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Everything posted by jimbob

  1. This is correct. The team has lost faith in TD. He's actually never been a players coach at UNT. Too many initial mistakes in hiring his buddies from high school.
  2. Then you'd know it was time to shoot RV.
  3. It'll happen in the next 10 minutes if at all. Meeting with team at 1PM.
  4. The time management knock on Canales in this circumstance is that he should have had a play in Riley's hands before he even went out on the field. They had plenty of time before the clock started moving again.
  5. I would bet there is a plan in place already. RV told TD that he had to win 7 and he's not going to. That may be why Canales was hired or...RV started the HC recruiting a few weeks back when he could tell TD wasn't gonna make it. I'll bet we're a lot further along than you think. And we won't be consulted.
  6. Dodge is just a football coach with the arrogance knocked out of him. The AD needs to reassign him now so we can start to move forward. The clock mismanagement was all on Canales, but it happens to coaches in the heat of the game. Look at Andy Reid. I would ask why we're not going for broke more often; we have nothing to lose. Anyone ever heard of a fake punt?
  7. Oh yeah, we should trust the athletic department to have looked into this because they certainly have no reason to cover up a problem with Under Armour. However, our team has suffered what, 4/5 of this kind of injury to their feet, which almost never happens in football. No, you're right, let's decide that somebody must have looked into it and accuse a fan of bias and greed. Because lord knows it couldn't be the athletic department letting kids get hurt because of money. Do you work for the NT Athletic Dept or Under Armour?
  8. Only Lefty; his philosophy is: start the 5 best, but don't get stuck on those 5 if 1 or more is not getting it done. Everyone has a bad day and everyone gets beat upon occasion, so use all of your options.
  9. Curse my ASS! This is just what happens when you have a bunch of coaches that don't know how to teach and demand precision from their players. They don't know how to motivate and they don't know how to get the best out of good players. Theses characters have succeeded in downgrading the talent they had at the beginning of the season and continuing the process with the talent they have left. I gotta tell ya, Lefty was the only up & coming D-1 coach on this staff.
  10. The Cajuns D-line was barking "HUT" and Fortenberry was flinching with it. The O-line coach told the refs, the players told the ref and Dodge told the refs.
  11. This post describes the symptoms of a poorly run program. What happens now?: Coaching is weak; they blame the players; players start losing faith in coaching; players start playing only for themselves; team dissolves; coaching is changed out after destroying program; new coaching gets a bye on first 2 years; new stadium means very little. Let's get a jump on this process.
  12. I'm good with this sentiment, but would go a step further. Fire Dodge now, give the interim job to Canales and tell him we're still recruiting a head coach and he will be considered. We need to make a change sooner rather than later. The players like Canales and implementing this plan would make a big difference in morale going forward.
  13. You don't sit seniors unless you feel they aren't trying to win or don't care. I'm pretty sure these guys are playing hard and care. Some of today's loss was because we didn't have an offense and with your 3rd string QB in the game it's hard to expect anything else. The D gave up less points today that they have in the other two games and actually looked pretty good at times. The special teams were tremendously better; somebody put some coaching time in with them this past week! Here's what bothers me; We don't try to adjust to adversity. Your right side O line is getting overrun and you don't run the shovel pass, screen or draw and you don't add a tight end to that side to lend a hand? Santiago was having a bad time and Gill was doing well against the same D-end when he switched sides, so move our line around periodically; maybe spell the guard/tackle that's getting his butt kicked. Fortenberry played very well in substitution. One more thing with the offense; run a play that confuses the D when you need some yards. Play action, sweep, tight end slant and draw are all missing from our offense and all work for everybody else. Don't we have situational plays? If we're gonna lose, lets go down swinging, maybe make it fun?
  14. Football players can stand having their pads on and loosening up an hour before a game in the heat. It happens at every southern college game in the USA every week. I can tell you they did not look tired or more ineffective in the 4th quarter and that's where it would show up. I'd say with 420 yards of offense that could've easily been 520, the offense was moving right along and the D kept Rice to 350 yards, so they weren't exactly dismal. Players do get hurt more often when they are loafing or not paying attention, but I haven't seen any of that and this game went down to the wire so it would be very odd if they had lost hope. I think some of these injuries were caused by large, fast men running into each other because they were intent upon winning, not because they were discouraged or tired. That's what I saw.
