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Green Means Go!

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Everything posted by Green Means Go!

  1. According to today's FW-ST, our guys will play on "The Stage" at UTA during the 2007-2008 season. The game is set for Wed. Nov. 21.
  2. OT....I think we have 3 signees in that game. JJ Johnson, center from Plano West.....along with Dibrell and Penson. The numbers they'll be wearing for the game: North Team: Penson #10 (LB) Johnson #54 (center) South Team Dibrell #82 (WR)
  3. Hey Jim.....whenever you post.....your post total goes up on all your posts. (even ones that you have posted before, would have your new overall post total).
  4. Has anyone heard an expected completion date and when the Hall might be open for tours?????
  5. Man, this place is gonna be neat. These are new ones, posted today at meangreensports.com: http://www.meangreensports.com/ViewArticle...;ATCLID=1136447
  6. SOUTH BEND, Ind. – Notre Dame will face Washington State in San Antonio on Oct. 31, 2009. The game at the Alamodome will be the first of annual offsite games Notre Dame plans to play to try to make its contests more accessible to fans around the country. "Notre Dame has never played in San Antonio, so this will be a tremendous opportunity to showcase our program in a new city, and in a state in which we have a strong emphasis in recruiting," Notre Dame athletic director Kevin White said Friday. The school announced on Thursday that it would play games in which it would be considered the home team at the Citrus Bowl in Orlando, Fla., in 2011 and 2014. No opponents have been announced White has compared playing "home" games at other sites to the barnstorming approach that Knute Rockne took while coaching the Irish in the 1920s. "We believe these events will provide great opportunities for fans to see our team play when they may be otherwise challenged to travel or obtain tickets for games in South Bend," he said. Since it is considered a home game for Notre Dame, NBC will televise it.
  7. I pull for our conference mates....I hope they all get better. It does us very little good to win a lousy league. So, I hope the Belt does get better, and I think it has. BUT, I disagree with your comment that our UNT teams of the last two years (ones that lost 10 of 14 conference games)......I disagree that they were as good as some of our championship teams. The teams the last two years weren't even as good as our first championship team, which went to the bowl with a 5-6 record.
  8. One thing that they had there last night, which I had never seen before: Pocket schedules which featured all of the Sun Belt's football games. It's great....one pocket schedule with every team's games, as well as phone numbers where fans could buy tickets for each of the schools. I had never seen those before.. I would bet that those were provided by Athletics....so they may have more.
  9. One guess....he's the former "standout" running back, who signed a check to have the new Hall of Fame named after him. Actually, I've never heard of Mr. Parks either. Personal wish: I wish that the official site (www.meangreensports.com) had a Hall of Fame section, where it listed all of the folks in the HOF. Because there are lots of times, when I wonder if "so and so" is in the HOF. For example, is running back great Bernard Jackson in the HOF? I have no clue. And Mr. Parks, kudos to you for having the HOF named after you....no matter what the reason.
  10. I got to see some of this last night at the Athletic Center. For one thing, when you walk into the AC......there is now a great montage of photos of great UNT athletes, past and present. Here's some photos from meangreensports.com: http://www.meangreensports.com/ViewArticle...;ATCLID=1104300
  11. We've signed at least one 1st Team Super Team player that I know of...... On the 1977 DCTF Super Team, running back Milton Collins (Blooming Grove), was a 1st teamer.
  12. Charlie.........I didn't get the opportunity to talk to Johnny. Every time I wanted to venture over and say something, he was surrounded by people. (I presume that the Bills will be reporting in the next week or so). Wish I had had the chance to wish him well.... As to other things that were said, maybe others who were there can fill in more details. Here are a few more things that I now remember: I did hear that we have funded (I think it was 60) summer school scholarships. Basically, what I was told was, that any of our kids who wanted to go to summer school this year, could go. Also, RV spoke and did an excellent job as well. He pointed out, that in the past, when we went to play teams like Oklahoma....we went up there "just to get a check." But, that under Coach Dodge, we would now view those games as great opportunities. Man oh man, are the vibes that come out of the athletic department, so much more positive with TD as our coach, as opposed to DD. Also, Coach Dodge went through kind of what he would tell the team right before a game. It was very interesting.......he went through an entire spiel (sp?). Anyway, you can tell why this guy will be greatness......probably every one in the room, wanted to "suit up" for him, after that speech. Like I said, maybe others who were there (drex, Dallas Green) can fill in with more details.
  13. First of all, USA Today was there.........they had a photog taking pictures. So, one can only assume that they are going to have a story on Coach Dodge in one of their upcoming issues. I asked the photog what day it would be in the paper....he wasn't sure. Secondly, Coach Dodge spoke, and as per usual, was excellent. This guy is such a great motivator. It's no wonder that he has been highly successful, and will be highly successful at NT. Coach told us, that 100% (yes, 100%) of our football players are in town working out for the upcoming season. I don't know when we've EVER had 100% of our kids in town, over the summer.....prior to two-a-days. Alums Johnny Quinn and Jason Ball (football) were there, as was b-ball alum Wendell Williams. There were over 100 people in attendance. Kudos to the officers of the local chapter (like drex) who put on this special event.
  14. I just voted for Joe (and others, of course). The biggest lunacy on that poll, is that one of the leading vote getters at quarterback is Tommie Frazier (Nebraska). At this time, he is 4th in votes for all time QB. That's ridiculous. I'm not sure that Tommie Frazier is even the best Nebraska quarterback of all time. As for Coach Fry not being on there, I love the guy, but I can't argue with the list which is there. I do believe that every one of those coaches listed won a national title during their careers.
