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Everything posted by SilverEagle

  1. "During halftime of the game, offensive coordinator Ramon Flanagan allegedly started a physical fight with wide receivers Coach Chip Garber after being told he should play seniors because it was their final home game. The incident got so out of hand the offense received no instruction before going back out to start the third quarter. " This is a serious question. Does anyone have a clue as to why DD didn't fire this loose cannon a long time ago?
  2. You mean MM didn't fund and/or finish funding the athletic center all by himself? His ego is going to be real shocked/surprised to hear that......
  3. I think that west Monroe has the best motels, but I don't have any recommendations. Please drive (ride) carefully.
  4. No question that I'd be rooting for the SBC rep. regardless of who they are playing. As to SMU, it would be sooooo sweeeeet if they go to the NO Bowl and lose. Of course, it would be sweet if they lost to anyone. It's always a great day for me in college football when SMU AND ND lose.
  5. Does Troy Phillips not cover Basketball? The story in the ST about North Texas coming from a 9 point deficit to beat Tulsa 65 to 63 was an associated press story.
  6. You know, this whole situation can't get over with soon enough.
  7. Any gift is much appreciated......even from a shameless self-promoter like MM.
  8. I'm not supporting the Parker era, but for every story like yours, there is a counter story. I remember reading back in those days that Parker was the one that wanted Mitch Maher to come play at North Texas. He said that Maher was one of the best QB's he had ever seen. Not a bad assessment on his part.
  9. .....and I'm entitled to dismiss his comments as shameless self-promoting....and nothing else.
  10. "I've got North Texas in my blood?" Give me a break! What MM has in his blood is an insatiable thurst for self-promotion.
  11. Come to think of it, someone should use Todd Dodge's "ten principles" as the basis for our freshman orientation from now on.
  12. 1. Never underestimate the power of kindness. One small gesture can change a life forever. "People wonder what compassion has to do with football," Dodge said. When you enter his locker room, Dodge said, "Check your ego at the door. It's what I can do for someone else; not what everybody has got to do for me." "Let's give a cheer for U N of T, cheer for the green and white" 2. Kill the will of your opponent. Every team has a great desire to win. It's your job to wear the opponent down so that by the fourth quarter the opposition has nothing left. But you do. 3. Remember that success can come through short bursts of high-intensity effort. If you play 100 percent for seven seconds every time the football is snapped, "that's really only about eight minutes of playing full speed if you really think about it." 4. Visualize the game before you play it. Picture yourself playing the perfect game. He tells the quarterback, "You're going to throw seven touchdown passes." He tells the linebacker, "You're going to make the perfect tackle." When you visualize, don't let a negative thought come into your mind. 5. Know that every close game will be decided by the kicking game. It's often less-glamorous factors of a job, factors sometimes overlooked, that make the ultimate difference in success or failure. 6. Stay true. Never give up. Never give up on a play, on a series or on your teammates. Before every game, he tells his players: "Believe in yourself. If we get behind, the greatest comeback in high school football history may happen today." "Victory's in store, what'er the score, our team will ever Fight FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! 7. Be result-oriented. Expect to see something you haven't seen before from the opposition. You can't say, "Coach, you didn't show us that." You must be ready to adapt during a game. 8. What you do is so loud that I can't hear what you say. "Let your playing do the talking," he said. "We don't want to be doing a bunch of mouthing out on the field." 9. Never criticize, but always encourage your teammates. Dodge said, "I never understood in football that when someone scores a touchdown everybody on the team wants to be around them. They don't need you when they score a touchdown. When they throw the interception, when they fumble the ball, when they miss a tackle, that's when they need you." Shoulder to shoulder, we march along, striving for vic-tor-y. Playing the game for the honor and fame and glory of UNT! 10. Show class and poise after the game. When the contest ends, shake the hands of opponents and show gratitude to your fans and supporters. * from the 2005 Mean Green Extra-Point. GREEN BRIGADE POST GAME CONCERT Mean Green fans are encouraged to remain in the stands as the Green Brigade Marching Band performs their traditional post game concert. Hmmm.....sounds like a good match to me.
  13. SMU built a 32K seat stadium for $50Mil. They had to tear down most of Ownby before they could start building, AND the location is land locked. That had to add to the cost of building the stadium. Our location/building site is not land locked. And on our building site all the contractor has to do is start moving dirt, and building. So in theory, we should get as much (and hopefully more) for our $60mil, than SMU got for their $50 Mil.
  14. Personally, I see a "walk-on" camp as an opportunity to make connections with the student body....in a positive way. Advertise that there will be a walk-on camp, get a sponsor to buy t-shirts for the event. And then even if they are not invited to participate in spring/fall camp, you have a group of guys walking around campus wearing their t-shirts, and (hopefully) having a good feeling about the program.
  15. My favorite "good-guy-and-role-model" from my era is Jordan Case. Here are excerpts from the 1979 Texas Football feature story about Jordan case. "Case always was optomistic. He was overlooked by all major colleges because he tore up a knee in the next-to-last game of his senior year at Seagoville High, where wins came seldom. Only Sul Ross took him, and after one season there, he got a walk-on tryout at NTSU by writing a letter (to then coach Hayden Fry)." "When school was ending in May, most player were relaxing or heading for jobs. Case was trying to sell his car, "because my mom broke her back, then a tornado hit her house in Kleberg. So I need to help her out". That tells you something extra about Jordan Case."
  16. Island, you can also send them an e-mail. Here is their address. meangreenclub@unt.edu
  17. I didn't say he needed help, I said that I've never heard him speak, nor have I ever heard that he's a great speaker or a motivator of fans. The one video clip that I saw of him doing a commercial wasn't very impressive to me. THIS is impressive however.
  18. Russian realist are/were never happy......just like North Texas fans!
  19. filled out and sent.
  20. As to the timing. I think that the La Tech game was the right timing for him to pull the trigger. I think that he must have just secured the financial support from other doners that he needed to off-set the loss of MM's money, and was just looking for the most appropriate excuse to pull the trigger.
  21. Hide and watch, Oh clueless one.
  22. I'll have to disagree with you slightly on this. What we need is better decision making/evaluating in hiring coaches. The only two times that that has happened since Odus Mitchell left has been when Hayden Fry was hired and Corky Nelson was hired. You could argue that Jerry Moore was a good hire since he was hired away from us.....but TT eventually saw their mistake and fired him. Our administration has had a DISMAL RECORD of hiring coaches. We need to hire "up and coming coaches" who are positive, hard working, able to spend a lot of time connecting with alumni and the community, and who are hungry to succeed so that they can move up to the next level. In the interview, after you've heard about what sort of offense/defense they run (the correct answer to both of those is "exciting" and "fly around the field and hit people"), you need to ask the new applicant what he knows about North Texas and what his plan is to get students and alumni excited about the program again. The correct answer to that question is "go out and speak to any group that will allow me in the door" and "sell, sell, sell". You put this guy on a three year contract, with one year renewals if there is noticable progress in the third year. You write in a buy out clause so that the University can make money when this coach is hired away from us. When he's hired away from us, you then go out and hire the next "up and comer" (who you've already identified) and do the same thing all over again. Eventually there will be enough money from alumni/corporate donations to hire a more "name" coach. However I think that hiring name coaches is overrated. Do a personality profile on the following coaches. Hayden Fry, Corky Nelson and Don Carthel (if you're not going to hire him that is) and if any of the candidates match up with 75 to 80% of the best qualities in the profile.....hire him!
  23. How about a green feather boa.
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