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Everything posted by meangreen

  1. I really hope that the fact that they are paying this man does not automatically exclude Canales from the job search. It would be really unfair, but hey thats life
  2. Good, like I said before, I have nothing against him. I was just curious why his name was Arkstfan? chill man
  3. haha ok everyone just needs to change their tampons. I'm not trying to stir up a fight, I was just curious about him! geez
  4. arkstfan- why are you a member of this website? not saying you are not welcome here, just curious why?
  5. What a great win for NT! Great effort by the team and great coaching by JJ! Also, the crowd was so good tonight. Loved it. Oh and btw Josh White is one HECK of a basketball player!!
  6. well, even if this isn't true, I wouldn't be surprised if it eventually happened. He was pretty close to being offered the Clemson HC job a couple years back. He has had success at OU. So sure why not? I'd be down with that
  7. I agree 100%. Every star coach has to make a start somewhere and sometimes hiring an unproven guy turns out to be a program-changer. I'm not saying for sure they should hire Canales, but if he keeps this up how can you turn him away?
  8. wade phillips anyone? hahaha
  9. Keep in mind that every great head coach made his start somewhere. The harsh reality is that it might be tougher than most of you think to hire a proven coach. IMO
  10. Alright, I've been a Texas fan all my life and I can tell you guys that everyone is tired of Greg Davis, and rightfully so. The only reason why his offenses have ever succeeded was because of Vince Young and Colt McCoy. It is very evident how much Colt meant to the offense because they were so powerful last year and this year, with most of the same position players, can never seem to get the ball into the end zone. Also I was a Gilbert fan in the beginning and as painful it might be to admit a 5-star recruit is a bust, I think he might be. I was really expecting more out of this year. But hey, my second team has made me much happier this year! GO MEAN GREEN
  11. Well, it is too early to tell if Garrett is the right fit. If they play like they did yesterday for the rest of the season, then he deserves the job. But anyway back to Canales- I think RV has to think long and hard about the long-term effects that this next head coaching job will have not only on the program but on his job security. I feel like Canales could be a winner here, but that is yet to be seen. But for me the fact that they hired a firm to help search for a coach tells me that they are really not interested in hiring Canales. I say if Canales wins out (yes that includes a win over K State) then he deserves the job. If not, hire someone. In my opinion of course.
  12. You might be right about that
  13. Either way you slice this game, it's terrible in every shape, form, and fashion. This coach needs to be fired if the team doesn't improve very soon.
  14. I agree, the presentation was just horrible. Did anyone notice that after every first down that MTSU got it flashed up "First Tennessee First Down"? haha what a disaster. MTSU Fail...
  15. Just curious- you guys think that maybe the team is playing well because they are inspired now because of Coach Canales right? Well, my question is, do you think that inspiration would carry over to next year? I mean, I hope it does and I would love for Canales to get this job. I think he is the perfect fit for this program. But, I am just wondering if you guys have thought about if this "emotional high" is purely temporary or if you feel it is a more permanent mindset that this team is adopted. GMG!
  16. Look, Canales seems like a really great coach, however right now for UNT the best choice is a coach with some proven head coaching experience. Period.I would love to see that new coach keep Canales in his current role even though that is highley unlikely. Either way I hope it works out for him. I hope he can get some wins to close the season out. It would be nice to see.
  17. Look, bring anyone here but DO NOT HIRE GREG DAVIS. The man's offense has gotten worse every year at Texas! He is a terrible and very overrated coach, Bottom line is North Texas needs to hire a man who can build this program up from his own experience. Period end of discussion
  18. Leavitt needs to be given another chance. If North Texas wants to win and fill the new stadium, then they need to hire someone with credibility and a proven record of success. Leavitt built USF from the ground and into a BCS conference. Hire that man right now. What happened in the past should stay in the past and be forgotten just like the past 4 years of NT football
  19. Dana Holgorsen is a good suggestion although I don't know how easy it would be to convince him UNT is a good spot for him. I think Leavitt would be an interesting hire. It would bring TONS of media attention to UNT which is just what they need. I don't think Fran is a good option at all. He is not that successful. Whatever decision is made, I hope RV makes the right one because it just might decide whether he keeps his job...
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