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Everything posted by westdorm528

  1. Might need some help here from some old timers...this story has became folklore...it happened many years ago...this is what I remember....How can we play Arkansas without what happened 50 years ago... It is Sept 1969....I am a freshman at North Texas St Univ...Mean Joe Green just graduated and was the 3rd or 4th pick of the Pittsburgh Steelers.. I need some electives to take and enroll in" Coaching Football" taught by Coach Rod Rust"...Coach Rust shows up on the 1st day...[think he showed up on the last day of classes} Coach Fred McCain off coordinator will be our instructor.....talks about the 1968 Mean Green team...No 1 in the nation in passing with NCAA record breaker Steve Ramsey...No 1 wr in the country Ron Shanklin{ also a Pitt Steeler the following year}..Ramsey set to break 7 NCAA passing records,etc,etc...On the 1st day of class both Rust and McCain set up the 16 mm film...He tells us he wants us to see how North Texas got robbed in Little Rock vs Arkansas last year. He sets the 16 mmm black and white film...we watch North Texas and Mean Joe shut their offense down..then I think in the early 4th qrt Ramsey throws a touchdown pass to Shanklin with Ark leading 17-15...it was a low pass but Shanklin catches it..the ref right on the ball calls for a TD...NT up 22-17....but hold it...another ref behind the play is waving it off saying Shanklin trapped it..incomplete pass...can't remember if the refs confer but no touchdown...now Coach Rust runs that play again to the class...and again..Shanklin made a clean catch..it was low but the ball never touched the ground.. Hogs end up 6th in the country,10-1 and win the Southwest conf title..North texas got robbed...think we ended up 8-3 or something like that...but we really did win in Little Rock that day..Coach McCain said with that southern drawl "you can never trust anyone from Arkansas or Oklahoma" he would become my all time favorite teacher and over the years McCain became Ath Dir...he is the coach who told stories that you just loved... my roommate from NY and I loved hearing story after story...we told coach we were NY Giant fans...he coached Spider Lockhart of the Giants..he would tell us Carl thought "he could cover Jesus Christ on a down and out..."... then he told us how Carl outscored the No 1 wr in the nation in Howard Twilly...from Tulsa....I didn't get many A's in my 4 yrs at North Texas but he gave me and Danny one....Coach passed away about 10-15 years ago....but think he might be on the sidelines Saturday in Arkansas in spirt...I'm sure no one on the NT coaches staff knows this story...wish someone would tell them...on a sad note Steve Ramsey who played for the Broncos and Giants died awhile back and Ronnie Shankin who played in a few Superbowls for Pittsbugh also passed away....but I got to see Ramsey break all 7 of the passing records...they were for a few years the NCAA record holders in combined TD passes...Go Mean Green....think we could be in trouble this week...hopefully not...
  2. got5onit no problem..will be up in Denton in Jan or feb to catch a hoops game...
  3. texas strong..staying at the same hotel Wyndam Gardens on Barrone
  4. thank you Mattsmake
  5. Frontier airlines...its a no frills flight.. i do have to leave after 10 pm thursday and return 7 am on sunday..my wife made the arrangements...didn't want to leave on thursday but that was part of the deal...if I left on friday it was almost double or more...I went to orlando 3 weeks ago from Austin..one stop..New Orleans it was 55 minutes...I told my wife I never realized how close we are in austin...I just retired from NY and am living in Austin for the winter...graduated from NTSU in 1974....been a basketball, coach,teacher,athletic dir and high school principal in NY for the past 39 years...good luck on the flight//let me know if I can help you
  6. I am going by myself to the game...got a round trip ticket for $77 from Austin to new Orleans...arriving thur leaving sunday...got a great room downtown thru a good friend here in austin...for free...where do I buy my ticket to the game...just go to the gate ???? or get it from NT...appreciate any help.... Got5tonite..this is box and one..would love to meet you....
