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Green Means Go!

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Everything posted by Green Means Go!

  1. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070829/ap_on_re_us/obit_jewell
  2. The "FW" makes an appearance on www.meangreensports.com It's under an ad for the Hall of Fame breakfast. The "FW" is there in a replica of a "Mean Green And Proud Of It" bumpersticker that we had back in the 70's.
  3. Brett Vito and co-horts did a great job on the UNT section. They even have small interviews with Gerry Faust and Dennis Parker (former high school coaches who made the jump to college ball). Coach Parker, is very assured that Todd Dodge will do well at North Texas.....and says that it doesn't make sense to compare him to Dodge. (Dodge had been on the big stage at UT; Parker played at SE Oklahoma State). Coach Parker even says that "Todd is a better coach than I am." Anyway, I'm paraphrasing, but a lot of praise from Coach Parker for TD. Coach Parker is now head coach at Texas Lutheran, btw. Kudos to the D-RC on the football section.
  4. I know that we could get a home and home from Texas Tech (not this year, but in future years). They played at La. Tech a few years ago, and are playing at Sam Houston State this year.
  5. We played Charlotte at home, two years ago. We're not on Nebraska's schedule. Also, we're not on Texas State's (we hosted them last year). I still think we may have a home game with Rice. From the looks of your list there, I'd say we have 2-3 more games (non-conference) to make the schedule complete.
  6. I went to Hooter's to hear Todd's radio show. The setup was great. Todd was great. George was great. The bad part: Due to crowd noise, it was hard to hear what Coach was saying. You want to know the real PISSER: The reason it was hard to hear Coach Dodge was that there were tables of Athletic Department employees who wouldn't shut up. Some of them, didn't even turn their chairs around to where they were even facing Todd. (Kevin F's table). Yeah, some of our own Athletic Department employees ruined the show. So, thanks a lot....Gabe....TJ......Kevin F and others. Maybe, next time.......stay home if you don't care about the show. Or, if you come.........SHUT THE "F" UP!
  7. I think, that besides being on Fox Sports SW....I think it's on the entire network of Fox Sports systems. If so, that makes it a nationally televised game....and folks should be able to see it almost anywhere.
  8. That is greatness.....thanks for doing all of those. And thanks for the tribute to the greatest logo we ever had, or will ever have. (now in my avatar---thanks to the genius of Smitty).
  9. According to the stats from ESPN: He has a kickoff return of 24 yds. He has 2 catches for 8 yards. He has 1 carry for 0 yards. And, he has fumbled. Those are his stats near the end of the 1st half, against T Bay.
  10. http://meangreen.beloblog.com/
  11. The fans of Iowa State can go to www.cyclones.com, and vote on the new helmet which the team will wear in 2008. Allowing fans some input-----what a novel concept. http://www.cyclones.com/ViewArticle.dbml?D...CRIBER_CONTENT=
  12. Hawaii has a football recruiting budget of $65,000. That's it. Florida State's is $600,000. Hawaii recruits all of its' mainland recruits----strictly by phone. Also, when June Jones first got to Hawaii.....they had 18 Polynesian players on their roster. Now, 79 of the 105 players on the roster are Polynesian. I wonder what our football recruiting budget is???????
  13. http://www.meangreensports.com/ViewArticle...;ATCLID=1177174 Come on Ath. Dept.....do you have to ask all the kids all the same f'ing questions? Like, I could give a crap about what Super Hero they would be. What are we all 12?
  14. I wish that we would come up with a new song....because this is a new era. So, something other than "Thunderstruck" would be great. I'm not saying that this should be our intro music, but I've been advocating for 10 years now, that we incorporate the 70's song, "For The Love of Money", by the OJ's into our games. If you've never heard it.....there are several great riffs in there, where the OJ's sing, "Mean, Mean, Mean....Mean Green!" (Just that part there, would be great to play after a nice defensive stand). (For you youngsters out there, I think this song was used as the theme song on The Apprentice).....
  15. I think this is great. It gives us added depth at PG. With Dez and Ben....we might be able to redshirt Josh White---especially if he's still dealing with his injury. Also, since Dez is a senior, he's not a signee who will be taking up scholarship space past this season. I see this, as a no lose situation.
  16. http://www.meangreensports.com/ViewArticle...;ATCLID=1176758
  17. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dw...de.2a049d8.html
  18. Thanks for the info on that, Mark. You're right.......there's a great picture of PC scoring against the KC Chiefs in that exhibition game last Thursday. This is a great picture.......PC highstepping into the end zone.....and it looks like the cameraman is right in front of him. The picture isn't on the inside cover though. It's on pages 10-11 of SI......where they usually have some great action photos from various sports. Thanks again for the heads up.
  19. http://www.meangreensports.com/ViewArticle...;ATCLID=1158410
  20. If true, that is. As some say, this could be a stunt.......Here's the story: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/life/5072896.html
  21. I think the article is the same. I just posted the info in case, anyone wanted one as a keepsake. Yeah, anyone can boycott whatever they want. But, this is a UNT message board. And, Sports Illustrated just gave us a ton of free publicity. (Think how many high schoolers will read the mag's HS football edition).
  22. Maybe it's time to get over that horrible "slight". After all, it's only been 8 flipping years. Geez. Since they hurt you so badly, just go to Barnes and Noble or Hastings....and look at it for free. While you're there, maybe peruse the self-help section, and buy a lot of books. A lot.
  23. The picture of Riley and TD is on page 72. It's the mag's High School Football Preview edition. They pick SLC as the #1 high school team in the nation. (pre-season)
  24. I think an hour long pre-game show will be awesome......... To anyone from Houston: How many games do y'all usually get down there????? I sense that 11, may be more than normal....am I wrong?
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