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Everything posted by tylermeangreen

  1. Now thats' funny!!!
  2. Good job, Mean Green. For most of us, Mean Green athlete's academics are just as important as Mean Green athletic wins-and-losses!
  3. A really GREAT idea, Brother Kram! It is amazing all of the "new" staff and facilities and, hopefully, success that face us as we enter a new era in Mean Green sports. I am sure that we all have our "bitch's-and-moans" that we have had a difficult time letting go. How great if we can each say "the slate is clean; lets' go forward" beginning with the new academic/athletic year. After 41 years I certainly have a bag-full of B&M's - let the exorcism begin. GMG
  4. Which "Tech"? I can think of several where your supposition would be "iffy"! An "Ag" or two, too.
  5. Provide an explanation of your response, please. I have been around our aw-gust institution for 41 years so believe me, I see improvements all-around since I first arrived on the campus in July, 1970. I went through the Hayden era - was a big fan of the athletic programs as a student and continued to be actively involved for several years as an alumnus before drifting into life's mundane days and years - became involved with the athletic program again in 2006 - what I see today in terms of the quality of the facilities and programs does not even BEGIN to compare to those collegiate step-child days when Hayden was here (not speaking here of wins-and-losses, but of those things to which Hayden addresses). I don't know when you began supporting this program, but I would be interested in an explanation of your "no" response. Thanks.
  6. The north parking lot is the closest - right outside the door.
  7. Harry: It will not on your bithday, but in 16 weeks and 3 days you will get the best Mean Green birthday present you have ever received!!! Happy Birthday.
  8. Picked my seats this morning. The AD's staff did a wonderful job - courteous and answered every question I had. And after sweating bullets for several weeks, got exactly the seats that I wanted. Congratulations to the Athletic Department staff - you have done a great job and it is appreciated. I know the staff is excited to reach this point after so many months of planning. Now this is excitin' stuff for us, too - I just can't wait for the opportunity to check out the final product. I was told that there will likely be an opportunity or two for the club seat holders to try it all out before the season begins - there are plans underway. GMG
  9. .......even the "dearly departed"!!!
  10. It is always a joy to listen to the enthusiasm that is Dan McCarney. Will he be sucessful in turning around the Mean Green football fortunes? I don't know - but I know I would not bet against him. Keep on keepin' on, Coach!
  11. I like both your's and Harry's ideas But......... Whatever we do, it needs to be VERY simple and easy to get started because otherwise, it ain't gonna fly!
  12. Staying overnight in Denton on 10th so will be at Denton caravan stop - and then choosing stadium seats the next morning.
  13. Now that is funny!!!
  14. As I remember, the interview was while the game was still competitive. Obviously I was watching and had not flipped over to the NHL playoff game......which I did (at least on occasion) once the score got to 4 - 1 Angels.
  15. Knox and Radigan were VERY complimentary of Dan McCarney and the job he had done at Iowa State. They both indicated that they thought UNT was headed for bigger and better things with Dan McCarney as the UNT Head Football Coach. Dan McCarney, as always, came across very positive and excited about the opportunity to turn around our Mean Green. Given the number of people who watch Rangers Baseball, we got A LOT of positive publicity from those 2 - 3 minutes of airtime.
  16. I like it, too, but for a different reason. I have told my daughter that if a future son-in-law does not fly right with her or me, instead of sitting in club seating with the rest of us, his butt will be sitting in the highest seat in the tip of the wing! But you know, I really find the seats in the tip of the wing intriguing – maybe I will try it out myself when Mean Green Stadium hosts high school playoff games this coming fall.
  17. I understand what you are saying, Thor, and I can possibly agree if this were the only instance. But my reaction was based on the statements by Vito that have occurred continously since Todd Dodge was fired (what, 6 - 7 months ago?). It is time for Vito to simply drop the negative and/or snide comments about Dodge or his tenure at UNT (and for God's sake, refrain from using the tired old saw "so-in-so got out of Dodge...."). Jeez, grow up Vito - act like the professtional you are supposed to be!
  18. I am in agreement with you there, Eppy - Jeez Louise, enough is enough! I know I have lost a lot of respect for Vito's writing because of this - and I understand the role of a blog, but this even comes through in the articles he writes for the newspaper.
  19. Green P1, don't know you but from reading your postings over a period of time I gather you are not having a particularly enjoyable "Mean Green Life". Too bad - in our recent history (by using that terminology I am referring to the last 10 years or so although I personally go back 41 years with this university) we have come a long way, baby!
  20. I am impressed with the way he expresses himself. I hope for great things at UNT for both quarterbacks.
  21. Sorry - shaped like Michelin man - not wearing a t-shirt (talk about nerdy!), but would wear a name badge. Somehow I missed the all-encompassing fashion-statement indicating that name badges are "nerdy"!
  22. Thought I read that DD was hired by Fran - would not swear to it, but i think i remember that.........
  23. It is time to let it go..........
  24. As my ole buddy Archie Bunker would say: "That is a load of crap-ola!"
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