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Everything posted by TheWestie

  1. What I love most about this isn't just that he got a shot in the NFL and got playing time, but that he's a legit difference maker in the NFL. He's a vital part of the Brown's D, and he won their Walter Payton Man of the Year award for 2014. A very Brian Waters kind of trajectory. Also according to the Brown's player bio, he got his master degree recently. Did he get it from us or somewhere else?
  2. Can I play this game too? On another note I don't know why the DRC didn't make a slideshow of the Spring Game but I do apologize.
  3. When you have apartments like this where you often have no choice of who your roommates are and aren't forced to deal with them like you are in a dorm, where you also often don't have a choice of roommate. Many places like this have several bedrooms per apartment, each with their own bathrooms and only share a living room which is usually furnished and kitchen. So depending on your or their personality and schedule, someone could go a very long time without having any interaction with a roommate. I knew people who lived in some of those apartment complexes and they had problems with roommates who never took out their trash and stank up the place, or were lazy and let their pets just crap in their rooms, or let people stay long-term at the apartment and sleep in the living room without asking anyone else. Lots of stories about horrible crap people did or experienced at some of those types of apartment complexes.
  4. Polka Dots
  5. Tucson is absolutely gorgeous in December. And I may or may not have had a little Captain in me...
  6. This man is watching all of your answers very closely.
  7. A reporter and I got a media ride on The Collings Foundation B-17G Nine-O-Nine when it was at Denton Enterprise Airport on 3/17. IT WAS EPIC
  8. With apologies to KingDL1, I think I now have the best picture of Apogee Stadium, ever. This post has been promoted to an article
  9. With apologies to KingDL1, I think I now have the best picture of Apogee Stadium, ever.
  10. RG burger or GTFO. Oh but if only Fred's was closer instead of all the way down in FW. Fred's North on Western Center is closer but still not close enough.
  11. From the album: junk

  12. Well at least it was really pretty out there. This post has been promoted to an article
  13. Well at least it was really pretty out there.
  14. They're canvasing alumni to get the money together to take a out a contract on Bear Bryant Jr? Cuz that's bout the only way UAB will ever get another football team.
  15. Lets all just agree on one thing: Bud Selig sucks and the Astros should have never had to move to the AL. The fact that there can no longer be an Astros Vs Rangers World Series sucks.
  16. Which was around the time that Phil Garner brought Nolan back into the fold with the team as a pitching advisor. Look at the pitch counts from these guys during that time. These guys stuck around until the bottom of the 8th or the top of the 9th when they'd bring in Lidge, who at the time was the most dominant closer in the majors. And don't forget about Game 4 of the 05 NLDS when Clements came in as a reliever for three innings AND pinch hit after the Astros and Braves both used literally their entire rosters over 18 innings.
  17. If anybody knows Craig, tell him I have a badass photo of him grabbing Taylor McHargue by the helmet and slamming him into the turf during the 2010 game against Rice. It can be blown up BIG. Would look killer in that game room.
  18. That'll sell a lot more tickets than goal post butt.
  19. Eat whatever the hell you want Andre
  20. Easy answer there: http://www.twuathletics.com/coaches.aspx?rc=203&path=wbkb Plus, already lives in Denton and her husband is a football coach at Guyer.
  21. Gotta stop the bleeding before you start putting more blood in.
  22. They just didn't know what to do now since this is the first home loss since they closed the McDonalds next to Sack-N-Save.
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