  7. No disrespect to anyone but the camera angle isn't the greatest but I watched it in slow motion....at the 5 yd line is where Goree put his hands up and gives him a shove...watch the Army DB only..you can see even from that angle he gets moved...at the 3 Goree catches it.....but again we had the best angle because it was coming right at us...we are looking at the play from behind...not the side...you can perfectly see goree put his hands around the back shoulder near the numbers and have contact with a shove....of course we can't tell how strong was the shove but by the way the army DB moved it looked significant...Meanrob the Army video board isn't the clearest board... I didn't even look up to see that replay.....not sure where you were sitting...but if you were over by the corner on the right side of the end zone....a little to the right of where the cheerleaders were on the field you would have the perfect angle...anyway I believe what I saw....my buddy is the PA announcer at the game..another one of my friends is the time keeper.... I'll ask them this week....but knowing them of course they will say he pushed off...
  8. golfgomez has the replay..watch it....you can see goree push off...although the angle you see isn't what we had you see the shove..not sure how to put the replay here but go to his thread..
  9. Guys,I understand what your saying....and would love to agree with all of you...but I saw it clearly and we had the best possible angle...I saw the NT WR put his hands out and push the Army DB { the hands were put above the numbers}...the Army DB was shoved a little and maybe was moved a foot or two...then Goree made the catch.....it was like coming through my living room.....I can't say what you guys saw on TV and what angles they had....but if a camera was in front of us it would of caught it perfectly. Our angle is from the end zone and the play is right in front of us....nobody at Michie had a better angle then us....I'll be the 1st to say I was wrong if the replay is found....but we saw the Army DB position shift when Goree put his hands on him.....Goree might of made the catch..I'm not disagreeing with that..but there was contact and Goree initiated it...now running down the field they could of been jostling with each other...we were watching the ball... but a few seconds later we are looking to see where it is going....hopefully someone has this on tape....maybe someone who was sitting with us can confirm what we saw....the skinny kid and his buddy with a beard wearing North Texas shirts....the lady and her husband... from Dallas....and a few others...not sure if they come to this site....if you do would appreciate your opinion.....we all agreed it was pass interference...the nice thing about this disagreement is that we won and might get to a bowl game..... Go Mean Green
  10. Thanks for the nice comments....UNT 90 Grad....it was offensive pass interference...100%....he put both hands on the Army defender and pushed his shoulder pads away.....he got about 2 feet of separation and made the catch....you get a copy of that and post it here....we had the perfect angle from where we were sitting....and about 10-20 NT fans sitting next to us saw the exact same thing.....I'm sure they were other plays where wr's and db's are pushing vs each other running down the field....but on that play....it was offensive pass interference...we were sitting in the right corner on the south end zone....the Army DB looked at the ref and kinda looked surprised nothing was called...and so was all the NT fans sitting next to us....get a copy of that play and post it here....did the TV camera zero in on the play or was it from a distance....because if they did zero on you would see it.....now if it was just me that saw it just maybe I saw it wrong.....but we all saw it clearly....don't think it had any effect on the game...NT would of won anyway by their 2nd half play....
  11. A night game...didn't know that....now I have a little more leverage.... I live in south austin too....only about 10 minutes from Interstate 35... I'm only 20 minutes from San Marcus....how long would it take to the Alamodome from Austin....around 90 minutes right?....maybe do the "River" in the afternoon and go to the game....get to bond with my wife and watch the Mean Green....kill two birds with one stone...thanks guys for the suggestion.... lets she if she bites....
