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Everything posted by golfingomez

  1. leave it to the UNT AD to think that releasing fun about our program on a Friday is a good idea... around 5... when just about everyone is done looking at their computer screens for the week
  2. 10/10 would hit... ...the upvote for this post!!!
  3. these are ugly... i didnt see much wrong with the previous unis, so long as we threw something into mix it up every once in a while hahahaha, THIS IS TERRIBLE!!!
  4. i think the UNT's biggest rivalry is the 'SOW vs North Texas' on the helmet
  5. HOT.... SPORTS.... OPINIONS.....
  6. what if the helmet is a nest that houses an actual eagle... or worm, for that matter? #nextlevel
  7. my plan is to celebrate the victory
  8. i don't think i'd want A&M coming to UNT... they would easily take over the stadium... there is a ton of Old Ags in DFW with deep pockets, and if you think our AD wouldn't want to sell out a game at home AND also be able to triple normal ticket prices... you are crazy... any A&M fan would gladly pay $70 to see A&M play... even in Denton...
  9. nice work Antonio! keep it up!
  10. Ortiz went off today! -6 at the Wells Fargo puts him currently at 5th... with a lot of guys ahead of him finishing up! currently 4 behind Rory! if these scores hold, he should get some airtime tomorrow!
  11. somebody get that boy a hamburger! jk... welcome aboard and get after it
  12. how many years in a row has this statement been uttered?
  13. smastresk killed it... UNT ended the week on a high
  14. I remember being a soccer fan my freshman year, when I took a class and there were 2 senior soccer players in it who had very long, and very tan legs...
  15. It kind of makes sense why Mack Brown was so insistent on recruiting so many athletes to safety at UT... apparently in '88 they didnt have any...
  16. One thing Benford does really well... recruiting guys with awesome names...
  17. so let's just take a step back here and think...he is leaving a school in a 5 QB battle... and you think he WANTS to transfer to a school with 9 Qb's... where Danny Mac sure as heck isn't going to hand him the keys to the offense... much less indicate that... i think he is keeping UNT off the radar
  18. i would think Tune, right? was there that much doubt that he was going to start in 2010?
  19. poor Western Kentuck... 3 Thursday games... with 2 of those at home...
  20. I don't hate weekday games as much as some people do around here, but driving from Dallas to get there is definitely tough... it also cuts out on potential Saturday tailgating time where I can actually convince others to come have fun with an entire gameday experience... what i REALLY don't like about this one is that it's during October... which are PRIME tailgating days... I can deal with a September weekday game, when it might still be too hot for drinking entirely too much... but these are my favorite Saturday's of the year...
  21. definitely going to use the train for this one... glad to hear there are shuttles
  22. Gerry Hunsicker walking away was a HUGE part of the Astros downfall, but they also benefitted greatly in the mid-90s by being one of, if not the first club to open up a training facility in South America, opening up a pipeline that few others had... eventually this was shuttered and the talent in the Houston Farm system quickly collapsed as well... Yes, the Astros made it to the series in '05, but they also began a trend of relying on free agents and were in the awkward situation of letting Big and Bags retire as Astros, as they should have. the fact that anyone is lauding the Astros great moves right now is pretty ridiculous... this team needs to at least show me a winning season before I believe in this plan. there may have been some moves made, but my family has not been able to watch or listen to an Astros game for over two years now... despite the fact that my dad had been able to since the club's inception before then... i don't see how cutting out your fan-base is part of rebuilding a team... don't even get me started on Selig and the freaking train-wreck of a commissioner he was... rant over
  23. Ortiz is now ranked 107th in the world... just 3 spots behind tiger...
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