Okay, to answer the first question. Fouts field isn't as bad as alot of people seem to think. Yes, it is time for a new stadium and when we get it's going to be awsome! One thing that I don not like about fouts, and this goes back to my playing days, is the track that surrounds it. When we would got to other stadiums to play the crowd was more into it because they were like 5 feet from the sidelines. I mean you probably wouldn't be surprised at some of the things that we would hear from the crowd added with the things that were tossed at us. I love the idea of our student section being right behind the visiting team. Now, I'm not advocating throwing or saying inappropriate things, but like I said before it puts the crowd right in the middle of the game. Fouts isn't the best, but it definately isn't the worse i've seen. Anyone remeber the Kibby dome? "nuff said. As far as the uniforms go, i'm not too picky. I do love that new eagle logo being all over the helmet, that looks nice! My only thing is let's establish a uniform and stick with it. There have been way too many changes to our uniform and logo. Look at the great teams, Ohio State, Texas, USC, Michigan, Florida and so on. When was the last time they've chaned their uniforms? Have they ever (besides the obvious upgrades with the times). Change it and let's stick with it. I don't like the Scrip though. New Logo on a green helmet.