  15. Canales?
  16. 3 reasons for the loss 1-UNT Special Teams were dismal & Rice Special Teams were very good. 2-Turnovers in first half 3-Wildcat plays run at the wrong time and poorly (DROP THE WILDCAT) Offense and Defense played well enough to beat Rice even with dropped passes, injuries and blown coverages, which happen in every game at every school. Did you notice that the 2nd string Rice QB played better than their 1st string.
  17. Actually both Drake and Tomlinson were out for quite a bit of the game and Feeley played left and right guard for 3/4 of the game. The line looked good most of the time. Three areas that contributed heavily to that loss. 1)Our special teams were dismal and theirs were great 2)TURNOVERS 3)The wildcat offense is not something we do well, so we should stop trying it at critical junctures (with the offense we have I'd drop it altogether). If we had not performed poorly in these three areas we would have had a very good chance of winning that game even with dropped passes and blown coverages. Note: The Rice backup QB had a better game than their starter. All of this is just FOOTBALL. I hope all of our injuries weren't too serious.
  18. Give the job to Canales and be done with it.
  19. Dodge keeps pushing Leppo (Southlake), but Fortenberry is the better choice from a size and skill standpoint.
  20. Santiago had his hands full with that dude. Canales ran a couple of plays to help out; shovel pass where Tune got lit up (probably won't try that again) and the screen right, which worked fairly well. I think Canales should have flipped the TE a couple of times to at least make the DE think he was gonna get blocked or to actually chip him. Canales could have used that hard rush to his advantage and didn't. I don't know if he thought that it wouldn't be a good use of manpower or thought Santiago was holding his own. Santiago will do fine against the rest. I'm a little bothered by the Rice trash talk. I hope our coaches and boys don't think they did a good enough job at Clemson to believe they will roll over Rice. Rice did a nice job against Texas and UNT was somewhat lucky against Clemson. Rice will come to play.
  21. I thought when Riley went in at QB we lost our momentum and then we had to take a time out due to confusion about who should be in. All in all an unsatisfactory use of Riley.
  22. Overall good game to watch; lots of excitement; kept my interest until the end. I was happy that the #2s got in for a series or two just so they could say they played at Death Valley in front of that crowd. It's easy to see why Canales wants Tune to get the ball out quickly; Tune doesn't have especially quick feet. The O-line actually looked OK, but they could have used a little more help from play calling to slow down the Clemson D-line; a couple more screens would've been in order and maybe a tight-end to help Santiago on the right a little more. I thought the D played well with a few notable exceptions. They played worse as they got tired. Small D-backs need to tackle lower especially against some of the bruisers Clemson had running the ball. Not a bad showing! As Tune becomes more precise the offense will flourish. If D-coaches help their squad understand where they went wrong they'll get better too. That's my opinion!
  23. UNT lost how many games by a TD or less last year? The big reasons were that UNT had an unsophisticated offense and a weak defense. DeLoach has made some good progress with the D because of an upgrade in personnel. Canales, on the other hand has installed a real D1 offense with a game plan. Coupled with the already decent personnel on O UNT should score often against those same teams that beat them last year. Additionally, when UNT took the field last year they didn't play football in the first half of many of the games. I believe that Canales is not about to let that happen again. All in all UNT should win 6-8 games this year, possibly more because of the combination of defensive improvement and the addition of Canales. We're about to see how a good D1 OC affects a team that has talent and wants to win. That's my opinion.
  24. Good scrimmage today. Generally speaking, I thought the defense stepped up some. I thought the receivers in the end-zone were better covered than I've seen in the past. QBs threw some good long balls, but I was more impressed with their ability to put the ball where only the receiver could get to it. I know there are some starting receivers out, so it was encouraging that the 2s & 3s did a nice job catching the ball. I watched the O-line pretty closely and I think the starting five are very good with the 2s being just slightly behind. The difference is in the little things; a step, some ball awareness and some line communication, but they could step in almost seamlessly if necessary. To me the best improvement from last year to this year is that we now have a Division I offense with a plan and goals. It has runs, short and long passes, misdirection and accountability. I LIKE IT! I think we're gonna win a lot of games because of the accountability alone.
  25. jimbob

    Guardian Caps

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