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Grant.UNT last won the day on August 15 2012

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About Grant.UNT

  • Birthday 10/30/1981

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    Celina/ Light Farms
  • Interests
    Texas Rangers Baseball, Golf, Scuba diving, running, UNT sports.

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  1. Eric Morris is a joke. We should be waking up to the news of his firing. Jerod Mosley needs to fix this or he needs to go with him. I bit the bullet and bought club tickets this year, and I won’t be doing it again. Complete apathy is about to hit this program hard.
  2. I liked it Jordan's place in Plano. Good food and drinks.
  3. Dangit. That's the only game I won't be at. Haven't seen her since your birthday gathering. Make sure to tell April I say hi.
  4. Thanks so much for the feedback. Very much appreciated. Sounds like I’d be good with a 3,500
  5. Hey everyone. Feel free to move this thread wherever it belongs, please. Wife and I bought a travel trailer today and the purchase was primarily for UNT tailgating. Been talking about it for years. I have a few questions as I'm brand new to it. I bought a 26' for travel trailer. It has a 15,000BTU AC unit, tv, stove, fridge, microwave, etc. The standard stuff. I've pulled boats before, but never a travel trailer. I have a 2015 1/2 ton crew cab chevy Z71 with 9,200 lbs towing capacity and sway control. I bought the Equal-i-zer 4-point Sway Control Hitch, and now I need a generator to run the ACs at night. I was told to buy a dual-fuel with no less than 4500 watts. Can I do smaller? Is that starting amps, or running amps? What brand is good? Where to buy from? I just don't won't to buy junk and regret it. I see a lot of people buying 3,500 watts. I like electric with recoil as backup vs recoil only. I don't know what I don't know. Any help would be appreciated. Feel free to respond here or text me directly. Grant Gilbert 214-310-8412 Thanks in advance
  6. Do yoû have any photos of your new NT ring?

  7. I’m definitely not relevant. Y’all are super excited about my little comment. I talked to Wren. I didn’t realize the paper was completely independent of the school. I deleted the comments because I got a little over excited about nothing. UNT still gets my money. Everybody can go back to complaining about uniforms and when we’re going to lose Seth to a P5 school.
  8. This would be the best thing that ever happened to UNT athletics.
  9. Anybody thinking about buying a new ring? I have the older XL ring with the star in the center, and love it. It's white gold, but thinking about ordering a copy in that white lustrium because it stays shiny, and mine looks super old and dull.
  10. pretty sure the most expensive part of that is going to excavate the hillside, sure that up, and pour concrete.
  11. Umm, have you looked in to the cost of building a wall lately. I know of a guy that's having a terrible time trying to get one built.
  12. Wow, I can't believe it went up over $500. Now I feel like I got a good deal. I figured that I've already invested $200 in annual fees, I might as well pony up the $500. Glad I did. I would have felt the exact same way as Old Guy Student, had I not.
  13. My wife and I literally got tickets, made team hotel reservations, rented a car to drive down, bought plane tickets to fly back, got two nights of overnight care for our kids, and I got out of work 2 days before the game. I agree. no excuses. it was a super fun trip!
  14. I went to New Orleans and had an awesome time! I definitely would not have gone to the NM Bowl, and quite sure several others would not have either. I'm glad we went to NO. I would have preferred Shreveport, but that's where I was born. So, glad I got to take my wife to NOLA. Wish we would have had a better result, but what a fun trip.
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