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Green Otaku

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Everything posted by Green Otaku

  1. The MWC has more recognized state flagship schools. They will have good support by being the main state's schools. New Mexico Wyoming Nevada Hawaii Colorado State is the second state school. Same with Utah State if its added. Their fans do seem like a bunch of douchebags though.
  2. I've been trying to get a good look at the new Unis. Any highlights of the game? Did we just keep the same design? They look almost identical to last years?
  3. I heard the radio guys saying there were tons of people tailgating that didn't go in. Is that true?
  4. Great win, lets keep it going. With that lets not jump the gun. We have to keep the good lessons we learned consistent, and not regress next week.
  5. If SMU stays we will most likely be shut out of CUSA and its alliance. Unless the MWC has to have the equal amount of teams and has to go to 12, in which case they might add, Utah St and SJSU. So what was that about SMU not going to BE was better for us?
  6. Its a last ditch effort to keep UCF, ECU, SMU, Houston, AFA, and Boise from going to the BE. Pretty clear.
  7. SMU moving would be the best for us. Leaving a hole in CUSA and it may cause other movement in the MWC. Also we have a series signed with them, nothing like bringing in a BE school to play at Apogee in the future. Besides its not like we have a chance at that spot so why should we care? Of we move up we will do it with our own merits, not by hoping other schools don't get the lucky break. Or do you not have faith we can build the program?
  8. So no one thinks this is a bad idea? Alright everyone just wear green to the games, but don't forget about the green out, thats a special day where everyone must wear green. I like the -1, and how this board works. If I don't agree with your opinion , you deserve negative feedback. Well I'm calling you out, why don't you actually show your face and have a conversation about why my idea is bad? Like I said when I first joined, I hate how this board can never have an depth conversation. All the threads turn into childish jokes. Its easy, if you don't like a topic, or it doesn't interest you, don't reply. I don't mean that in a "stay the hell out" way, I always try to be friendly and don't understand why people go out of their way to post in threads they don't like. :shrugs shoulders:
  9. Good points both, but my point is if your going to make a game night a special event make it something different. Drop the green out and make a campaign so that you tell everyone to wear green to every game. A white out would be a special event to get people excited and show up, with years it would become a great tradition. We have a limited number of home games, lets not waste one with something we are already supposed to do.
  10. If I saw correctly last week's game was a green out? Should't we always wear green in the stands for home games? I would much rather have a white out game, ala Penn State
  11. quote name='NT80' timestamp='1318040599' post='595629'] They were concerned about the color fading, as Smut's has. Also, I heard seatbacks require the rows to be spaced further apart if spaced like Fouts. Now, our new rows seem to already have more legroom so not sure if they could be added later.
  12. My mistake. I don't know why but for some reason I thought it was all seats
  13. I would assume it would be along the lines of this, to try and create an image that represents an idea/identity. Its probably for official, academic, and scholar use only. The athletic department would not be affected, they can make their own logos/rules. http://www.identity.ucla.edu/graphicstandards/UCLAStandardsManual0904.pdf We have our own rules as well. http://www.unt.edu/identityguide/print-paper.htm Our big stone signs won't be effected.
  14. Besides the two already mentioned, the Rose Bowl as well. Good point though, I do like the backs to the bleachers some stadiums have. As well as green bleachers, just makes it look nicer. Anyone with connections to RV able to ask him if that is going to happen in the future?
  15. I really like the seats they have, also they layout of their stands is nice. Once We get rid of the wings and put the seats in we can say we have one of the best stadiums bar none. Does anyone know how much more it would have been to have all seats in Apogee?
  16. I hate it when people use this excuse. If only the hadn't thrown 2 interceptions? If only they hadn't scored so many points? If only we had converted on 4th down? Well guess what??? That IS WHAT HAPPENED! Its stupid to say lets "pretend" that something didn't happen to make yourself feel better. What, are you just going to blissfully ignore it? You have to look right at your mistakes and point them out, that is the only way to improve. Not by pretending they didn't happen. People on this board feel like you can't say we played bad, like there has to be a positive outcome. Like its taboo to say we sucked. We showed we could play better and instead played worse this game. I am fine with team's having more talent and executing well, they did their job. What gets me is when we leave players wide open on every play, and can't wrap up a tackle. Thats on us. Don't sugar coat things and hide our mistakes.
  17. And this is what I have been waiting to see. Not coach speak, not pre-season hype. Everyone gets excited about people talking up the team. Look unflinchingly at the results in front of you. Worst of all I think is our coverage, every time I see a guy wide open for an easy play. Its about basics and the coaches aren't drilling it into the players. We have flashes of improvement but are overshadowed my mediocrity. No more coach talk. Talk is cheap, show me results. The rest of you should learn this lesson as well. Of course I will still support the program and the school, but lets be realists about it.
  18. Which is exactly why we would be kept out. You think these schools want to lose recruits to us? Being in a major recruiting area and being a large state school will keep the Big12 away from us. I don't know if your thinking its in these team's good hearts to help us out, but that isn't the case. They will protect their own interest, unless we add to that interest we will be blocked out. Be a realist.
  19. i was watching the game on ESPN 3 and it seemed the onside barely went forward. The kicker was the only one with a chance to grab it. Did it go far enough?
  20. I see Houston getting in if its a Texas school. They need to replace the coverage they are losing in that area. UH is a poor replacement but they are similar to us in that if they gain AQ they can be a big force (which is also another thing hindering both of us from being AQ, large public schools in the two most recruit fertile areas of the state.) UNT and SMU have about the same low chance of gaining BigXII invite. Our endowment and reputation aren't there yet, and I don't think the BigXII wants a small private school. IMHO the best thing would be for UNT to end up in the MWC. I never understood people's obsession with CUSA. Compare the 2 MWC Air Force- national service academy, always draw well and usually a good team Boise State- Built up the WAC almost single handedly, nationally recognized in football Colorado State- 2nd state school, decent academics Fresno State- known to have some decent athletics from time to time Hawaii- state flagship, known for its BCS buster football New Mexico- State flagship, basketball power San Diego State- has been known as a good athletic program. Ranked last year, basketball power Nevada- state flagship, was ranked last year UNLV- basketball power Wyoming- state flagship, not very good mostly mediocre. CUSA- UAB- decent endownmnent Central Florida- recent football and basketball success. Ranked last year East Carolina- good football and fan support Marshall- was good when in the MAC, very sup-par now Memphis- nationally known basketball, hasn't really been the same after Calipari left though Southern Miss- don't really know much about them Houston- recent success in football, semi name recognition. Rice- good academics, poor athletics SMU- bowl eligible last few years, not much else. UTEP- mediocre team, Tulane- same as rice Tulsa- recent football success feel free to add on. I fully admit that I don't know everything about these schools so if I got something wrong feel free to correct me. The MWC teams aren't going anywhere, CUSA might lose ECU and UCF which would kill its prestige. Add Houston to that and the MWC is a no brainer.
  21. That's because this forum is full of a bunch of OLD GEEZERS, who resist any change. You guys know its true, whats the average age of this forum's posters? Some where in the 40's?
  22. Finally was able to stomach watching the replay today. The last three pointer by Bozeman was not a push, there was no foul. However his screen on Shorter to set up the first 3 pointer was illegal. He was moving and even knocked shorter over. I can't believe it wasn't called
  23. I agree completely. We have a special group here and if they want to give it another go I say lets do this. Barring we somehow get an NIT bid this would be a great opportunity. Anyway someone can contact RV about this?
  24. I always wondered who made our uniforms. Do you notice how everyone has Nike shoes though? I guess we have separate deals for uniform and shoe makers?
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