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Everything posted by tylermeangreen

  1. OMG, the AD screwed up again - only six home games this season! Sarcasm for those of you who might not grasp................
  2. What.........Larry still didn't know how after all of those years of being married?
  3. And such legendary campus exploits (along with a rogue program and rogue players) certainly didn't deter the university from honoring ole Barry's "work" by placing a statue of him on campus! Ah Barry, you were one for the ages........... Just ask Larry Lacewell.
  4. NIU is in the Orange Bowl playing Florida State and that Central Michigan beat WKU and that Ohio U is currently handing ULM's butts to them .........it just seems logical to me that those of you who have so adamently declared the MAC to be the lowest of the FBS conferences (with the Sunbelt Conference being of higher standing) might need to go back and re-think that conclusion. Even if NIU gets blown out against Florida State (and that is "iffy") it seems to me that the MAC deserves a lot of respect for what it has done this year - and before, as well. I have no dog in the hunt - I just think respect should be given where respect is due. GMG
  5. Braggin? Hell, I am just envious!
  6. Brooks also said the competition he faced at Navarro was better than what he saw at North Texas. “The level of competition is nothing but players that didn’t have grades or SAT scores,” Brooks said. “Coming from North Texas that is uprising Division I program to junior college playing against people committed to Arkansas and South Florida, the level of competition is so much greater.” “I developed a whole new sense of awareness and passion for the game,” Brooks said. “The levels of talent got higher and it made me step my level of play up.” http://corsicanadailysun.com/sports/x2056565299/College-Football-Navarro-DT-Brooks-headed-to-Baylor
  7. I am going to say what I have to say and then I will move on. You can then verbally castrate my thoughts as you might choose to do so. I think the board says that I joined in 2010, but I had been reading the GMG.com board for several years prior to that time. It used to be fun to read – I used to access it multiple times a day as a source of recreation. I enjoyed the varied opinions regarding UNT and its athletic programs. For the past month or two that has not been the case. Instead of an enjoyable message board for UNT fans it has turned into little more than a “bitch and moan” board. I find few reasonable CONSTRUCTIVE criticisms now being posted; instead many – sometimes close to most – of the postings are just simply bitch and moan postings for what seems to be the sole purpose of bitchin’ and moanin’. I am as disappointed as many of you in our past football season; our current basketball season. Sometimes I get so frustrated that I just throw up my hands and ask myself why I am providing annual substantial financial contributions to UNT athletics; why I am using my time, effort and the drive from Tyler to try to make a difference in the UNT athletic program and the University as a whole. Sometimes I just tell myself that I will only support the Alumni Association and the scholastic area of the university from which I earned my final degree (currently ranked 8th in the nation by USN&WR, I might proudly add). Rest assured that in the past I have communicated directly with UNT Athletic Department personnel, not only when I feel I have a reason to bitch and moan, but when I want to offer praise as well – and believe me, there is a lot going on in the UNT Athletic Department and the University as a whole for which praise is deserved. It is there where the most severe criticism should be sent, folks. I would never, ever, post some of the severe criticisms that I have had regarding UNT athletics via a public message board. But for those of you that have continually chosen to do so I would ask – what are you hoping to accomplish? It is obvious from reading this board over the past two months that the old saw holds true – negativity breeds negativity – and I believe if you will re-read topics and postings over the past two months you will easily see how this board has evolved into a constant bitch and moan board. I am pretty sure that I have never seen such negative postings – in such great number – in the six years or so that I have been reading the board. There were many negative postings about Todd Dodge during that time but even those did not reach the level of ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT criticism that I am reading now. When I get the urge to post a negative comment or two on this board about the athletic department administration – and I do get them – I remind myself of my favorite George Burns’ quote: “It is too bad that all the people who know how to run the country (READ: UNT Athletic Department) are busy driving taxicabs and cutting hair” For some of you, I have absolutely no doubt that you will continue doing as you have chosen to do in the past – post negatively on this public board about the UNT athletic program every chance you get. But rest assured, this university’s athletic program will overcome your constant public negativity regarding this program – football and otherwise – and reach a level of continuing success. When that does occur I have no hesitation in saying it will occur in spite of your constant public negativity; not because of it.
  8. Seems to me that Plumm must have had too much Jack Daniels when he wrote his post. One thing is for sure - he has to have the thinnest fingers of anyone on this board given the exercise they get from typing his almost endless diatribes. Plumm - have enjoyed most of your postings over the years - but this was not one of them! I wish for you happier tomorrows. GMG
  9. Are you talking about the one who was suspended at Auburn; then went to Ark State and was then suspended for being arrested for drugs and a gun in his car? I believe his name was Mike Dyer. If so, I think not.
  10. Thanks Curve for the clarification. My original premise still seems valid to me - we are losing far fewer seniors, regardless of origin or scholarship, than LaTech.
