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Everything posted by meanJewGreen

  1. Whenever I see those of us who went to UNT from 06-10 out at games or cheering, I smile. We made it through a 4 year run of 3, 2, 1, and 2 wins with 21 losses coming by more than 20 points (including that 77-20 loss at Rice) and we're still out there. Consistently good things have to happen soon to us, right?
  2. 1989 was also the year K State beat us for their first win in 31 games...
  3. After we graduated, Jeff used to use the successful stadium vote as an attempted pick up line to woo women of our similar ilk (who came from UT, A&M, Kansas, Arizona, Indiana, NYU, GW, Georgetown, Wash U- STL, etc) when we would go to young professionals events in Dallas. The tactic never really worked, but I always thoroughly enjoyed watching it play out and letting one more person in on the magic going on at UNT.
  4. Hasn’t Seth only beaten like 2 teams with winning records in 5 years?
  5. A few others like Eric Tramiel and Chris Jones have also played in the Israeli league
  6. A summary of all of this: Get your shot If you make a choice, know the repercussions of your choice and who is affected by your choice COVID is serious and not some conspiracy made up by George Soros Be safe and wear a mask if necessary
  7. I mean I see the benefits. Playing a Texas school, some place our alumni can travel (you live in Temple, I better see you there lol). Maybe we tried to shoot our shot with Ok State, Arizona and it wasnt there.
  8. Not only that, I think you've got a lifer of a coach in Dykes too. Like SMU is a program he truly wants to be at and he knows how to sell it and recruit.
  9. Nothing wrong with this. Kudos to DeLong for helping develop her to the point that she's wanted by the top program in the NCAA. If this was happening in football (if Bama was picking up grads from UNT) it means we're doing something right
  10. @Cr1028 was diagnosed with ADD in 1st grade- took ritalin until high school (2 doses a day) i guess it helped? In high school, took concerta (one a day) and some part of college ( took adderall for all nighters) tried it professionally as well- didnt like the feeling- but realized i needed a more structured role . 'Different meds work on different people, exercise helped me a lot as well.
  11. Does anyone know if the semis are actually on ESPN+? I checked last night and it had just about every conference but ours
  12. Not sure if any of you are following on twitter, but the Barstool guys are trying to create an invite only event for those who didn’t get the chance to compete. Think they’re trying for Arizona?
  13. Not to derail the thread, but I've heard more often than not that the absurd cost to pay USSF is a huge reason why we have a lack of qualified coaches in the US
  14. First off I appreciate @Rudy providing his insights as an LEO. Second, while we come from completely divergent angles on this, I think it's pretty great how civil this conversation has generally been.
  15. I’m not labeling an entire group. However, police officers are one of the few public facing professions where they carry weapons. If white supremacists are allowed in units, think about how that might impact their judgment when out on calls? ”defund the police” is a really bad marketing slogan and begets more hate and anger than anything else. There is nothing wrong with looking inward as a profession (and a society) and figuring out how to best reform policing to best help officers and the public they serve, while also demanding accountability.
  16. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/27/white-supremacists-militias-infiltrate-us-police-report https://abcnews.go.com/US/white-supremacists-seek-affiliation-law-enforcement-goals-internal/story?id=76309051 https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/fbi-white-supremacists-in-law-enforcement https://www.cbsnews.com/video/st-louis-sergeant-says-there-are-white-supremacists-on-police-force/ https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/hidden-plain-sight-racism-white-supremacy-and-far-right-militancy-law https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-02-17/lapd-other-police-agencies-struggle-with-where-to-draw-the-line-with-political-extremism-in-their-ranks Sounds like an epidemic to me. I'm not anti-police but I think policing needs some serious reforming. We ask cops to do too much, but perhaps the training needs to be different. Not only that, but if you have white supremacists on the force, do you truly have a police force that will serve the public?
  17. Oh for sure. I'd also like an examination on the connection between ex-military folks who become police, and the rate of domestic violence cases among police as well
  18. Ending qualified immunity. Stopping broken windows policing stopping discriminatory policies like stop and frisk Better training focusing on recognized biases, cultural competency, age apprproriate responses , mental illness, etc For "good" cops to actually hold bad cops accountable rather than close ranks when something like this happens- you serve the public An examination of white supremacism in the police force (more than you think) and rooting that out Mental illness- cops arent adequately trained for these types of instances. working with mental health professionals (or having them ride along) when working in situations where someone is mentally ill Do police need tanks? Once again, you're a public service not a paramilitary force
  19. Finally some accountability. Justice will be served when true reforms happen.
  20. This isn't the right thread to do it on but happy to have one in the DM's or have an open one on another thread if the mods would be ok with not locking it.
  21. As a project for the UNT Austin area alumni, I'm trying to compile a list of Austin-area (up to Waco, down to San Marcos) businesses owned by UNT alumni, and trying to share it around to folks. This is an open document, so if you know of any UNT alumnus who owns a service business, restaurant, tech company, etc let me know - want to be able to support UNT alums in all their endeavors. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18QpX-beHRmSUEM5ePPsa_haNiRr9inwJB563-AaRZIw/edit#gid=1961162333
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