Is Lauren Bowden still hanging around campus? If so, where would be a good spot to track her down?
UNT is also trying to reach Tier 1 status on U.S. News and World Report's college ranking system...any advice on how to improve our rating?
If I wanted to throw an Antebellum themed costume party the night before the game with my guests dressed as their favorite actors from the period, you know, George Washington Dixon, Thomas D. Rice, Daddy Jim Crow...that'd be cool, right? Or has it been done? Maybe wait until next MLK Day?
I am also a life long Tiger fan. "GoMeanGreen" sent us an invitation. I agree with everything pete had to say. Those of you who are traveling to the game should have a nice time given TigerTown's spirited reputation.
As for the "riddles of CBL":
1) "She's married"
2) The answer is an ancient, well preserved, ACC secret: *whispers* you have to occasionally beat Duke in basketball during the regular season, or demoralize them in football every year.
3) Not my cup of tea, but I would suggest asking that local 'genius' who gave Vince Young the "horns down" in Dallas last spring. *LOL*
As for the teabags of Quoner... well it's not suggested, as my name kind of specifies why.