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Everything posted by SilverEagle

  1. The grandson of Abner Haynes. Playing for SMU. I just can't stand it.
  2. ....as well as a wake/memorial service for the 08 season.
  3. I've always wondering the same thing. I've also wondered why people worry/obsess about gay marriages when a greater concern is the near 50% divorce rate amongst the straight community.... which tends to traumatize children and adversely effect their future functioning in life. Here's my stance. Until every child in Amercia DOESN'T GO TO BED HUNGRY EVERY NIGHT, and until such time as every marriage that produces children DOES NOT END IN DIVORCE, the straight community should SHUT THE HELL UP ABOUT SAME SEX MARRIAGE.
  4. Naturally I don't agree with this guy excluding same sex couples from the broad catagory of "marriage", but I approve of his message/suggestion.
  5. I noticed that the last home game will start at 1:00PM. That being the case, what is everyone's plans regarding tailgating for the last game. Which, BTW is also senior day.
  6. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Now, all we have in the way of explainations for probably the worst team performance in school history is.....well.......
  7. A huge thank-you to all of the veterans and their families for all of the sacrafices that they have made.
  8. Ok, I'll make a comment.....good article! Somewhat brutal, but good.
  9. Throughout History organized religion, and specifically God, has been used as the (choose your favorite word) excuse/motivation/rationalization for starting wars and/or killing your fellow human being(s). I'm not sure if God only talks to crazy people, or if organized religion has the effect of driving a lot of people crazy.
  10. I'll second that "right on", especially the part about Chad Rose, Germaine Dawson and Daniel Meager.
  11. Assuming that by "chance glance" you mean a look that could be misunderstood as lustful by both the child and/or the mother, then CPS would only be called if you were the father or step-father. Otherwise the Police would be called. But I think that CPS and the Police could find a better use of their time than trying to assess if a "chance glance" is really any sort of threat.
  12. We always look terrible vs. Captain Kangaroo. We always get out-coached when we play them.
  13. It would certainly take a LOT to get me to move from Forth Worth to Manhatten Kansas.
  14. I don't understand. The D-lineman left his feet about the same time as the QB. What was the D-Lineman suppose to do, defy gravity? If you ever get to see the special that HBO did on Pro football in the old days (50's/60's) I highly recommend it. It was very brutal back then.
  15. http://www.star-telegram.com/288/story/1024249.html Somewhat positive......I think. Boy! would you Vitto haters ever be howling about this article if he had written it.
  16. This Arkansas law plus the ban on same sex marriage in California puts me in mind of one of my favorite passages from one of my favorite movies "Inherit the Wind" "Because fanaticism and ignorance is forever busy, and needs feeding. And soon, your Honor, with banners flying and with drums beating we'll be marching backward, BACKWARD, through the glorious ages of that Sixteenth Century when bigots burned the man who dared bring enlightenment and intelligence to the human mind! .......Henry Drummond (Spencer Tracy) from Inherit the Wind. And then there's this...... Education official refuses to retract Obama terror claim Associated Press Nov. 3, 2008, 6:44PM Kevin Fujii Chronicle State Education Board member Cynthia Dunbar, a Republican from Richmond, suggested that, if elected, Barack Obama would declare martial law. BuzzAUSTIN — State Board of Education member Cynthia Dunbar isn't backing down from her claim that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is plotting with terrorists to attack the U.S. The Texas Freedom Network, a watchdog group that monitors the board, released a public statement on Monday asking Dunbar to retract the statement. "I don't have anything in there that would be retractable," said Dunbar, R-Richmond. "Those are my personal opinions and I don't think the language is questionable." In a column posted on the Christian Worldview Network Web site, Dunbar wrote that a terrorist attack on America during the first six months of an Obama administration "will be a planned effort by those with whom Obama truly sympathizes to take down the America that is threat to tyranny." She also suggests Obama would seek to expand his power by declaring martial law throughout the country. "No matter who you support for president, we should all be able to agree that Ms. Dunbar's disgusting attack is a shocking example of the extremism that has infected the state board," TFN President Kathy Miller said. "It's stunning that a board member who helps decide what Texas children learn in their public schools would say something so disgusting and reprehensible. She should be taking refresher courses in civics and good citizenship, not deciding what Texas kids learn." The State Board of Education will begin revising public school social studies curriculum standards after adopting rules for science next year. Those standards will determine the content in new public school textbooks. "Right now, we're still in America and we still have freedom of speech," Dunbar said. "And unless that's changed, I'm not aware of
  17. Marriage should be at least a legal (and spiritual if you want to enhance the event) contract between two consenting and committed adults. If they are of the same sex,.....so what? This has to be one of the biggest non-issues I've ever heard of in my life. All that money and all that legislative time....just wasted.
  18. Something just as bad (if not worse) turned up on the wall of an east Texas HS. Now, there's a shock.
  19. Do my eyes deceive me? A reasonable political post? Next thing ya'know, someone will post something else reasonable like the fact that the gay marriage issue is one of the biggest non-issues in America. And that Americans could save untold amounts of money and legislative energy by just leaving it the hell alone. And instead, deal with things that we CAN do something about......like the millions of children who go to bed hungry every night in one of the richest countries in the world. Naaahh, that'll never happen.
  20. I guess OU just can't wait for the Cotton Bowl contract to run out so that they can play in Jerry World.
  21. ...and whatever they're charging, it's definitely worth it! ..............
  22. That was impressive. Almost as impressive as Steve Warren taking down the QB and then getting off the turf to provide the escort......
  23. I think you are talking about #16 Steve Warren, who was the main escort of the convoy. Let's see, Steve crashed in and sacked the QB, making him throw a bad pass, which Tobe then intercepted. Mr. Warren THEN was heads up enough to see what was going on, and jumped up off the turf and caught up with Tobe to provide him an escort. From my point of view, he then used his head and just got in the way of #89, which was the smart thing to do. Because any other "overt" action might have resulted in a penalty. The chasing player (#89) had to deal with Mr. Warren (which he did by pushing him down) before he could get to Tobe......which ended up being too late. So to summarize, Steve Warren sealed the deal for us and provided the coaching staff with some training film for future defensive players on how to make a big play.........................make that how to make a HEADS UP BIG PLAY. CONGRATULATIONS STEVE WARREN!!!!!
  24. Tobe Nwigwe's int return certainly put the cherry on top of this dessert, but it was Steve Warren who provided the dramatic play by crashing in and taking down the QB.....who threw the lame duck- desparation-pass that Tobe intercepted. If Tobe had not intercepted the pass, it would have fallen harmlessly to the ground. Good job Mr. Warren!!!
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