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Everything posted by James329

  1. Here's a letter to the editor from a student who would rather support Sack and Save than his university. I don't get the loyalty to that crap hole. http://ntdaily.com/letter-to-the-editor-keep-sack-save-around/
  2. Bourbon and beer. Hot dog at the game.
  3. Not nearly as many as you think. And if they don't, the buses run to the local grocery stores. You'd be surprised how many don't buy groceries. Mom and dad will be here this weekend and take them to the store and it will be the Kroger, not that dumpy sack and save.
  4. Agreed. There are far too many people in the UNT/Denton community that are only interested in taking, while never giving or supporting. It's all "how will this help ME", not how will this improve the university or the community. They also only provide disdain and complaints, never solutions or help. They also aren't informed enough to point their criticisms in the proper direction.
  5. It's mainly the broke citizens in that area that shop there. Sure a few students do, but not very many. A lot of students are afraid to go in there, frankly.
  6. I don't feel bad. Txdot is the one who is taking half the land and devaluing the property. It won't be as functional anymore. We are trying to buy it up without using eminent domain. The value is only going to fall. I also don't feel bad for a business that has continued to decline and has not invested in improving the property conditions in 2 decades. Good riddance.
  7. Reading the comments on the DRC story is forehead-slap-inducing. Usually why I avoid comments. Can't believe the complaints. Most haven't taken the time to read the story, or they are flat ignorant. Guess I'm not really surprised. Also provides a small window into the thought process of some of these Denton residents - who will never support Unt or athletics.
  8. Yes! That place needs to go. That whole shopping center needs to go. First step of the master plan to clear out and improve that entrance to campus. Good riddance.
  9. How hard is it to know our offense. It's all hand-offs and like 5 passing plays. They don't check out of anything either.
  10. I would start greer and have him throw the first 3 plays. If it still isn't working, I put in DW and roll with him.
  11. I have bought tickets and attended a few games each year since Apogee opened. I never get emails. I am an alum and I never get emails. I bought a HOD helmet. I was never asked about tickets. They simply don't do enough. I bought season tickets on my own with no help from anyone.
  12. How could you not like those uniforms? They looked awesome.
  13. I'm not going to pretend like I read this thread. But I'm a young alum. I bought a $400 HOD Bowl helmet. Not only was it a pain, I was never once asked to buy season ticket or join mean green club. They are flat incompetent.
  14. Still sucks!
  15. Those are frickin slick. Nice job. If you don't like them, you're old.
  16. Not until after 10. It will be fine.
  17. Uniforms aren't clothes. Now if this thread was about gear for fans, and which polos we like, and oh god I hope I didn't start something.
  18. If freakinng RV can come around on uniforms, so can you old farts. Whether you like it or not, it matters. Most importantly it matters to players and recruits. Just because you don't care or don't get it, that doesn't mean it isn't a valid discussion.
  19. Glorious Weather!!!!!
  20. Hearing the new helmet is awesome, but nobody is talking. Don't see how it could be better than the HOD bowl, but that's what I've seen people saying.
  21. Well they did, for $400. I believe they sold all the starters. I've got mine on my shelf. They may have quit selling them, but no way they sold out of them. You should double check with someone. Maybe Eric Capper.
  22. Sheesh you people give that program way too much credit.
  23. I'll be there with my 2. (First year sth) bringing 2 from Dallas - dependent on weather though...
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