If the WAC survives and we don't join, a few years from now we will be looking back wishing we had taken a shot. Just the same as if we had joined in 04, now we realized we could have been playing Boise St., Hawaii when it was ranked, and now a ranked Nevada.
Even now the remaining teams have name recognition. Hawaii, Idaho, Utah State, LA tech, and some what NM State. People know about those schools. You ask about FIU, ULM, etc. and you will get a blank stare. This year has shown this conference is not improving.
Ask our friend RabidRunner why their fans want to join the WAC and not the Sunbelt. They wan't to go to a conference that has a history of building up its teams. No one knew who Boise st. was when they first came to FBS, so who knows what new schools will have the chance to be the new Boise.