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Green Otaku

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Everything posted by Green Otaku

  1. Hopefully those guys continue to develop. I think sometimes we have to remember we have some really young players that will hopefully get even better year by year. And not that we have to go transfer heavy, but I see other CUSA teams getting players from Clemson, Georgetown, etc. Let's hope we can land 1 or 2 of those too.
  2. Bell will be the toughest one to replace IMO. Just a freak of an athlete.
  3. Drez has the option of coming back right? We lose Bell, Simmons, Wright, JJ. Am I missing someone?
  4. Let's not ignore the fact that Franklin changed the game with 3 back to back 3s. He got hot at the right time and really pulled it out for them. Even with the limited rotation our players were doing really well.
  5. That and more rest for Perry, he didn't sit a single minute of the game. I think that was a bigger factor than most people think.
  6. So much heart on this team. Never gave up, never backed down. To take a team like Virginia down to the wire with the top level talent they can recruit really shows how our guys are legit. They can do it, we just needed a few breaks to go our way, hopefully that comes with experience. Great season Mean Green, so proud of you.
  7. Refs taking Ousmane out of the game really hurts.
  8. We've let some easy layups and shots slip away. We need to shoot better, but credit to our guys for battling back in to this game.
  9. Feed isn't live yet, hope it pops up when the game starts. http://www.blackbolt.ga/2022/03/b04b0c1f.html?m=1
  10. Game day. Game faces on. I hope Mac got his players back into the right mentality. A win today would be huge for the BB program, GMG!!
  11. Love this team. It's been a pleasure to watch them all year and their no-quit attitude. Go Mean Green!!
  12. I was surprised with Jones driving to the hoop, I don't think I saw him do that all year. I really hope that's a part of his game they are developing and implementing on the court, he looked great.
  13. I was way off 😅
  14. I'd guess attendance was 5.3k by how it looked.
  15. Hopefully the injury had nothing to do with it. Outside of something physical I feel like it's mental. He just wants to contribute so bad that with each miss he is digging himself deeper and deeper in a hole. He just needs to stay loose, if I was on the staff I'd tell him to shoot with no pressure, if he misses no big deal, he'll get another or someone else will make a play. It's a team sport, lean on your teammates.
  16. This team clawed out that win from the literal abyss of defeat. There were some lucky breaks there too. I don't know what Mac has to do to get these guys mentally right. It's clear they are still not all there from missing the NCAA Tourney, but whatever he does he better get to doing it. Our shooting has been poor, and for once our defense has been bad. I don't think we have left so many backdoor cuts open all year.
  17. http://www.blackbolt.ga/2022/03/336836bf.html Feed for those who can't pull it up at home.
  18. You should make a thread with a poll that asks what people would want money spent on: A. A renovated/new basketball facility. B. Starting a baseball program. I would guess the results for baseball would be shockingly low.
  19. I know sneakers are a world most people here don't follow, but I'm almost certain the grey were a promotional tie in for Nike schools for the cool grey Jordan 11. These are an iconic colorway and they released on Dec. 11th., that's when I remember seeing the grey uniforms pop up.
  20. As fiery as Mac is we'd have to pull him off of Howard.
  21. I'll try to throw up a feed around game time for those that aren't able to watch.
  22. I always thought the shade of green looked great on TV. As for why it looks different game to game, every camera company's sensor is different. Different sizes, different dynamic range, different noise levels, etc. Most importantly each sensor renders color differently and every company has its' own color science (how the electronics determine what color is what.) Each camera feed is also pumped into a board where the technical director can also change color/hue/saturation to match all of the cameras on the broadcast.
  23. Agree. Need to bounce back and get mentally focused again. Don't overlook anyone.
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