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Everything posted by SilverEagle

  1. I bought it from this clearance sportswear shop called SEL Sportwear. I think it was a couple of summers ago when I bought it. You can call them at 214-366-9377 and see if by some miracle they still have some. The address is 10400 Harry Hines Blvd. Dallas 75220. Adler posted information about this place. I think he must get a kick-back on sales or something.............
  2. Well that would certainly explain a lot. Good answer Adman. Look me up this fall at tailgating and I give you one of these..... http://www.sierrablancabrewery.com/ Seriously, if any of you want a historical perspective on the thought processes of our founding administrators regarding athletics, get a copy of "The Story of North Texas" by Dr. James Rogers.
  3. I have a replica of that jersey and it's kelly green.
  4. I've said this for years. Find the young, bright, up-and-coming coach. They not only energize the team, but the students, fans and alumni as well.
  5. He was a good fit. Not only because he was a great coach (and a great evaluator of talent), but he took the job with his eyes wide open. He had previously been the DL coach under Rod Rust, before Rust was fired. Corky then went on to be the head coach at Tyler, where he coached Earl Campbell. As I've mentioned several times before, it was Corky who made the decision to put Earl at RB. Before that, Earl had been playing LB. Earl was just sure that his chances of playing college ball were over when he agreed to make the switch. After Tyler, Corky then went on the be the DC for Baylor during the time when they made their last appearance in the Cotton Bowl. When they hired Corky, my comment was "well, he at least knows what he's getting himself into". And until Todd Dodge was hired, Corky (and Hayden Fry) were the only coaches that you could say that about. I used to write him letters, and he used to take the time to write back. He was a very intelligent and thoughtful guy. Like drex, I felt that he did the most with less resources than just about any coach we ever had. Some say that (emotionally) he went down hill and had a drinking problem. I don't know about that. But like I've commented before, I'd have had a drinking problem too if I had worked my ass off like he did with little appreciation from the administration, alumni, and students. If he had been coaching North Texas during our bowl run years, I guarantee you we would have won more than one of those four games.
  6. Scrappy will forgive you this time.
  7. We've had a school of Medicine for decades. And I see people post all the time who are Lawyers. Engineers are yet to come. The problem is that any of these professionals that have been inclined to give to the University have already been identified and locked in for other "projects" by the development department. Athletics is not allowed to contact any of these people, so we've had to go out and find new doners. So from my view of it (and I could be very wrong) Athletics has really been getting by on (donation-wise) scraps all these years.
  8. The name changed from NTSTC to North Texas State College in May of 1949. We were not called NTSU until August of 1961. Neither of these items are from the 50's.
  9. Everyone's broke? Seriously, you need to be less cryptic. Because the possiblities (depending on who you are talking to) are unlimited.
  10. verbally
  11. The New part was that Burkhead was interested in us. The 2-10 part (which is factual information until it changes later this year) gives it perspective. Overall, I took the sentence to be very positive. Both about our coach and our school. To me it says "here is a very great player that is interested in North Texas despite their 2-10 record". To me, if we were having little or no success in recruitment, and Vito kept mentioning the 2-10 record, then I would consider that taking a shot(s). But what do I know. I'm a North Texas graduate.......... Update: Well, it appears that my wife agrees with the people who take exception to Vito's choice of words and information in his blog. My wife (an honor graduate of TWU......in Journalism) said that the information about our last years record was "facts", but it was not necessary to include it in the majority of the stories about North Texas. She said the word "despite" was unnecessary and was, in her professional/educational experience, editorializing.
  12. Oh my! Then, if we can't use sarcasm, it's the end of the world as we know it........
  13. You got that close?
  14. I can see Hank, but Mandy? Don't you need to have a pleasant personality to do effective fund raising?
  15. Let's start with basics. Would you show up to athletic events wearing the school colors?
  16. I thought that Plano HS was just Jr's and Sr's.
  17. I nominate Jim Hobdy for either of the jobs.
  18. First of all, hiring people to run our academic programs is not the same thing. I've understood that concept since I was in High School, when it was explained to me by my band director. He was getting his masters from North Texas (his undergraduate degree was from SFA), and looking to get his Phd at some other school......so that he could hopefully come back and teach at North Texas. Sports is a business.....as is the promotion of it (and BTW one of the best ever to work in promotions in the athletic dept, was a North Texas graduate). North Texas exes is an organization of (and for) North Texas graduates. It's never been promoted as a business. But if it is a business, and needs to be run by a professional, are you saying that North Texas doesn't graduate professionals? We tout our school of business and marketing, yet when this marketing job came open, there was no opportunity for a North Texas graduate to competitively interview for the job. When North Texas publishes promotional material about the school, they put out a long list of successful people who graduated from (or at least attended) the school. By your way of thinking, what we should really do is list all of the successful people that we've hired, who went on to greater success after they left North Texas. For that matter, maybe we should have hired someone to write our alma mater, instead of accepting the one written and produced by two students (words by Charles Langford, music by Julia Smith) in 1922. Or maybe we should have hired someone to write our fight song, instead of adopting the one written by NT graduate Francis Stroup (NT,29). in 1939. Other things I suppose we should cast aside, because we didn't hire some professional to do it. School colors, adopted by the student body in 1902-03. Eagle Mascot, voted on by the NT student body of 1922. Nickname "Mean Green" coined by NT graduate Sydney Graham (NT,57) Our most memorable icon/logo the "Flying Worm", by NT graduate Rick Spears. Our NT "Battle Flag", created/developed by NT grad, Jim Hobdy. To me this guy's best decision was (as you put it) inadvertent. You seem to look at it as a mistake. The NT exes logo should be marketed like hell. At least two other North Texas graduates think so. But what do we know? We're both North Texas graduates.
  19. Well, since he's not a NT graduate, he's not my director. However, if he's the one responsible for that logo getting out there (FINALLY ), then I might have to re-think my stance.
  20. Take a digital picture of it.
  21. "The new name of Scrappy was announced in 1995" !?!? More like restoring the rightful name to the mascot. As GrayEagleone mentioned in a thread over a year ago, the original scrappy is my avitar. It was drawn by legendary cartoonist Bill McClanahan. http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/...s/MM/fmcbb.html The mascot was called Scrappy back in the 50's when he first appeared on North Texas gear. Here is one sample of Bill McClanahan's work. http://www.mmbolding.com/BSR/super_bowl_iii.htm He did a weekly cartoon about the SWC in the DMN. If the University is never going to use the "original Scrappy" image, then I think the Exes should use it for their gear.
  22. Make it Kelly, lose the SOW, and it would be almost perfect. I agree with bigropdsp, the SOW on the bill of the cap is sooooo NASCAR.
  23. This hat... http://www.bkstr.com/ProductDisplay/10001-...730-1?demoKey=d with the exes logo, like this.... http://www.lids.com/pid/20089712 perfect!
  24. I'm still processing this "possible Charlie Brown to DT" thing. What about Drylan Ross? At 6'3" X 280 (on last fall's program) he would seem to be a better candidate.
  25. Hmmm, Interesting. Someone told me that the title was going to be "INDIANA JONES AND THE SEARCH FOR AFFORDABLE ASSISTED LIVING".......
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