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  1. JJ's (RIP) Abbey Inn / Underground (RIP) Cartwrights West Oak Hoochies Paschall Of course you have to add Eastside / Oak Street Drafthouse / Miss Angelines
  2. I feel like you were trying to disagree with me, but you actually said what I said in a less intense way. What I'm saying is that a good rule of thumb is that it's safe to assume the inverse of a generally accepted Reddit opinion is always the correct answer.
  3. Usually Reddit is great at finding the exact wrong answer for everything, so I would consider that a win.
  4. I actually came out of that thinking Aune was the better QB. His passes looked a lot more solid and it seems like Bean has a bit of a noodle arm. Bean looked really good, but he also got away with a lot of stuff that he normally wouldn't. Our recievers are so good that their DBs were just overmatched. That performance reminded me of that one game that Dajon had that had us thinking he was going to be amazing (not saying Bean is Dajon at all - Bean actually seems to have a good head and work ethic)
  5. At some point they have to start calling roughing the passer right?
  6. Does anyone have a link to the game?
  7. Bean looks like one of the fastest players on the team. I'm pretty excited to see what happens next year with him.
  8. I really wish they would have just saved the $5 it took to produce this garbage and show the band.
  9. Rico with a torn acl...
  10. https://ev7.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetEventList?groupCode=FBH&linkID=m-unt-athletics&shopperContext=&caller=appList&appCode=
  11. UTEP was one of the worst teams in history the last few years. Did you expect them to help make the conference look good?
  12. These announcers are doing everything they can to make this boring ass game seem competitive and its just kinda sad.
  13. Yea its so simple. Lets just call the turnover play every time! I mean come on!
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