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Everything posted by meanJewGreen

  1. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Source: TCU&#39;s Doug Meacham has pulled his name out of contention at North Texas.</p>&mdash; Pete Thamel (@SIPeteThamel) <a href="https://twitter.com/SIPeteThamel/status/671749480270700544">December 1, 2015</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>Well... Sorry if the code doesnt work- source is Pete Thamel of Sports Illustrated
  2. Global warming?
  3. Ah yes... this is why our university can't get any traction or respect in Texas and nationally (ok great, we have the 13th best music school) because we are arguing over f***in banners. I'm sick of banner talk and wish both pro and anti-RV would consider donating to other causes in the university (especially in athletics) That $1000 each side donated for a banner? Hey, maybe to help with student involvement we could've thrown some sort of giant UNT tailgate and introduce students to some of the great people on here (which could empower them to support after they graduate). Maybe that could've gone to extra money for the scholarship fund for the cheerleaders. Or maybe it could fund a GMG bar tab/food tab at a place that we on the board consider pro-UNT. Look, I despise this athletics department just as much as anyone. I'll always remember Eric Capper saying my freshman year that I was too much of a fan to work in athletics because I painted myself for games when others didnt (I was also 18) which angered me to this day. I think Rick V should go. I think a lot of things. But banners are a waste of money. Sorry if that was a bunch of rambling
  4. So is the official story we just decided to change our name to the Mean Green in the 2000s? I always get this wrong when talking to others.
  5. Are Jordan Case or any former lettermen members of the 17? Are any former players involved at all behind the scenes re: donations, support in the program? (I know people like Zach Orr do but I'm talking older alumni) Wish a few of them would open their mouths and express support/disappointment one way or another with coaches/administration.
  6. 16 team playoff. Winners of 10 conferences plus 6 wildcards. Make it happen CFB
  7. While OU winning might hurt the Big 12, Baylor hurt themselves by continuing to refuse to play anyone decent for their OOC
  8. Saw that a Joel Wright from North Texas was picked in the third round of the NBADL draft this past weekend Joel Wright? I assume they meant TX State Wish some of our guys got drafted in the D-League- other than T-Mitch, think Tristan Thompson was the last one
  9. We should all apply and see if one of us gets lucky for a phone interview. Then when one of us confirms the time, fifty of us walk in. Then we lead RV out a la French Revolution but without a guillotine. Wait, am I in the wrong thread?
  10. Sorry, nutt really interested
  11. Did we have any good (looking) non-revenue coaches???
  12. fssw in Dallas or everywhere?
  13. We aren't Texas or A&M. We had maybe 500 fans show up at the start of the Portland State game... on homecoming. Beyond his hires, many people claim about the unprofessionalism of the athletic department- how they aren't motivated to sell tickets or misplace them, when right now is the time we need to be packing as many fans as possible in the stadium. We look at the MGC- 72,000 new alumni yet few in the MGC. Complacency should not be an option. There should be at least 5,000 members in the MGC but there isn't, and that's on the athletic department. They can't ignore us like they do TexAgs, or Burnt Orange Nation, because if we don't show up, who will?
  14. So then shouldn't there be a group of 100-200 of us descending on Hurley and then the athletic center looking for his resignation?
  15. WKU 65 UNT 20 We dont cover. Again.
  16. Is Coach Taylor from the Dillon Panthers available?
  17. The S***ty Committee
  18. As a recruiter , let me be the first to advocate how important they are for high level searches....
  19. I say we start another thread regarding the responses we get....
  20. I was engaged in a twitter banter with current TX Monthly editor and Mean Green alum Brian Sweany... amid all the Danny Mac news here is an interesting "Why Not North Texas article from 2002"... Why Not North Texas?
  21. I know Rick has a contract that pays him somewhere in the realm of 300k- is that a one-year contract? If Smastrek pulls the trigger on Rick V, he has to do it now- you know the search firm vultures are coming around and Rick is going to pay another 40k for one... Is everyone is agreeance that Rick V should go? Does he have any supporters on here? Yes, he's built a lot of athletics faciilities, and attendance has grown, but that's mainly due to student growth and enrollment.
  22. Do we actually think RV is in danger of losing his job? I mean the BOR seems to like him, and I don't think Smastrek has the balls to do it. Will his donors bail if he's gone. RV will go out on his own terms. There aren't enough hire-ups yelling for his head. Wish we had some former players calling for the AD's head too.
  23. No way. Guy is still sorta young, and has no pressure at all. Cushiest job ever
  24. At this point, a coach who wasn't under Hayden Fry. Sorry, I don't care about what you did under Hayden Fry. Have you won on your own? No? Then don't come here.
  25. I'd be down. Dont know if they have FCS though, so I could do Draftpick on Riverside
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