  15. I don't think they were Under Armour....not sure though. But, these definitely had the newer green....and I would say black was more prevalent as an accent color.....than in the past few years. Like I said, they looked very much like Southlake Carroll's jerseys. They were $29.99....so they obviously aren't top of the line for jerseys. But, I do think that the look of these jerseys may be very similar to what we end up with....
  16. The Denton Target has some licensed UNT jerseys. Not sure, if these are the similar to what the team will be wearing or not. But, if these are close replicas, then we're going to look, jersey-wise almost exactly like Southlake Carroll. Anyway, like I said these may not be exact replicas. Anyone else seen them?
  17. Not exactly, Jeff. The two free tickets are for season ticket RENEWALS. If you're a new season ticket holder....you don't get two free tickets to the Cookout. I have had season tickets in the past, but didn't have them last year, so I had to buy a ticket to the Cookout (as will others). Hope this clears things up. The two free tickets are ONLY for folks who renewed their season tickets.
  18. Someone just told me that season ticket holders get two free tickets to the Cookout. If true, it sure isn't explained in the postcard that I received about the event. And, it's not explained on the website. So, I may have just wasted $21 for no apparent reason. Anyone know for sure?
  19. Also, on that same page, there's a link to the August 2nd Women's Football Clinic.
  20. I just bought my ticket to the August 4 Kickoff Cookout. Here's a link to where you can buy your tickets: http://www.meangreensports.com/ViewArticle...CRIBER_CONTENT=
  21. PA is Port Arthur, btw. (blog post from T-Mac on the DMN blog): Dallas Cowboys coach Wade Phillips went out of his way to appear on the cover of his hometown Port Arthur News' football preview section. The paper wanted to put Phillips and new North Texas coach Todd Dodge, a fellow Port Arthurian (?), on the cover together. Phillips headed to Denton after being told folks were trying to work out the logistics to make it happen. The cover shot sounds pretty cool. It'll show Dodge, whose spread offenses at Southlake Carroll rewrote the Texas high school record books, matching X's and O's on a chalkboard with defensive whiz Phillips. I'd give Phillips the edge, but only until Dodge's QB son joins him at UNT.
  22. I saw that, but I think it was just a printing error (because the same writer picked Troy to win CUSA). So, I think those picks were transposed. BTW.......how 'bout that great ad our Athletic Department put in the mag?????? That was awesome. It's on page 154 or so.
  23. Dez Willingham, is that Desoto player, who we were after a few years back. He transferred from Kansas State......but picked SMU as his landing spot. He is now leaving SMU, and still has one year of eligibility left. He has already graduated with a Bachelors degree in Sociology, and wants to pursue a masters in Education. Since he'll be a senior (and has already graduated).....he can transfer anywhere without sitting out a year. Should we take him? We have that 13th scholly available. I know we really don't need another guard. But, in this case....you get a 13th player, and still have that scholarship to give next November or April when you're putting together the recruitng class that would start at NT in the 2008-2009 season. I'd say, if there's no big man that we're still after, and we were gonna just sit on that 13th scholly....what do we have to lose, by giving it to a 1 year guy.
  24. (from the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company) website: Doctors at Vancouver's St. Paul's Hospital came across something highly illogical when they tried to put an arterial line into a patient about to undergo surgery: his blood was dark green. The green blood — reminiscent of the Vulcan blood found in Mr. Spock of Star Trek fame — came as a bit of a shock to Dr. Alana Flexman and her colleagues, who report on the unusual case in this week's issue of the journal The Lancet. The 42-year-old man was already a bit of a medical departure. He had fallen asleep while kneeling, and developed compartment syndrome in both legs. The potentially dangerous condition involves a buildup of pressure in deep muscle tissue — in this case in the legs — and unless the pressure was relieved, permanent nerve damage could have been sustained. As surgical staff prepared the man for the middle-of-the-night emergency operation, Flexman and a colleague attempted to insert a line into a wrist artery. Continue Article Arterial lines are used to monitor blood pressure during an operation; any blood that flows when the line is inserted into the artery should be vivid red, the sign it has been oxygenated in the heart. But in this case, which occurred in October 2005, it was not. "During insertion, we normally see arterial blood come out. That's how we know we're in the right place. And normally that blood is bright red, as you would expect in an artery," Flexman said in an interview Thursday. "But in his case, the blood kept coming back as dark green instead of bright red. "It was sort of a green-black. … Like an avocado skin maybe." The reaction in the room? "We were very concerned, obviously," said Flexman, who is training in anesthesia at the hospital. Medication drug may be green cause Samples were rushed off to the lab, which quickly ruled out a dangerous condition called methemoglobin, in which the hemoglobin in the blood can't bind to oxygen. While the lab worked, so did the operating team. The man came through the surgery well. The next day, the lab reported it had detected sulfhemoglobin, a condition thought to be triggered by some medications. "It's so rare that we don't have a perfect understanding how it happens, but some drug donates a sulphur group that binds to the hemoglobin molecule and prevents it from binding to oxygen," Flexman explains. "And that gives it the green colour." She and her colleagues believe the condition may have been brought on by the man's migraine medication, sumatriptan, which he was taking in higher-than-advised doses, though they can't prove it. Green blood can be found in some forms of life such as some marine worms. But it is a condition normally associated with science fiction and not medical texts. Mr. Spock, the Enterprise's science officer in the famous TV series, was said to have the green blood of his father, who belonged to the race of pointy-eared, logic-seeking Vulcans. According to Star Trek lore, however, Vulcans have green blood because the oxidizing agent in their blood is copper, and not iron.
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