  12. What a game....weather was a factor with winds getting up to 30 mph..little rain but cold in the low 40's...the weather forecast said it would get up into the 50's but that didn't happen.....Army had 7 turnover,4 interceptions and 3 lost fumbles... Bradshaw the Army qb cannot pass...so I couldn't figure out why Carter wasn't playing..he is Army's passer....but this morning found out he was hurt last week and at practice he couldn't throw the ball...think Army kept that quiet....don't think that was really a major factor though....North Texas defense was outstanding....their lateral movement stopped all the Army gaps... there were very few seams for Army to bust through...once there is no opening Army's backs don't have the "stutter step" or "windshield wiper " move to run...And NT's def line ,linebackers and backs came up for support....they read all the reads so maybe having the week off helped more then I thought....think Littrell could be the real deal....McClain forget...all over the field. he was outstanding.....NT's offense had -2 yds rushing in the 1st half....then Littrell spread everyone out in the 2nd half....it opened it up for Wilson...It was the 1st time I've seen him..."he is nice".....NT was quicker and more athletic and it showed today...but Army beats teams like that...but not yesterday....Army got spanked....North Texas was an 18 point underdog..And I agreed with that....and in the 1st half North Texas two td's that were somewhat lucky and questionable... the 1st TD pass the NT wr shoved the Army defender away before he caught the td...it was offensive pass interference.. blatant...not sure what the TV announcers said but we were 20 feet from the endzone...we all waited for the flag and there was none...we all smiled and realized we might have stole a play...then a few minutes later Bradshaw throws a high pass to Poe who is 6'5....he goes up and tips it in the air... Jenkins intercepts and goes in for an easy TD.....half time score North Texas14-10.... ..so we know we were fortunate to have 14 pts on the board but our defense kept us in the game in the 1st half.....2nd half was awesome....defense played just as intense and the offense got rolling.... Want to thank all the people I met yesterday....its nice you guys travel so far to support the Mean Green.....We New Yorker's sometimes get a bad reputation about being from up here...its not true and anyone from North Texas that came up here to NYC and the Point will tell you that... My freshman year at North Texas I was walking in front of the Quads going to class and found a wallet on the sidewalk....I picked it up and there was about $30 in it...his license was in there....no credit cards because they weren't invented yet..lol....that tells you how old I am..this was 1969....anyway being in West Dorm me and my roommate were getting killed with our Yankee accents,etc...for the 1st time we heard them say how we Yankees were...making fun of us...it was mostly joking and stuff but they did it a lot....us bragging about the NY Giants I'm sure didn't help...vs the Cowboy fans...anyway I took the wallet to the Union building and Post Office and sent it to his address in Dallas... I wrote a note on it..... ' A Yankee freshman from NY found this near the quads....there was $30 in it....so the next time you say something bad about someone from NY don't forget this....I was being a little sarcastic and having fun.....I put my name and put West Dorm Room 528.... About a week later I walk into my room and their is an envelope under the door...it has my name on it... I open the letter and it says...." Yankee,thank you so much for sending me my wallet back with the money...all I really was praying for was my license...although I have never said anything bad about someone from NY I will always remember this kind gesture.... please buy yourself something with this....included in the letter was a $50 bill.....good luck at North Texas and the future.......so I kept that letter ....when I became a HS principle here in NY I found that letter and had it lamented...and used it at almost every assembly that I spoke at...... Well yesterday was proud of my North Texas.....I am leaving for Austin Friday where my wife is now....I am a snowbird....at the game someone asked me if I was going to the UTSA game Saturday....am thinking about it...but I arrive late friday night.....haven't seen my wife in 2 months....trying to figure out what to say on the way home from the airport ....."hon,North Texas is playing in San Antonio tomorrow,think its an afternoon game...would you mind if I went for the day"..... not sure if I can ask that.. I talk a big game but she is a native Texan and still rules....
  13. Army -18 over North Texas ***** So much info on this game....NT is 3-3 playing its best football in years..coming off big win vs Marshall...New coach theme is " T it up and let it fly".. plays spread offense...good running back in Wilson...defense has some problems....but Army is a new team..stumbled vs buffalo but they lead the nation in rushing and are No 2 in defense...defensive stats you have to take differently because they hold the ball so much in their wishbone offense...Army is not the 2nd best defense in the country...but have played solid...They get their there 6'5 Wr back Poe...Johnson the fullback has been a monster..Bradshaw the qb is the 2nd leading rusher and doesn't fumble like last yr...Carter the other qb is dangerous because he can throw...its a nice 2 way attack..... The weather is a big factor today...its in the low 50's with rain all day....with winds 20-30 with possible 40mph....that plays into Army's offense over North texas..NT had the week off to prepare but that is overrated...Temple who looked good last night had the whole summer to prepare for army and couldn't figure out how to stop them...I think North Texas has a better offense then the past and could score a few td's but the NT defense is not disciplined enough...Army controls the ball and clock.. NT could get 8 or 9 possessions the whole game..... I am going to the game and will be cheering on my Mean Green and hoping I'm totally wrong... Go Mean Green...my heart says North Texas but I think Army wins by 3 or more Td's.. Weather this morning....high 40's will go up to low 50's... its a cold damp Fall day here in NY...rain is now 90% with winds that could be 20-30 mph...by halftime possible 40mph....terrible weather conditions since all week its been in the high 70's and sunny....no umbrella's allowed in the stadium...not sure which way the wind is blowing but if its blowing south we are in the south end zone...bring a dry cloth or paper towel to wipe your seat so its not wet....bring a few black plastic garbage leaf bags to put over you if you don't have a raincoat... and I hope I'm 100% wrong and North Texas kicks Army butt... Go Mean Green...it takes me 25 minutes to get to the Point w/o traffic...
