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Green Otaku

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Everything posted by Green Otaku

  1. Thats what I would like to see. People here have a an obsession with CUSA, its better than what we have now but I would choose the MWC over CUSA any day, and would actually prefer to be in the MWC.
  2. Good comments. Celebrate and give full credit to the win for the guys and the coaches. Now lets see how the next games go and then we can talk about keeping him as the HC.
  3. Thanks, hope we can lock all these guys down. If we do its going to be a great class.
  4. I have wondered this as well. We can always complete the bowl, add press boxes on the east side to match and add a tier all the way around on top of the press box kind of like Ohio State.
  5. Sounds like our stadium is configured to go 50k seats by adding on. The strength and structures put in place are for those specifications. When UT built their new end zone, the whole thing had to be rebuilt structurally, which we would have to do as well if we want to expand past 50k.
  6. If the WAC survives and we don't join, a few years from now we will be looking back wishing we had taken a shot. Just the same as if we had joined in 04, now we realized we could have been playing Boise St., Hawaii when it was ranked, and now a ranked Nevada. Even now the remaining teams have name recognition. Hawaii, Idaho, Utah State, LA tech, and some what NM State. People know about those schools. You ask about FIU, ULM, etc. and you will get a blank stare. This year has shown this conference is not improving. Ask our friend RabidRunner why their fans want to join the WAC and not the Sunbelt. They wan't to go to a conference that has a history of building up its teams. No one knew who Boise st. was when they first came to FBS, so who knows what new schools will have the chance to be the new Boise.
  7. Not a bad trade off considering a coach like him would generate many more millions of reasons to hire him.
  8. That sounds very probable. Colorado is a great place to live as well. Do you guys think we should at least contact him if Dodge is fired just to see what he says?
  9. Which teams have we built rivalries with? As a student no one knew or gave a thought to any of the schools in the Sunbelt. I can't remember anyone every saying, "I can't wait to play (any sunbelt team) this week." I really can't. I think it would be hard to argue that playing in-state schools wouldn't get the student's interest more. If we would have joined the WAC in 2004 who knows what could have been. Do we want to be saying that again in the future? @VideoEagle thats a good point. I like TxSt, ok with UTSA, but Lamar and Sam Houston are not what I would like. The question is what is the WAC trying to do? Are they baiting to see what other tentative teams might bite?
  10. Thank you! I was hoping to keep that a secret...
  11. Thank you as well for the welcome! haha, I just really use this board to get the most recent information. This topic though is something I feel strongly about and wanted to give a response and different view. I agree with you, also if UNT leaves the Belt, especially with our record what does that say about that conference? It will be a real knock on its national perception. People say the Sunbelt is more stable, the reason is no one wants the teams from there, and the reason the WAC seems unstable is conferences cherry pick their top teams. I just don't see how we couldn't at least go out on a limb and give it a shot. New stadium, new athletic fee, new conference and if we can run the table there history shows good things will come. If worse comes to worse we can return to the Belt and say we tried for that golden opportunity.
  12. Longtime reader and first time poster here I say UNT goes for the WAC. The opportunities it offers to move up to better things is whats most interesting. Lets look at the former members of the WAC and where they are now. Arizona-Pac10 Arizona State-Pac10 BYU-MWC New Mexico-MWC Utah-Pac10 Wyoming-MWC Colorado St.-MWC UTEP-C-USA SDSU-MWC Air Force-MWC Fresno st.-MWC UNLV-MWC TCU-MWC Rice-C-USA SMU-C-USA Tulsa-C-USA Nevada-MWC Boise St.-MWC This conference has a proven track record of moving schools to bigger better conferences. Every time the WAC seems on the verge of collapse they add teams who break through and give results. What has the Sunbelt done for us? We won 4 back to back championships and did that improve our recruiting? Our national perception? If the Sunbelt had been a great place to build up our program we would have seen the results with those 4 straight conference wins. Instead we drop back and are still fighting to get back. What else has the Sunbelt created? Troy? MTSU? No team here is looking like they will be a BCS buster, lets face it the Sunbelt has not produced. an east devision with TxSt LaTech NMSU UNT UTSA (one more) would garner much more interest by the students than any of the schools we play now. No one on campus is interested about the schools we play. We have no rivalries in 10 years. No one cares about FAU or Troy. No offense but the median poster here seems like a middle aged male. I think the younger alums would feel that this is a good move. Sure I can see that there is a potential for risk here, but there is also potential for reward. I would rather give it a shot and see if we can land a big reward instead of sitting pretty where we are and hope something happens. If C-USA doesn't come calling in the summer I say give the invite a serious consideration. The WAC can be a great place to transition to a better place, or we can remain in the Sunbelt which has no track record of its teams moving up.
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