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Everything posted by RBTX

  1. Ouch, only 6 pts in the 2nd quarter was close to being only 4 before that make right before the half.
  2. Hate the loss but we weren't getting to the NCAA Tournament even with a win today, have to win the Conference Tournament. Hopefully take this as motivation towards the tournament.
  3. Hate these commentators on ESPN would think it's a Wichita St home game the way they're calling it. Had to sync up with the Varsity app.
  4. We seem to lose winnable games with good home crowds unfortunately.
  5. What's sad is that the Northside ISD Sports Gym for Highschool just about 3 miles away from UTSA looks a lot better than what UTSA plays in.
  6. I'll take a ugly win over a loss any time!
  7. Ugh, an 11 pt lead dwindled down to 1
  8. Bye bye at large talk
  9. Ugh, hated that.
  10. Getting to timid on the last two fast breaks. Need to be aggressive on those.
  11. Worst half since Hodge has taken over?
  12. If the players want a big crowd they can't be laying an egg against one of the lower half AAC teams. UTSA playing like they want it more at the moment.
  13. Bad feeling with how the refs are calling this and the way Wichita is getting pumped up.
  14. Ugh, first bad throw is a killer.
  15. Had we had time to look back and throw it back to Drew on that double pass attempt would have been wide open.
  16. Well I see why Morris goes for it so much on 4th down instead of trying for the FG
  17. If we lose this game, doesn't matter what happens at Temple, I wouldn't be sad to see EM be shown the door. And I say that as someone who was on the fence about letting Littrell go.
  18. Why does Morris act like he's playing EA College Football and go for it all the time on 4th?
  19. Yay! I'm glad that we didn't kick those FGs to make this 3 instead of a 2
  20. That's a TD if Morris puts some arch on that pass.
  21. At least y'all aren't getting an up close viewing if this. I called that onside kick right before it happened.
  22. This game is 100% on the offense.
  23. Surprised Army hasn't broken a long run for a TD, the defense has been on the field for all but 15 mins of the game so far.
  24. The Army Navy game doesn't count as a conference game. The only time they could potentially face each other in conference would be the championship game.
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