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Everything posted by nownot

  1. actually the band does march to the stadium and i believe they do have pep reallys before every home game. but still not alot of people know about the pep rallys (Even know there are signs everywhere)
  2. Kick off your football weekend cheering on the Green! This Friday, September 21, 2007 is the first Friday Night At Clark Park Pep Rally of the 2007 Football season! There will be tons of giveaways, free tshirts, free food, cheerleaders, dancers, Scrappy, the band miser. The events start at 7:30pm at Clark Park (across the street from Clark Hall). Hang out with us until 10pm and then hit Fouts Field for tailgating and the first home football game of the 2007 season at 6:00pm on Saturday, September 22, 2007. We will see you there! The attachment can be found at: http://bulkmail.unt.edu/bulkdocs/119003816...ally_Poster.pdf
  3. my .02 cents. meager looked great. i went in the game saying booo but i was very impressed tonight, he had two pics but made good throws ( from what i saw ) 90% of the time. defense was couldnt tackle, the hardest hits were on kickoff. db's were, are, and are going to be slow, i accept that, but please stop the run up front. reason why we lost you may ask, it was mental mistakes. several off-sides, one i remember was in the red zone which killed us on the drive. drops, i remember one on 3rd down. bad time for turnovers, expect some but just bad timing on them. still should of won but i think things are looking up for the future and a trip to new orleans.
  4. student section 126 row 4 seat 16-17
  5. why does the program guide say north texas mean green? do they not know where the eagles. every time we get mentioned were the mean green. wtf???? guess somethings will never change.
  6. i might be blind but i cant find the time and date of the spring game. any info, thanks.
  7. i also noticed this, and i also DO NOT understand this.
  8. here is a file that i uploaded. it contains copywrited material so if i have to take it down i will but thought id try to share. it has pics from the championship game, when the team returned home, the watching party and some in new orleans. the vids are the cbs story on young, the vids from dallas morning news, and a few more. but here it is enjoy and if its not allowed pls delete and my bad. 12 vids and 83 pics. vids are mp4, mov, and wmv so quicktime and windows media shoudl do it. http://rapidshare.com/files/22194189/unt_07.zip.html
  9. http://www.sportsline.com/collegebasketball/schedules found this and it says 12:30 pm North Texas #15 Memphis #2 CBS - HD National. which im hoping means it will be nationally broadcast b/c im in new mexico and if i cant watch it ill die or will have to listen to it on the internet, either one.
  10. im going to be in new mexico, i dont think there going to show this game there......... guess its radio time.
  11. im going. i have two questions is there going to be food of any sort and is anyone from here taping it off tv?
  12. i would really like to have those for my collection. i was wondering if you could zip those up and put on rapidshare for me to download. if not your site then let me know and ill email the webmaster this question. thanks.
  13. i thought it would be a good idea to put all the pics of the game,celebration (team and fans), and any other pics that have to deal w/ north texas basketball in a single thread. also can someone make some nice wallpapers. GO MEAN GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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