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Everything posted by golfingomez

  1. the bigger the fish, the better the story... i've always considered Mac to be a car salesman first and a coach second... he is still proving to me that he knows X's and O's very well, but i can guarantee you that if he says something, i am listening. because he's energetic, engaging and encouraging... the bigger audience he has, the more exposure we get, and if he can continue to grow this program, i don't mind his exaggerated stories about his first year here
  2. eff that... i want to beat ut more than smu... i want us to be the darlings of college football this year
  3. i understand uni reaction vids... but Miami's new uni's hardly were that different from the old ones... not that much to get excited over
  4. this... i understand the argument... and despite how much 'potential' these guys have, they still have to actually go out there and prove it... as it stands right now, our most experienced RB has less then 1000 yards rushing in 2 years of work
  5. so did we win?
  6. I guess I'm unclear how the process actually works... if a player transfers to another school, when does he actually receive his scholarship with that school? as soon as he steps on campus? or after he has sat out his year?
  7. assuming all these guys pan out... continue playing football and earn their scholarship, right?
  8. https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ncaaf-dr-saturday/two-texas-tech-grads-might-have-created-the-future-of-tailgating--photos-195041150.html
  9. how have we not asked why McCarney did not bring in a 5 Star recruit his first two years here? UNT was clearly the best looking school in all the land! we had just pulled off 5 and 4 win seasons! we need to ask more hypothetical questions about things! What are we going to do if all the players decide that green is not their color? what if McCarney's alleged 'assistants' leave to take jobs at Washington St.? How will this 'guru' fix that? what if the turf in Apogee starts coming loose? what if the sale of Beth Marie's is no more inside Apogee? what if McCarney bans all cannon-fire in the stadium???
  10. he slapped my hand in the endzone last year's Idaho game after his touchdown... does that count?
  11. well... do you have any info on Ray?
  12. awesome... glad, we are at least wanting the scouts to come back and see more
  13. if squats was a test i would think that he would be at or near the top compared to receivers around the country...
  14. Go online and do some of the research like we did...
  15. now the waiting game begins... will he make it to campus???
  16. seriously Vito... go ahead and give us the punchline... this cant be real
  17. i don't care how you slice it... 3 games in 13 days is a ROUGH schedule... especially when those games are in August/September... in Texas heres hoping that Wintrich has them ready for this type of beginning
  18. this every good team needs help to have a successful season... last year we had a lot of it
  19. i dont know... but when i arrive at Apogee that day i'm going to tell the ticket person that Rich Phillips sent me
  20. himchelf? do we want to dredge this up again?
  21. lulz btw... Vito reported that DW overthrew a receiver pretty badly yesterday... any thoughts on that?
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