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Green Otaku

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Everything posted by Green Otaku

  1. And one of the best offense too right? Yeah our defense sure looked scared vs them and didn't knock their QB on his ass. Pre-season rankings don't mean a thing, thats just what people perceive them to be. There are huge bias in that. I won't win because people just want to be happy about not getting killed. Really though I'm not trying to convince anyone. People can feel how they want to, I will hold the team to my own expectations and my own opinions of what I think we should be accomplishing. I will happily debate with people who think other wise, they are free to disagree.
  2. This isn't my first season. So just because we lost by worse in the past means that its better to lose by less now? Or explain that to me. McCarney isn't happy, he said he expected to hang in there and play toe to toe with LSU and steal a win. So your saying he shouldn't be saying that and just be happy he didn't lose by more? He wants us to expect more from our team. Our defense came up big, 2 missed field goals, one interception headed for the end zone and forced some 3 and outs. They came out to do work even if it was against a very talented LSU. Now look at our offense and see two break out plays for TDs, and one for 36 yards. The rest were abysmal. Yards on drive -2 Punt 3 Punt 8 Punt 0 Punt 8 Punt 36 Punt 2 Int. 80 TD 2 End of Half 19 Punt 3 Punt 66 TD -1 Fumble http://espn.go.com/n...450099&period=0 So we can't even get some consistent drives in double digits? Now tell me how the offense didn't manage to show up like the defense did? I'm not expecting a miracle, but your telling me we can't put together a decent/easy play for some yards?
  3. He doesn't look poised and confidant in the pocket. The O line did well in keeping their defense back, he had time to throw but seemed like he just wanted to get rid of it. Accuracy, as in pin point accuracy isn't there. We went 6 straight 3 and outs followed by an interception. We had two good drives that had passing touchdowns. Our other numbers weren't great. Other than the 36 yards at the start of the 2nd quarter and the 19 at the beginning of the 3rd everything else was single digits. http://espn.go.com/n...ameId=322450099 I'm not blaming him solely, there are too many factors in the offense, play calling, LSU's defense, etc. but I didn't see Thompson sharp on the throws he made. Also the kool-aid comment wasn't targeted to you. I meant that for everyone. I'm a harsh critic and don't like to sugar coat things is all.
  4. ??? I'm just pointing out that McCarney isn't happy. I'm assuming this is an attempt, I stress the attempted part, at a joke?
  5. That their weakness was covering passing is my point. We didn't go out to exploit that and Thompson had two very good passes in the TD runs but IMO wasn't sharp.
  6. Thanks Harry for the article. Looks like Coach Mac looks at things the way I do. I love that he is saying this. Watch the video and see that he isn't patting himself on the back.
  7. Passing was the only thing working. Our two scores came off of passes. Rushing: UNT 76- 316 LSU Passing: UNT 143-192 LSU Thompson wasn't playing great, but rushing was not working. I don't see why we stayed with the run game so much. Only thing I can think of was they didn't want any interceptions.
  8. Lets see at the end of the season who was right? Maybe you remember everyone last year talking about 7-5 and we just had first game jitters losing to FIU 16-41? But that we settled down after the first quarter and we would be alright. For the record I hope I'm wrong. Sorry if I rub people the wrong way but I'm not some kool-aid drinking homer.
  9. I counted one pass that really was no excuse to be dropped. His other passes were either a little short, long, or into good coverage, talking about the dropped ones here. He wasn't getting good positioning on the receivers, IE throwing it just the right amount in front to a receiver to make a play. He looked rushed and quick to decide even as the Oline kept their defense back. Transitive= making predictions on future games. I'm just commenting on what actually happened last night. I'm not making any predictions about the future. Fail.
  10. Great counter point and argument. Care to elaborate?
  11. I agree whole heartedly, and you see what I did. We have this image that they are supermen, and unbeatable. But at times LSU looked normal and our guys hung in there with them. I'm not talking about big plays and destroying them. I'm talking about the team being able to make simple blocks and passes. Thompson looked rough out there most of the time, he doesn't have the skill/confidence to carry this team. Sorry, but he doesn't from what he has shown.