  14. unt..nice story... my guidance councilor at my school had her sister in one of the Towers...she was in school when the news came on. she worked up on the 70th floor so we knew during the day it was going to be bad news..so sad... her body was never identified until almost a year later. The one thing I remember more then anything was the train station near where I lived...many people here in Orange County commute to NYC....you drive by the train parking lot and see 200-300 cars in the morning...and then at night there are just a few....well one car remained there all night....he was missing...but his family left the car there all week praying and hoping he might come home... ...so people were stopping by putting flowers on the car...at one point you couldn't tell what kind of car it was because of the amount of flowers.....the car would be sitting all by itself at night...for months they refused to pick up the car until he was identified....there was a snowfall and you could see the outline of the car in the empty parking lot...it was so powerful...then one day it was gone.....it was a great reminder to us.....glad you enjoyed it..its such a powerful experience and unless you see it its hard to explain....I'm sitting in section 3 row W seat 12....if your near there tomorrow drop by..... enjoy your day,hopefully it doesn't rain to hard...Go Mean Green...
  15. Thank you...they play at the alamodome..wow...didn't know that...
  16. I'm flying in to Austin next Friday Night....they play UTSA on Saturday...how far is that from Austin and where do they play in San Antonio...is that game televised in Austin????
  17. There was so much controversy building the 9/11 Museum...still people are upset....so many factions of people sued,protested,etc....its hard when some of those people are families of the victims....but I think NYC got is right...the base of the towers with the water falls is awesome....with all the names all over the sides...so powerful....and the museum is incredible....I really think they did a great job because the end result is just breathtaking....you guys that just visited it I'm sure agree...you get this feeling inside of you....you almost want to be quiet or low key....so powerful....
  18. I put out some suggestions in one of my posts...enjoy the campus....make sure you go to the cadet chapel....visitors center,cemetery and Pershing museum....its forecast to rain a little today and tomorrow. Weather is pretty mild for a late Oct day...make sure you go to the parade at 9.00am after the parade you have a few hours before the game...go to the Thayer Hotel for breakfast or get a cup of coffee and hang out there for awhile...the Thayer is beautiful..just go sit in the lobby near a window and look out at the Hudson...about a block north is the officers club...pop in there if you can...we had our senior prom there...beautiful view....and don't forget Michie doesn't allow embrella's inside the stadium....let me know if there is any other info you need...have a great day....and hopefully the Mean Green play well...tomorrow there are possible 20-30 mph winds...that is bad for North Texas....since Army runs the ball 90% it doesn't effect them that much...good luck..
  19. Some gameday last minute info.. Dpending on what time you get there...go to the parade if possible...its starts at 9.00 am..maybe lasts 30 to 40 minutes..its parents weekend so it should be pretty crowded.....soldier field is where the tailgate tents are set up...the Thayer Hotel is pretty close to that..go see that if you have time...outside the main gate { Thayer} is the Pershing Museum...that is pretty cool...the bookstore is right in front of that...they have a visitors center right there...get to see a regular cadet room and a quick movie...you can get a map of the Point there....Trophy Point is right near where the parade is held....Taylor Hall is pretty nice...you can see the Gothic architecture style...not sure if they allow anyone in Washington Hall mess hall....its unreal that has 5 or 6 wings of halls of tables....think about 4,000 can be seated to eat....there is the chapel that is beautiful......think you have to walk up the hill to see it.....the Cemetery has a visiting office to get info...you can do a walking tour...there are so many other things you can do.... just make sure your in the stadium by 11.30......when the cadet corp come marching { running} in they don't allow you cross over them so you get stuck outside.....you don't want that......watch for the sky divers to deliver the ball to the 50 yds line.....listen for one of the best fight songs around....you can be a visitor and still get goose bumps " On Brave Old Army Team"....Army has about 3 or 4 fight songs......you are probably in zone 2,3 or 4 in the end zone.....its a great view especially when Army kick offs to start the game....North Texas runs it back for a touchdown and we are up 7-0......have a great time...enjoy the foliage..... weather here has been in the 80's....unreal......not sure about Saturday so wear a sweatshirt..it could get a little cold... to catch the the buses to Michie from Soldier field you will see them to your right...across the post office....they do a pretty good job moving people......its a nice walk if you can.....its uphill but not bad.......when the game is over the walk down..it feels nice..