  11. But come to think of it there were about 15 seniors introduced at the last home game - so obviously some were scholarship players and some were walk-ons. Regardless, 15 is about half of 31, so that should help a little bit vs. LaTech next year........we do need every advantage we can get. GMG
  12. Everything I have read - and according to what McCarney has said - the number is 6. Now is he referring to only the scholarship players - and are there 9 additional non-scholarship seniors - well, obviously you know more about it than I do.
  13. Glad to see that LaTech has 31 seniors this year - and UNT has 6! That should help even the field next year.
  14. Great for the coach's resume - much the same has having four teams in high school going to the playoffs - from the same 5-team district! In Tyler Robert E. Lee went to the high school playoffs 2 - 3 years ago as the 4th team from the district.......with a 2 - 8 record - now that is embarrassing.
  15. Understand what you are wanting to say, but your Wal-Mart/Dollar General comparison, for what it is worth, is incorrect - at least in 2011: Reuters, 8/30/2011 "Sales at (Dollar General) stores open at least 13 months, or same-store sales, rose 5.9 percent, a faster clip than the first quarter's 5.4 percent rise. Average sales per square foot rose to about $205 from $199 a year earlier. Dollar General has grown its market share, and has done so profitably, Dreiling said. Its growth has come at the expense of some other chains. Same-store sales at Wal-Mart Stores Inc's (WMT.N) Walmart, the largest chain by revenue, have fallen for nine straight quarters, though such sales rose in July." So being a "Dollar General" would not be too bad right now!
  16. Good Point - Six sacks given up for the year - considering who we played, especially early in the year, that IS outstanding.
  17. Or at the very least, arrogant and obnoxious!
  18. EXACTLY! I am sitting here wondering what I am missing. We had a whole state full of geographic rivals in 1-AA (along with Louisiana) and we were not happy because we were not 1-A (yeah, I know, FBS and FCS). Then we become 1-A and eventually move to the Sunbelt - a conference full of has-beens and never-weres. And now we are willing to settle for even lesser rivals simply because of geographic proximity? I thought we were trying better ourselves by joining C-USA and play universities with greater stature in sports - especially in football. I thought we were trying to upgrade OUR OWN stature by being in a conference with those of greater stature than us - or at least equal stature. With some of these suggestions all I am seeing is a return to Sunbelt-level stature...........and even worse given the speculation of adding a recently upgraded 1-AA Texas State. UTSA was a hard enough pill to swallow, but TSU adds to the difficulty. If all of this happens as some suggest - man, did we sell ourselves a bill-of-goods. If so, we deserve the inferority that Froggy-fool suggests. I, for one, certainly hope that we have greater things in store for our time in C-USA (or wherever) than God-forsaken Texas State and our former Sunbelt rivals. If not, we sure have wasted a lot of years fretting and agonizing and suffering and pleading for inclusion in C-USA.
  19. Well, seems to me you are now two-for-two based on your many postings I have read during and since the Dodge years - you now feel obligated to rip not only Dodge but also McCarney. You and several others on this board have the same approach and attitude - Emmitt; Mo Green; "Rick" ; there are others - Jeez, it gets old! Believe me, in my book you are starting to lose your credibility/objectivity - no, let me amend that - you HAVE lost your credibility/objectivity - given this posting, along with your past "the sky is falling" postings. Remember the old story about "Chicken Little"? McCarney has had two friggin' years to turn around this team - a team that was LOUSY in the year or two to prior Dodge, much less the futility of the Dodge-years. I don't know whether McCarney will turn it around next year or not. But, might I add, neither do you. Should the AD follow your advice and tell McCarney to "move on" maybe you will then feel motivated to offer your services re: the selection of the next coach at UNT. I really would like to see us get someone of whom you and the rest of this board's naysayers approve and will not be ambushing after two years. Jeez!
  20. Sorry - don't know much about him - I remember he ran track at Whitehouse and for a while played in the shadow of Whitehouse's all-everything receiver, Trey Metoyer (now at OU the last I heard). I thought i remembered Caldwell committing to some college in Kansas but another poster said he was coming to UNT from Kentucky. I will ask around and see if anyone remembers his skill level at Whitehouse.
  21. There will be three of us there!
  22. When the young man responds thinking "poop" and the old man's original posting was suggesting "sex".........there is something wrong in this story!
  23. Cooper, among other things you were a class act while guiding many of us through the unknowns of seat selectiion with the opening of Apogee. I am happy that you are moving up in collegiate athletic administration but I will miss our occasional visits. Best of everything to you and your wife as you move to ASU.
  24. Laramie was in the game almost all of the defensive plays - I did see him leave the game once or twice, though, for very short stints on the sideline. Tough player - I could hear some of his hits up in the club area.
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