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Everything posted by meangreen

  1. Everyone here is right. These classes are all required to fill the university's core requirements. I took some of these classes my first semester, just as Tony is. Anyway, congrats to Tony for the achievements and shame on you Skiver. Shame on you
  2. This program just continues to get better by the day. Once again, hats off to JJ and the staff for the work that they put into making this basketball basketball team great. What a great recruiting class! Hopefully one day football can get to this level
  3. I have no words to describe how awesome this poster is. I need to buy this RIGHT NOW
  4. agreed. pics or it never happened
  5. Washington Capitals vs New York Rangers Philadelphia Flyers vs Buffalo Sabres Boston Bruins vs Montreal Canadians Pittsburgh Penguins vs Tampa Bay Lightning Vancouver Canucks vs Chicago Blackhawks San Jose Sharks vs Los Angels Kings Detroit Red Wings vs Phoenix Coyotes Anaheim Ducks vs Nashville Predators Money picks right there
  6. hats off to UNT for recognizing the need to recognize JJ's accomplishments. See what I did there?
  7. I'm pretty sure they are 2nd and 3rd graders actually
  8. I think that you're right to a certain degree. But we also have to consider that JJ will eventually be given other options, heck he might have already had some. Let's face it, some of these opportunities would be hard to turn down. In my opinion UNT needs to do whatever JJ asks them to do in order to keep the relationship between him and the university in a positive manner. I'm not saying JJ is one of those coaches that is selfish and is all about the money, because he sure does not seem to be that way. All I'm saying is that UNT had better never begin to undervalue what JJ has done for Mean Green Basketball.
  9. Just threw up a little. Thanks
  10. Let's hope so
  11. GoDaddy.com All-American Team? I'm surprised Danica Patrick didn't make it on there.
  12. So you don't understand that I'm comparing the Fan to the Ticket?
  13. Yea these recruits will definitely be tough to pickup but if anyone can do it, it's Mac. If we only get 5 of those players, I will consider it a win for the program.
  14. This is true. Why has this not been suggested before?
  15. All of you guys trying to act like you care about women's basketball need to start being real. Who really cares? I'm sorry but I just can't watch the ladies miss wide-open layups, lose their dribble, and trip over their own feet. Just doesn't entertain me for one second. Oh and also, I never ever cheer for A&M. So, go Irish.
  16. I find the Fan to be more entertaining. The morning shows are weaker, but the afternoon and evening shows are what I listen to mainly anyway.
  17. I agree completely. I think his enthusiasm is what makes him such a great hire. That's something that NT has lacked over the last few years
  18. That might be the coolest thing I've ever seen done on here. Thanks for the entertainment.
  19. I'm just saying that the Ticket is overrated. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way.
  20. Maybe we should paint out field using our colors! oh wait...
  21. I would argue that the Giants had more offense then the A's do, but I see your point. I respect Billy Beane though. He does have a great baseball mind. As far as GMs go, he's close behind Jon Daniels
  22. poor eppy4life. guy tries to give a complement and he gets blasted!
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