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  1. I got you all to start a thread on my behalf. Next to the Oscar this is the next best thing! Go Frogs! You better say Go Frogs or I will start another meltdown (justified as it was)
  2. I'll be the lone Mexican American in purple who went to TCU. I kind of stick out.
  3. Alright, a truce. Go Mean Green! Death to the BC...wait, we are part of this damn thing now. It was much more fun to be a rebel. But I went to UT as well. Damn, I am a walking contradiction!
  4. He said it! Fatterson! You saw it, I saw it, and most important Touchdown Jesus saw it. Case Closed!
  5. If I were you, I would not have taken a picture of my arm like that. Did you really think that was something that should be touted?
  6. Umm, why the hell not? If this conference alignment taught us anything, it is the fact that the money maker and conference shaker is basketball. I think Kansas would agree with that, or would they?
  7. Glick you got me there. That was a screw up on my part, and no excuse for that. As for shooting yourself, please do not, you will not be able to see TCU in another BCS bowl.
  8. One, I came on here and admitted my point was posted in the wrong thread, and said that was my bad. Second, I have read comments downplaying TCU saying we will fade back into the dreaded eighties. Please see the work of PlummMeanGreen who seems to believe we are just some flash in the pan. But, I do love the shots at my intellect, especially that of CensoredbyLaurie. You do UNT proud. Say, lets agree on one thing. Lets start playing UNT again, rather than run away so we can continue our all time winning record against UNT. What would we call it?
  9. And, you are absolutely right sir, on Killerfrogs we do not talk smack about UNT. Actually, we do not really talk about UNT at all.
  10. Now that was more like it. A well reasoned response, sadly watered down at the end, but hey you made an honest attempt! Gold star for you
  11. Another red herring, guys come on attack my posts related to TCU, and tell me we have never been put down. I am defending my school and our great tradition against a school that is utterly limited. It is me who is damn proud of my school!
  12. Aww, you brought more swords out. I but you were real popular during show and tell. Yes, it is hell trying to get a job as a prof right now, but I have a post doc ready for me at Emroy when I am done. You still have not answered my question. No one has put down TCU? I just posted one example of this very thing happening.
  13. Actually rather enjoying posting on your board, it is entertaining. Also, enjoying a nice break before I have to finish my dissertation at UT. But, please throw more red herrings out there if it is easier than attacking my claims. No one has ever tried to diminished TCU on this board. Really? Whose sanity should be questioned?
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