  20. UNT Lifer...that is a good question...but the problem is North Texas is only going get about 8 or 9 offensive possessions if we can't stop their offense....Army has a pretty good DL,outstanding linebackers but DB's can be beaten...Db's are good in run support but just avg in pass routes.... Army historically doesn't have a lot of quickness in those positions.... Does NT get separation from its wr's.... I think NT could score at least 2 or 3 td's....the million dollar question is will Army have 44 plus points.....it comes down to how disciplined is the North Texas defense...you guys have seen them play.. I only got to see NT play 2 times..what happens when you play the Navies,the Air Forces and Army the wishbone just wears you down... when you are on defense you stack the middle ... Center,Right Guard and LG....so they fake the dive to the fullback and counter that..go off the tackle,option out to the wing,etc....their option attack is all done with reads...Army has no great halfbacks...they all graduated....they have decent backs but their fullback is a monster...their best player Kemper was kicked off the team before the year started..honor code violation .... used his cell phone to cheat on a June test...when Kemper was kicked off many of us thought..well another year of losing football....Monken the coach threw his ass off...because Kemper would still be playing.. Monken is loved by the corp because he is a no nonsense coach....
  21. If you go to my post "Army game" I put out some more information about gameday...I live here and worked at the Point....I will post some more things about Saturday..... the fall foliage is going to be spectacular....think it will be almost 90%....visiting teams sit in section 2,3 and 4. in the end zone...get there early to watch the parade if you can at 9.00am . It is only 30 to 40 minutes long...I will post some other info in the" Army game" thread....its also Band day,Parents weekend and Hall of Fame day.... Someone said the NT tailgate is at Soldier Field{ softball field} Hope to see you there....if you haven't been to Michie Stadium in the fall you are in for a surprise....it should be on everyone's bucket list....lets just hope our linebackers and db's can stop the Black Knights rushing game....see you in a few days.... Go Mean Green....
  22. Live here near West Point...seen them play all but one game....the Vegas line has now moved to Army -18.....Army lost 2 games...the Buffalo game Army blew.....The Duke game was played in bad weather and Army lost 13-6....they beat a good Temple team but Thomas the Owls best player didn't play....Rice they beat 31-14 and NT beat them in OT....its tough to compare common opponents....Army did beat UTEP and I know their not very good but they did beat them 66-14.....Army is ranked No 1 in the nation in rushing yds at 366 yds...40th in total yds,81st in passing yds,35th in points scored,etc on defense they are ranked No 2 in the nation,No 2 in rushing defense,4th in pts allowed,8th in passing Defense yds...but the defensive numbers aren't really true numbers....the reason the defensive numbers are so low is that the other teams don't have the ball...Army runs the wishbone and owns the time of possession....and that is the key to Saturday's game...can North Texas stop the Cadets offense....they did play a cupcake last week in Lafayette scoring 66 points....he went to his bench early in the 3rd quarter so he didn't run the score up...I think North Texas will be able to put some points on the board....but I really don't think North Texas will be able to stop Army's option....and if Army controls the clock the NT offense won't be out their enough.....The biggest factor is how the NT linebackers and Db's read the defense..Army is using their fullback more then they did last year...Johnson who was hurt in the Lafayette game is a linebacker playing fulll back...Army's plays two quarterbacks...both are good.. Bradshaw is the main starter...has cut down on all those fumbles from last year...he can run and is an avg passer... Carter is more dangerous....because he can pass and run....In last years Navy game Carter came off the bench and almost beat Navy....but when Army throws the ball they are so selected because they can see when the DB's are coming up to support the run....and they have Poe who is 6'5 wr and loves the jump ball pass.... Having the bye helps a little but its so overrated....having a few extra days does help somewhat but if Army executes the way its supposed too having 2 months preparing for it means little....I'm sure its helps with some reads....but Army knows how your preparing to play the wishbone...Army has a good coach in Monken..best coach they had in years....he was at Navy and Ga Tech....he knows what he is doing....I do hope North Texas comes up with a solid defense.....if you can get army to play from behind then they need to pass to catch up...this has been Armys problem the past few years..that is one of the reasons Army has been 2-10,4-8,3-9,2-10 and 3-9 the past 5 years.... hopefully North Texas comes up with a good game plan...also North Texas has to tackle....Army's back get a lot of yds after the 1st hit....I watched the Florida-North Texas game... I thought our defense played outstanding....I will be at the game... I hope I'm wrong and NT comes away with a nice win...
