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Green Otaku

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Everything posted by Green Otaku

  1. Fantastic!!!! I was pushing for ODU for the sunbelt, as well as VCU for non-football. Really we couldn't ask for a better situation. Just look at ODU's facilities, they are the best FCS candidate out there, and have great support. With these adds we could be one of the best conferences with the new format coming in play in 2014. Certainly better than the MWC side.
  2. When we were on the brink of the NCAAs before our championship game brackets were predicted as #2 Marquette vs #15 North Texas, too bad that never happened even if it was an outside chance. One thing I am interested in seeing is a coach come from a school that has a tradition of being one of the best teams in basketball. Not that JJ didn't come from a great LSU team, but to see someone from a team that is a real power in college basketball and how he runs this program.
  3. I guess so. It just seems odd, he had a finality when saying it. Maybe he is thinking about retiring?
  4. What did Rick Villareal mean at 5:20? Talking about making hard choices,"It will be the last one I'll be making in a long while. I can promise you that."
  5. Translation: I'm an old geezer and hate technology. haha just too easy, I had to. Even though I hate twitter as well. I do however wish this board had younger alumni.
  6. No biggie UNTexas, just thought I would point it out lol
  7. Every conference is going to 12, the Big12 will be back there soon. With the ACC and SEC going to 14 its just a matter of time before everyone sees how much they are making and go further. We meed numbers for safety. Look what happened to the WAC for waiting. Instead of adding they waited and now they are no longer attractive to schools like Montana and Montana st., and are probably going to lose LATech, UTSA, TS, and Utah St. CUSA could take as many as 4 teams, do we really want to be scrambling for members with a 6 team league?
  8. Just as a correction, Plaid: Argyle: And those uniforms are horrendous, unless we do something like UNC basketball and have the pattern on the side only
  9. There are 2 ways to move up. 1. You get lucky and a conference needs someone in your footprint, or your market is large enough to get you in. 2. You win and build up the quality of your program, generating interest and national recognition. Currently we are doing #1. If we want to be invited because we are wanted, not because we are needed we need to put a good product on that field and support it. Not just added because they have a spot to fill. People talk about how playing in CUSA will boost attendance, and it may, but after a while that attendance will slip if we have years of going 2-10 or 1-11. The risk is there for a conference to take someone like us as well as the potential to do great, which is why teams that already realize that potential get the invites. We should not depend on the conference to bring in fans, the TEAM should be what brings in fans. Boise St. did it, and if we can have a record like stAte last year we will go places and BCS bowls.
  10. Funny that sounds very much how other conferences view us. DFW is saturated with UT, A&M, Tech, OU, SMU, TCU, the Cowboys, etc. No one cares about UNT, its a commuter school. The best thing to do is win, that takes care of all perception problems, no matter what your conference is.
  11. A poorly funded school will lack in all departments. Better funding means better teachers, better students, better alumni, higher prestige for your school, and ultimately better donations. It all ties in together. Sure endowments aren't a direct reflection of athletics, but are you going to say that the school that has 7.6 million in the bank is better prepared than the school who has 160 million? They have the funds to make a good financial investment in their school, be it facilities, academics, scholarships, etc. Or do you disagree?
  12. Did no one see my previous post? But I guess its hard to face the facts with numbers. Georgia St. was voted in because they have a good chunk of change to draw on, good market, good facilities, good name, etc. The same reason we built our facilities, to move up. Wake up people, THE REASON WHY THE SBC IS AT THE BOTTOM IS THE LACK OF MONEY/RESOURCES THE TEAMS HAVE! Look at those endowments. $389,000?? Seriously? If we can contribute with our funds and build up our program so can they. Only two programs have a higher endowment ,TWO. So how is it that we can be putting this team down already?
  13. The refs definitely called a different second half than a first. They were letting them play and then it seemed to me that every little thing was called in the second, or is it just me? Not saying the refs took it from us, they just changed the style of play. I blame our players not keeping the foot on their necks more than them playing great.
  14. I love how people throw around teams with out a remote chance of getting them to move. Boise St. is Big East bound, if not just staying in MWC/Alliance. Does this guy really think they will say "Sure, we would love to make a new conference with Utah State." Why would BYU, CSU, AF, and UNLV do that? This is USU's desperate plea of "Everyone do what will benefit me, and help me!"
  15. No. The Big12 has the Big14 and 16 copyrighted I believe.
  16. I would love to take the name "The Big South Conference" but thats already taken. What about" The Great South Conference The Gulf 12 Conference The Big Gulf Conference
  17. I wouldn't be surprised if he goes for UTSA and TSSM and leaves out LATech because I'm sure the Texas Schools voted to extend Benson's contract, if they had a vote. I could see him lifting the middle finger to those who voted against him. I don't see any other elaborate plan.
  18. Now that we are with Nike are there any plans to go the their Pro Combat uniforms in football? and Hyper Elite in basketball? Are there any renderings or a timeline to expand Apogee?
  19. I think we really need a new member in the East if we add any of TXST, UTSA, Tech, etc. Someone like Appalachian State, or Old Dominion. I see many people here pushing for UTA as a non-football but what about VCU? I think that would be a better choice.
  20. If he destroys the WAC without us going further west than NMSU I'll be fine with it. Funny how the WAC talked about bouncing back and rebuilding. Even their commissioner ditched them. PS i hate the term "Commish." It sounds like you have limp wrist syndrome.
  21. I would love someone like Old Dominion or VCU as a non-football member. Helps with the teams out west and adds a great team. Eventually ODU could move their football in.
  22. Some of you may be confused because you don't know the context of the picture. Just ask if you don't.
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