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Everything posted by SilverEagle

  1. Well, as soon as the athletic dept puts out a schedule (hopefully sooner than June of 07) then you can print away.
  2. Too much talk about Skill players. Where are the DL's (our greatest need right now) and how many of them are interested/excited about TD being hired.
  3. I thought that it was reported last year that new uni's were going to be ordered in the new (old) color, but that it was too late in the season for them to be delivered for 06. This would seem to imply that we have some boxes of new Kelly Green uni's sitting over in the equipment manager's office waiting to be used this next season. Maybe I misunderstood. Maybe they said that they tried to order Kelly Green uni's, but it was too late to do so.
  4. Randy Butler might have been a serious candidate and they didn't even contact/interview Don Carthel!?!? Geezzz, it's a good thing that TD accepted the job.
  5. Isn't that (no huddle) what LaLa pulled on us two or three years ago? Babb would come up to the line like he was going to get the ball, then he would back up and look over to the sideline for the signal before he barked out the snap count.
  6. http://riceowls.cstv.com/sports/m-footbl/m...iss_evan00.html
  7. I'm beginning to be concerned that all the disgruntled ("look at me!, look at me!") would-be star athletes are going to be trying to transfer and/or making inquires about transferring to North Texas. All that's going to do is cause TD too many distractions just sorting things (and their stories) out. TD is going to have a hard enough time getting up to speed as a D-1 coach. He (and we) don't need a bunch of TO's here.
  8. I believe that Clovis is a real powerhouse program in NM.....as is Artesia. So Mead must really be a something special. However, I'm still waiting to hear about a committment from a bad-ass D-lineman out there. THAT is our biggest need.
  9. This is what North Texas should have been doing all these years since Hayden Fry left. Instead of looking for the "next Hayden Fry", the old-nesters-Hayden-haters" took over and looked for someone that was just the opposite of Hayden. Since then (with the exception of Corkey Nelson...and he had to apply three times before he was hired) it's been one dumb-ass coaching hire after another. Hopefully RV will stay in place and already have TD's replacement in mind.
  10. How about the new Eagle on the helmet with "HEMI POWERED" below it.
  11. Now, there's a happy thought.
  12. Geezzz, thanks for that image.
  13. I'm glad that RV listened to those of us who kept saying "No crony hire". Seriously, I haven't seen this much media coverage since we hired Hayden Fry. The hiring and the timing of the announcement was perfect. Now, we'll find out how good our promotions people are.
  14. I like to think of it in terms of skill players having confidence that the current coach will utilize their talents to the fullest.
  15. ...with an arrogance chaser.
  16. I would be even more excited if this was a top DL prospect.
  17. That's an excellent place to start.
  18. This puts me in mind of a story about another HS coaching legend Chuck Curtis. Curtis won state at Jacksboro in 1962 and then moved to Garland and won state the very next year. The QB from that Jacksboro squad told a story about riding the bus to the Decatur game in 62. He said that Coach Curtis came back and sat down with him and started talking about some strategy ideas that he had for the next week's opponent. He said that Coach Curtis was always thinking ahead.
  19. I'll certainly take that OL prospect, but I'm looking forward to some bad-ass DL, DE, & LB from a Juco showing an interest in NT. Which reminds me. I posted a long time ago that I couldn't find Esteban Santiago (#77) on the sidelines during games. Could someone "in the know" tell me if he is still on the team? Can the same people "in the know" give an opinion as to whether or not Kendrick Ridge (#94 6'1" X 275, Garland) and Kail Krider (6'3" X 245, Leonard) are going to contribute to the DL in the future.
  20. It will be interesting to see how the current QB's are rated and ranked by the coaching staff by end of spring ball.
  21. I told them last year that $16.00 per game was a bargain. I also told them that even with the upcharge for the SMU game, it too was a bargain.
  22. Young, hard working, good size (6'3" X 190lbs), good speed, and malleable. Sounds like the kind of QB that Dodge might be looking for. Of course, Daniel Maeger pretty much fits the same profile. And Phillips does too,.....except for the good speed part. So, Dodge has at least two (possibly three) good prospects to work with.
  23. And this contract doesn't even address issue of all the free BBQ that the Greenbackers will supply Coach Dodge, his family, and his coaching staff during the season.
  24. I've been looking at the ST's top 50 list, and it looks as if there is no recruitment going on by any school. In the receiver catagory alone, there is only one that lists a school (UTEP and UNT)... the rest are "undecided". I've never seen this many "undecided" players at any stage of the recruitment process. http://dfwvarsity.star-telegram.com/FootBa...Recruiting.asp#
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