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Green Otaku

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Everything posted by Green Otaku

  1. Let's be honest at what our program really is. How many years have we really had that we were good? The couple of years with Fry? Even during the Sunbelt champion years we would get embarrassed when we stepped out of conference. It's as if people are afraid to face what we really are. A mediocre program that has played for a very long time with only a handful of bright spots . Harsh? Maybe, but it is the truth. People are so desperate to cling on to sports success(the Dallas affect I like to call it) that they like to get their hopes sky high with any improvement.
  2. Lol like I said
  3. Marshall hasn't played a marquee game and won. Very weak schedule, without ever really being tested we don't know how they stack up. We will see come bowl season but I think they get beat. They have beat Miami OH (2-8) Rhode Island (0-9) Ohio (4-5) Akron (4-5) ODU (3-6) MT (5-4) FIU (3-6) FAU (3-6) Not exactly a sterling resume.
  4. Not too hard to figure out the answer to the question right? When you are not one of the teams spending 60-100 million a season, you are going to have inconsistent results. Every non P5 team will struggle with this, and even if we do string good seasons together a big team will come for our coach. Basically do they want to make 600k a year at UNT or 2 million at a P5 school. All you have to do is look at the Hayden Fry era, our success on the field was too short to elevate us. The same thing will happen if we go on a successful run today. Texas, or Alabama can have a bad season but they can live off of their reputation and pull in recruits. We don't have that luxury.
  5. You probably don't realize that you just pointed out what one of the problems is. Not that we changed the colors, names, logos, etc. X amount of times, but that you know it. You are a fan that keeps up and has made the effort to learn about the school. How many people that come in the gates put that much effort into knowing those things?
  6. All good points, and no I have never attended one of those events to see how people dress, but I don't doubt you for a second. One of the big problems is what you say, that there are too many variations with the green, etc. And lets be honest to what the other issue is. The alums are old and out of touch. It seems like this trend came about from student sections all wearing the same shirt and now it's common for the whole stadium to be 1 color. (someone correct me if I'm wrong here, just a guess)
  7. Doesn't seem too hard of a fix, just wear a green hoodie over your jacket.
  8. Every game should be a green out. Students do a good job mostly (at least when I was there) and wear a green shirt, the alumni side seemed to have random polos or other shirts. Sometimes I feel like the alumni don't know that you are supposed to make a home game look like this and wear your home color, unless its a special night (white out, black out, gold out, etc.)
  9. I've seen people say this before, and it would never happen. You think the Iowa states and Purdues of the P5 are going to approve of the chance to be moved down and lose all that $$$$? Will never happen. On a side not what's with American's obsession of the Premier league? There are other top Euro leagues, I find it kind of strange that they all gravitate towards it.
  10. Seeing as how Greer came in without knowing the system would make you think the spot was wide open. I suppose we don't know what's going on behind practices but I don't think DMac is the kind of guy that keeps their best players on the bench. This is a good example of my previous post, there is always some lifesaver fans cling to. Does it occur to you the possibility that DW wouldn't be some savior? Everyone was hyped about Greer, then that quickly turned when he played on Saturday. Anything is possible, Greer could turn it around in week 2, DW could be a huge star and take us far, or we could face the harsh reality that all 3 of them are not very good. Lets try and be rational, and not knee-jerk one way or the other. Whatever the outcome I will cheer on our Mean Green.
  11. I said I would remind you right? Just some old fashioned ribbing I find it silly when we as a fan base cling on to something thinking it will be "the one." Quickly forgetting a similar situation. Same thing with people who think success is a straight line to the top once you get going. I have said it on here many times, teams don't just go straight up, sometimes they have down years, sometimes they excel. This isn't targeted towards you, but I feel like our fans want to have a break out Boise St. like season that they cling to anything like a lifesaver, rational or not. I hope you are right 90 and that DW leads us to glory, we definitely need someone to step up.
  12. Cool, then if you don't want any part of it why reply?
  13. No doubt I got the part about him starting wrong but this was last december before Greer was even in the picture. UNT90 said for sure DW was going to be the starter, McNulty was still ahead of him in the pecking order.
  14. Bump.
  15. The problem is you need balance. You can't rely on the defense to carry you, all that you need is a night where the defense is off (like UTSA last year) and you will be in trouble. We need both sides to pull their weight.
  16. If only someone had made a thread asking about that, instead of people taking it as whining ......
  17. You didn't think I'd forget right? UNT90 Green Otaku
  18. I wouldn't mind a bottom part of FBS falling out to be honest for my own selfish reason. More recruits for us, same reason P5 want to keep that distinction from G5. As far as MWC picking up anyone they only school that would seem interested is UTEP and they like to play other Texas schools, so it would be a hard choice. They could wait a few years and schedule OOC opponents when their schedule opens up. I don't see UNT or anyone else moving there unless some kind of block moved together.
  19. Wow these UAB ones look really good. Their uniform looks pretty sharp too.
  20. Made a thread about the other QBs not getting much passing chances last year. Some were concerned others thought it was no big deal. I still stand by it and say it was wasted opportunities. Now we go into this season with question marks.
  21. TCU invested big into their football program but their annual budget is estimated around 52 million. #20 California spent 90 million. I don't think they are close to spending like a top 20 team. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/college/schools/finances/ Much higher than us of course but just saying they aren't close to the top of the spending chart.
  22. This. There is no clear criteria of who is in. It's a "We say who is in" situation.
  23. Is he wrong though? All that hard work and success will be quickly forgotten if we plummet this year. I see it as a challenge, a slap in the face to say, don't think we have made it yet. You grab that opportunity by the throat and earn it on your own.
  24. I don't see how they could make that argument now? I don't see a better reason to be invited than by matching the new stipends etc. If I were CUSA I would ask to be included if all teams can keep up with the P5.
  25. The issue I have with this is there is no way to get in the club. I would be completely behind this if they said, ok here are the rules to be P5: XX millions in budget, attendance, stadium size, athlete subsidies, etc. A clear list of requirements for schools. If UNT/CUSA offer the exact same thing why can't we have equal footing and get in on the big money? It's complete *%$#! that we are automatically pushed out from the start.
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