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Everything posted by SilverEagle

  1. 1. TCU 2. Baylor 3. Air Force All three will bring a big crowd, and we will be assured of a sell-out. Also, TCU and Baylor could bring their bands and we could have a REAL college footall atmosphere.
  2. I tend to think that four years would be the ideal contract term.
  3. I would keep Evans, Bliel, and Brewster.....and Hurd.
  4. Dickey bashing. I already live without the Bachelor.
  5. What say we all put in something for a graduation gift next spring.
  6. ...either that, or he's a great shopper.
  7. Damn! we are desperate for conversation about football when we start noticing, and spending two pages on, what the aggies are saying about our coaching situation. Who the hell cares what the aggies think.
  8. I can just see it now. The Washington Redskins have their "hog" fans. North Texas could have a whole section of fans dressed up as Mean Green Elvis.
  9. Totally agree.
  10. Let's just give RV the benefit of the doubt, and say that there must be a good reason that our recruiting has been put on hold this long.
  11. If he interviews as intensely as he coaches, then this might be a done deal. This is the kind of passion that it takes to get our program moving to the next level. This is the kind of passion that motivates players, their parents, and the "the crowd" (students, alumni, community). Passion for the job is why I liked Carthel. Harbaugh just might have him beat on that. What kind of offense does this guy run?
  12. This is a tribute to the coaching abilities of the SLC coaching staff. When you are consistently winning, and you're not flooding the college football market with talent.......that's coaching!
  13. Could someone please lock this thread?
  14. I've advocated this from the very beginning. As the new hire starts getting successful, the AD should already have his replacement in mind. All you have to do is hire another coach with the same skills (and successful track record on his way up) as the one that was hire away from us. It's not rocket science forchristsakes. Although, when Hayden Fry left, the administrators at that time must have thought it was. Because they went out and hired the exact opposite personality of Hayden Fry.
  15. His tenure as a pro football QB is what will get him in the door. I seriously doubt that many recruits in Texas will be impressed with the "Toreros" (whatever that is) and their accomplishments in a non-ship league.
  16. I've made that point many times. Two of our most successful (post Mitchell) coaches (Hayden Fry and Corky Nelson) were coaches who clearly knew what the challeges were at North Texas. Hayden, because he coached next door for about a decade before taking the job, and Corkey because he had been the DL coach under Rod Rust. I remember that Bob Tyler used to take sarcastic shots (much like DD) at the North Texas fans. I don't know what Dennis Parker thought was the overall challenge here, but he did try to instill some school spirit by having the football team learn the alma mater, and then join in singing it with the students and band after games. I don't remember any comments that Matt Simon made about the "culture" at North Texas. It may not be fair to expect this, but we really need someone who can "work the crowd (students,alumni, community)" as well as coach the team.
  17. Hard working, good public speaker, runs an exciting offense, is from Texas, knows a lot of (and is probably respect by) High School coaches. I believe my answer to that question would be YES.
  18. We also did better than a 7-5, bowl bound Rice team. Imagine how we would do if we got a coach like the Rice coach who got out in the community and really got people excited. Carthel?
  19. So you live in Southlake?
  20. Some of you people sound like Jesus freaks forgodssake. I bought season tickets and joined the Mean Green club during DD's tenure....as well as after being confronted in the stands by a less-than-professional coach. Unless we have another AD like Helwig (the closest I've ever come to divorcing North Texas) I will always buy season tickets and (in spite of the person that RV put in charge of it) be a member of the Mean Green Club. THAT is how I show support for my Alma Mater. RV is NOT my Alma Mater, so he doesn't get the same unconditional support from me that my Alma Mater gets. As an empolyee of this University, his decisions are subject to "review" just like any employees are. The more he makes good decisions for my Alma Mater, the more I will trust and support him. That's how REAL AND LASTING relationships are made. Are some of you people shallow enough to declare someone your friend because they come up and buy you a beer? God, I hope not. Emmitt, are you implying that because you swore an oath to uphold the Constitution, as well as the laws of Texas, and you wear the uniform of the Dallas Police Dept. that your decisions are not subject to review by the general public?
  21. Didn't the Star-Telegram initially report that this wasn't true? Hmmmm. I'd be interested in the other players as well.
  22. Haven't you bitched about this already?
  23. Can we afford this guy? OC's at SEC schools have got to make more than DD did as the HC here.
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