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Everything posted by CaraBear

  1. Im pretty sure its a home game......I could be wrong though. Hope to see some of yall there.
  2. Is it time for bball season already? What is the scoop on this thursdays games?
  3. "Besides, this is off-topic." That hasnt stopped us before!!!!
  4. Vote here
  5. Now, I love my Cowboys, anyone who knows me already knows that. but I dont entirely agree with Pryncess's post. Quincy wasnt really there for most of the game. He was overthrowing, and not completing passes that he should have, probably due to being overly anxious and needing to just calm down. He did have his moments, which were undeniably incredible.....the 43 yd rocket he threw.....whew that was awesome. Ive seen him better actually. Now, dont get me wrong, I have been a quincy supporter from the beginning, I am all for him, but honestly if he had shown up for the game like he should have he would have played well from the moment he stepped on the field. The Cowboys are doing great, 2 wins on the road is awesome, but I personally like to take it one game at a time and just enjoy the boys and not think so much about playoffs and championships. You just never know. Lets just keep winning one game at a time.
  6. Not talking about you twodogs, because I know you are from the Houston area, but it will be funny to see all the Cowboy haters either be men and eat crow or do the usual bandwagon jumping once the Cowboys get good again. It's nice when your team sucks because you can look around and see who is still there and know who the real fans are. Of course losing seasons are a lot easier to tolerate when you have 5 super bowl wins to remember..I don't know how long the 19-10 can carry Texans fans.
  7. Cowgirls, that's original. Let's see...Cowboys, 5 world championships. Houston, working on thier second attempt at a franchise.
  8. Everyone get in on this.....it should be really fun.
  9. I really don't think that Jim Tressell is a cheater and that's why I have been taking up for Ohio State, because he is a class act, and a great coach. Clarett apparently just isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer and can't help but find trouble. I don't think he is mean spirited, evil, or a bad guy...he just doesn't know how to say no or think about what an action will mean for his future. Maybe will this will be his wake-up call. Also, while CaraBear does know a suprising amoung of football, the above was by IronMan. (Forgot to sign in with my name. )
  10. Freshman Year- Kerr Hall, 5th floor Sophmore and Junior Year- Jefferson Commons Senior Year- The Coventry Im still here at the Coventry for my last semester.
  11. Well people have been saying that for a while, but now I finally agree.I don't mean to be rude or anything, but last night's game was pathetic. They better get it together before tomorrow.
  12. I mean how stupid can he be to let people take pictures of him??? I know stuff like this probably goes down alot, but people are probably more discrete about it. I mean, he was posing for the camera, holding a beer, and kissing some girls. Your right IronMan, Im sure his wife was real happy about that.
  13. Sounds like fun. Wish I could have made it today, hopefully I can get to another one.
  14. Thanks!
  15. Does it cost to get in?
  16. Tooooooo many boards now.
  17. I agree, good game. Especially at the end. Its more fun when its close.
  18. I was listening to Tony on ESPN radio this morning in my car and he was talking about how many people including himself think tonight is the end of basketball season. Tomorrow's womens championship is of way less importance. What do yall think of this. Should they have done the women's schedule differently so that their final game did not fall after the biggest night of bball? Does it even matter? Scheduling their game on a Tuesday night up against shows like 24 does not give it much of a chance in ratings, but who of ya'll is still gonna watch it? Just wondering.
  19. Things are over for my picks. 3 of my final four are out already.
  20. Take The Sports Quiz Here
  21. Me too!!! Otherwise....I would be completely bored. And I am being serious.
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