that.
  17. I don't know how long it was in the planning stage, and I don't know how long it took to build, but it opened in 52. The first game was 9/27/52 against North Dakota.....which we won 55-0. I've heard many people from that era say that North Texas was known for it's track teams as much (if not more) as it's football teams. The stadium was obviously built to accomodate the site lines for track as much as football.
  18. Hmmmm, I forgot how we often play fast and loose with that word..........
  19. Heh - things haven't changed much since I arrived in Denton in 1986! Boise realized a gem in Boise St. - not sure why Dentonites have never realized the gem in their backyard... ←
  20. This reminds me that I need to find a "I DIDN'T COME HERE TO LOSE" t-shirt........ in green if possible.
  21. I too want to see a new stadium. But when I go into Fouts now, I just remember that tape that I had of the UNT/UTA game at the end of 1985 season. When I looked at the tape a couple of years ago, I was shocked at what a dump Fouts was back then. It was the next season (1986) that the first artificial turf was installed.
  22. In this case, I'm glad to be of service.
  23. Before we get all tingly about something that just about every other D-1 fan/alumni takes for granted, let's see what else they do to promote North Texas football this fall before we declare them the best marketing dept in all of College football.
  24. tequila is a bit expensive to use as a marinade. The beer is another story.
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