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Everything posted by SilverEagle

  1. "Good Gosh, college kids have been sneaking alcohol into stadiums for years! Isn't this why the hip flask was invented?" I remember talking with an alumnus who attended North Texas during the 50's. He said that part of his gameday experience was being in the student section and, shortly after North Texas scored, he could smell the distinct odor of burbon wafting through the crowd.
  2. Okay, here's my alzheimers statement of the week (the first anyway). I thought you guys were already engaged! CONGRATULATIONS! BTW, she does know you're from Alvord doesn't she?
  3. It's B Jamario's numbers reflect the committment of the SMU defense to take him away from us. It was VERY evident that that was their plan. They basically lined up and said "you're going to have to beat us with someone besides Jamario". Our coaches finally got the message and started using Woody and Johnny Quinn more in the game plan.
  4. It was moved to the Orange Parking lot. The GMG smoker was parked by the fence that separates the "Village" from the Orange lot, and the tents were set up just east of it.
  5. It's been mentioned several times in other threads that our D seems to be back. I noticed that as well. So....THANKS COACH BLIEL!
  6. Other than the win, the best news I've heard.
  7. My wife is not so knowledgable (X's and O's), but she knows a good product when she sees one. She also loves my passion for my passion. Only now, she sees more pain than passion, which is why she offers to beat me with barbed wire just to get it over with quickly. She's such a humanitarian.
  8. I'd like to know as well. I'd also like to know if our back-up RB's have gotten over the little dings that kept them out of practice the last week before the Texas game.
  9. Okay, I'm going to beat every smarta$$ on this board to the punch on this one. OH LOOK! IT'S SILVEREAGLE!....SOMETIME AROUND THE MIDDLE OF THE SECOND QUARTER......
  10. Here's my question. Were they both running the first team offense?
  11. And PLEASE! FOR GOD'S SAKE don't make some grand announcement about it. If anyone with the athletic department is reading this, just announce it like you would any other statistic.
  12. Uhhhh, that advise would apply to every ticket at Fouts.
  13. I think it's Emmitt.
  14. Well, it's asking a lot, but I'll try and come out of my shell.....just this once.
  15. All I have to offer is a Section D ticket, but only if UNTLIFER doesn't need it.
  16. Not unless you ordered them last week. Otherwise, they should have mailed them to you by now.
  17. ....and yet, they are in CUSA and virtuous & humble North Texas is not.........
  18. Section D, Row 14, seats 29 & 30.
  19. Well, if it was up to me, I would ask the Band (or portions of it) to have an impromptu pep rally in the middle of the campus around Wednesday or Thursday....and make sure the dance team is there.
  20. Way to go Mr. Dawson! I hope all our other back-ups step up like this!
  21. Here is another "universal" stat/adage to keep in mind. It's always been accepted amongst coaches and sports writers that the greatest progress/adjustments that a team makes is between games one and two. So, in theory, North Texas and SMU are going to show up Saturday looking the most improved that they can this season. Should be interesting.
  22. You can absolutely do that. They will have your tickets at "will call". I've never had any problems purchasing tickets like this in the past.
  23. Logic.......yeah, I kinda remember that.........
  24. I totally agree. I've never heard any other fanfare like that one. And I've watched a lot of HS and College bands perform. I was sad when it was not used any longer. Just another change (along with dumbing down the fight song) that was brought about by Dr. Winslow.
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