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Everything posted by SilverEagle

  1. Down at A&M they prefer to call it Maroon.......but in their case, Moron would work for me.
  2. I'm not the one who made the "going off" comment about Fernandez, Pollock did. I thought Fernandez did very well, but I wouldn't use the phrase "going off". C'mon Jack, we might be a D-1 program, but our WR recruiting has basically been, to put it politely, lacking. We're damn lucky to have Johnny Quinn on our team, considering that it really wasn't DD's idea.....it was K-Mart's. I don't know how we talked Mr. Jackson into coming here, and I don't know how we talked Zac Muzzy into coming here either. (Now, there's someone who could be back next year.) IMHO, until our offense changes a lot, AND everyone on the coaching staff is in the recruiting harness, we are going to have to rely on our luck with walk-ons in this area.
  3. Mine too.
  4. Maybe not "touted", but Isiah Smith, Casey Fitzgerald, and Guy Fernandez looked pretty good in the sping.
  5. Hmmmm, Ken Washington, Ken Smith and Glenn Ray. I'm wondering if that is the deepest that we have ever been at the QB position? Any other nominations out there?
  6. I wasn't making a judgement about Phil Steele, or your endorsement of his evaluative skills. I've always felt this way about recruitment. Sure, most great athletes rarely tank it in their senior year, but rarely are we ever in the running for those athletes. Most of the time, we are more in the running for those athletes who are "late bloomers" and who don't really show their stuff until their senior year. Which brings me back to my policy about not getting excited about recruitment until after the HS season is over.
  7. I don't understand. Are you saying that "I DIDN'T COME HERE TO LOSE" is passe'?
  8. I've always believed (and still do) that recruitment isn't "real" until after the HS football season, and all the dust has settled. Up until that point, everything is mainly wishful thinking. Any HS player could have a great career up to their senior year, and then things could fall apart. They could have a crappy season (for various reasons), their school could have a change in coaching staff, and/or they get injured. When this happens all bets are off....and so are the offers. So (recruitment wise) I just regard this time of year as the time when the fans are daydreaming (or worse), and the Universities and potential recruits are basically lying to one another. OR! As one of my former supervisors (a Junior High English teacher in her original profession) used to say, "There are many a slip twixt the cup and the lip".
  9. I remember Vidal Carlin. Mainly because he threw a lot to one of my favorite receivers of all time....John Love.
  10. I took "The Civil War and Reconstruction" under Dr. Lowe. I remember him talking about the soccer club and being a faculty sponsor. I also remember his first speech to the class. He told us that if anyone turns in a test paper that talks about the "Calvary", he was going to take 25 points off their test grade. Unless of course, someone could creatively tie the location of the crucifixion to the American Civil war. Everyone just learned to spell Cavalry correctly.
  11. Hmmmm, you mean something like "I DIDN'T COME HERE TO LOSE".....
  12. Perhaps it's this one. http://www.lids.com/pid/20052228
  13. If (and this may be a big IF), Dr. Bataille has somewhat negative or ambiguous feelings about athletics, she just needs to be reminded that such institutions of higher learning such as Rice and Stanford see the value of maintaining D-1 programs.
  14. I will also need a XX.
  15. As if they really need something like this. Don't they have enough "bandwagon" fans?
  16. IMHO Boo and heckle all you want, just do it in relatively good taste. The best and most classic humor ever is the humor that doesn't rely on "going for the crotch" or flinging the "F" word around. References to the past are for the purpose of letting new people know that we DO have a past. I do not think cheezy t-shirt designs that look like some sorority president designed them are the key to building rivalries. Rivalries come from winning and high stakes - we have a rival with MTSU because we always beat them. We had NMSU for a bit. If we play SMU enough, bring on the rivalry. If you run around nipping at everyone's ankles saying "I can play too" with nothing to back it up, you get laughed at. Tech tried it for years, but they didn't get attention until they started beating UT and TAMU. Want a rival? Win games. Want more fans? Win games. I agree with this.
  17. Let me be the first to say that I'll buy one. I hope it becomes the classic that the 1990 one has turned out to be.
  18. Since when did facts have anything to do with any of us ranting. Isn't pissing and moaning the Mean Green Nation's inalienable right?..
  19. I tend to agree with this. This University moved away from being the "best little teacher's college in the state" a long time ago. Most of the growth at North Texas in the last two decades has been in the area of business/research/science.
  20. So did she specialize in championing the rich, the poor, the religious, the secular, the upper crust and the social outcasts? Maybe we could tell her that in Texas we've been athletic social outcasts for decades. So, if things don't work out, write both Lee Jackson AND the Board of Regents. Totally agree.
  21. I agree with this.
  22. You know, I just lay awake most nights and worry about the problems of the well off in the college football world.
  23. Well, if the Clinton's had that much sinister power, the 2000 and 2004 elections would have been much different.
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