  12. Based on what? That we played a top team better than we usually do? That other teams in the SBC didn't do so well this day? You know what other Belt teams are saying? "Well that was just the first game, we will do better in the Belt." We can only base what we saw off of the team we played today. Like I said, there is no transitive property in sports. Meaning just because A team beats B team and C team, and B team beats C team, does not mean that A team will beat C team. Sorry to be a realist, but show me on the field and I will believe it.
  13. IMO the o-line gave little room and did not create spaces for the RBs to go through. Our running game was stomped. I think it's funny that people bring in other games to reference this one. There are too many variables to make a comparison between games, there is no transitive properties in sports. Every game is unique and its circumstances would play out different with any other team. There is no valid comparison, the only thing we can go off of is the facts in what happened in our game. Not some what if/could have/some other team scenario.
  14. And what? Just because we played worse in the past we are expected to be happy about a lesser loss? That is a small team mentality. The record is still 0-1. A loss is a loss, and the record will read identical. Don't try and make it seem like it is any different.
  15. Thats the main complaint. LSU looked weak on offense sometimes. Our D did well and rattled their quarterback and got their rhythm off. We had chances on 3rd and 3s/2s. Our offense couldn't get it going and we looked bad. I understand the level of talent that LSU had but they showed a weakness to the passing game and we didn't exploit it. Our offense left a lot to be desired, I'm not expecting a win but I am expecting to see a disciplined offense that can block and make a pass/run.
  16. Wow, people are proud of a loss Don't try and spin this as a positive. We lost by 20 points, the game was never in danger of being lost so why are people acting like it was a good loss? There are no moral victories. We should hold ourselves to a higher standard, and ask for a competitive football team. There is plenty of praise to give to the D and their continual stops, they kept this game in reason. Our offense made us look pedestrian. Why is Canales so stubborn and continuously ran the ball? Both of our scores came off of passes, why not pass more? Our offense was stopped almost every time we tried to run. Lets be honest in that Thompson doesn't have the skill to carry this team, our offense needs to be more flexible, and our defense played with lots of heart. I support the program fully, but I'm a realist and I laugh at people saying we are going 7-5 from a "good loss", teams ebb and flow and our next week's performance could be worse or it could be better. I will wait and see what they show ON THE FIELD, instead of making some outlandish claim with no basis.
  17. I hate Kool-aid talk and just ignore it or roll my eyes, but when you point out specifics it gets my attention. Its great to hear that he is working on ball control and fouling with Mitchell, instead of just "going through some drills." It means our staff is focused and that working individually with our guys. Great to hear and I'm glad all those schools where there. Hopefully we got those kids some free tickets.
  18. And why the F&%$ should we care about some poster's opinion? Or anyone else's opinion that isn't a CUSA official or university official? Seriously.
  19. Better than 1995. AlsoI think the flying worm helmets worn during the Fry era are terrible. Seriously, that doesn't even look like an eagle. Some of the old fossils on this site want that helmet back because they associate it with winning. I think Fry had more to do with that than the helmets.
  20. I wouldn't mind doing something like UAB UNT on top and then the eagle or something else on there.
  21. Hahaha! That made me laugh!
  22. That's not the same. UCLA is an acronym. It would be like us using UNT. Which I would be perfectly ok doing. Plus they have a fantastic logo.
  23. I can't say I'm a big fan of non-football schools. There always seems be be a rift there, the worst example being the Big East. Now if VCU wanted to add Football that would be fantastic. I have wanted VCU to balance UALR in the Belt. They would be a solid add, in any case.
  24. lets win first. Conference affiliation alone won't make that happen. Stop with the green kool-aid.
  25. Me too, ODU has everything to become a great program. They are a recognized name and bring up the CUSA brand. I hope they join.
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