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Everything posted by GreenBacker

  1. Better him than Simmons. He doesn’t play enough minutes to worry about his foul trouble.
  2. Big day for Mattress Mack. Maybe he’ll feel generous towards UNT again.
  3. I believe College Station. I listened to the Baylor 365 interview that someone posted and it sounded like he was in College Station.
  4. I still think we need to get some big time transfers to fill out our D line, but this is very promising.
  5. His mom might be our best recruiter/advertiser. My wife follows her on FB and showed me this post. Has 219 THOUSAND likes. Let’s hope we can win while Bryce is here so she can tell the world about it.
  6. Sister on staff here. I’d take him in a heartbeat.
  7. Is there a visitor section? I’m waiting til the last minute to buy tickets, but would like to be close to other UNT fans when buying if possible.
  8. I obviously hope we keep him, but if not, I’m a fan of Coach Hodge moving up. He seems to be the brains behind the defense, players love him, and he has a lot of the Juco ties as well.
  9. Does anyone know where I can find a replay of the coaches shows? They used to be up on KNTU but the most recent thing I can find is from 2018.
  10. I’m ok with the hire. I just hope he’s got connections to a couple of Kansas JUCO D Lineman that can come in for next year.
  11. That is correct. He graduated in the spring (drove up to Dallas often to watch SMU workout while still attending UT) and was immediately eligible with two years to play. There are a few in the same boat that SMU picked up. With kids staying on campus and taking courses in the summer, it is more and more doable to finish their degree quickly, and then walk away with a Master's by the time they have exhausted their eligibility.
  12. He still could be a potential draft pick. Would love to have him back, but I’m sure he would consider declaring if he thinks he’ll get drafted.
  13. I don’t remember seeing Himalayas night, but know he got hurt against ACU and never made it back in that game.
  14. Easier to distract the kids from this at home games. Traveling to SMU and having a bunch of 20 year olds scream this in the ears of my 7 year old reeks of adolescence. Not sure how we can justify this is ever a good look on the University.
  15. We’re in row 15.
  16. We’ve got 7 in 121 as well. This and 122 are their young alumni sections...lots of them selling cheap. Hope it’s mostly green in those sections.
  17. Competing with Cowboys today and students still off campus. Hope it keeps getting better throughout the season.
  18. Fox sports southwest.
  19. I know many are down on coaching after the bowl game, but looking through the last few years classes again tonight, it's pretty impressive how much better we have played as compared to our recruiting rankings. CUSA Rankings per 247: 2018- 8th 2017- 11th 2016- 8th 2015- 6th and most of this class, especially our highest recruits never even contributed. If we can continue recruiting just as well in the future ( I see no reason why won't), I feel very good about what this staff will be able to do with top level talent. Today was certainly a great day for ensuring we will be competitive every year moving forward.
  20. I just added him to my fantasy team and thought I missed something as well. It better come true!
  21. They have a new page this year that has live updates for all games if the other sites are not keeping up. http://meangreenstats.com
  22. This mean he's gone with Seth?
  23. Harrell did. Maybe he’s the interim coach hoping to get the Head Job.
  24. It updates daily. Was 23 last night. 30 still sounds good as well.
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