  23. Mean Green Hoops....talked to my buddy this morning at breakfast...go over to where the lines start to go up to the stadium{ in front of Post Office} You will see lines of people waiting to get on the buses...go over to one of the workers that has on an orange vest with a radio....you will see a whole bunch of them...tell him you need a bus for a wheelchair....they then radio a special bus..in about 5 minutes one will arrive... you can walk over from where your tailgating and say ' can I have a bus in 10 minutes,etc....Talk to the bus driver about where to go when the game is over...I'm sure its gets crowded and there is a meeting point.... The Good News....... fall foliage here is almost at 85% peak....not sure if you guys understand that fully...by next Saturday it could be up to 90-95%.....we are a little late because usually by Columbus Day we are peaking here in Orange County....but we have had no rain which I guess causes a delay.....you people going to the game will get to see bright orange,light red,bright yellow,dark red,caramel, brown and green...bring your camera's....the ones coming up the river on the ferry will get a spectacular view....the nice thing about my view is that I'm sitting right in front of a bay window typing this here...think I got the colors right....hope to see a few of you next week... Go Mean Green..
  24. Carl Lockhart played running back, wide receiver,punter,punt returner,safety and corner back for North Texas..when he was drafted by the NY Giants he got his nickname Spider......My roommate and I had Coach McCain for " Coaching Football" in 1970. He knew we were big NY Giant fans...so he would tell us stories about Carl...the all time best was "Carl thought he was so good that he could cover Jesus Christ on a down and out"......the other story was . its 1964 or '65.....Tulsa comes to town with Jerry Rhome the No 1 qb in the country.. Broke 10 passing records...but Howard Twilly was the top WR in the country and had set a few receiving records....some sports writer from Tulsa was writing about the game and how no one could stop Twilly....think Coach said something like Twilly was talking some "smack" about no one stopping him.....then McCain with that Texas accent said " cum the end of the game Carl caught 3 passes and Twilly had two". Not sure if we beat Tulsa or what....that's all Fred said....I still laugh today about that class....he told more stories....another was... he was the offensive coord at the time..." I believe in 3 things in football, pass,pass and pass"... now at the time North Texas was ranked No 1 in the nation in passing. Ramsey threw for 69 or 71 touchdowns,Shanklin and Moore broke records on the other end...Hardman was the No 1 draft choice of the 49'ers,Dunlop the year after...we had 3 1st round draft choices from 68-'71..Mean Joe was 68'.... I had Rod Rust as our teacher but he showed up the 1st day of classes and the last day....but love Fred Also someone mentioned Joe Milton... I was his roommate at Kerr in 1970....really can't say anything....anyone who went to NT in the early 70's knows why....he was from Wolfe City....that I'll always remember..and he was a funny dude....I have over 100 Joe Milton stores but those are private....going to the army game Saturday....lets hope the Black Nights heads are swelled after beating up on a D-1AA school.. Go Mean Green
  25. Mean Green..... Buffalo Soldier Field is the softball field I was talking about....over to the North side you can see the Post Office...in front of the Post office is where all the buses line up..you will see them...you will also see some small school buses for the handicap... On the softball field is where I see many of the visiting teams tailgating...it is called Buffalo Soldier Field.....they have port -a potties out there...but if you want to go to a bathroom there is the bowling alley right there or you can walk over to the Thayer Hotel and they have nice bathrooms...got into the high 30's last night...had to put my defroster on this morning in my car....Army plays Lafayette tomorrow....Laf is 1-5 and just got crushed by Fordham....Fordham has one of the best running backs in the country in Chase Edmonds....he will be a 2nd or 3rd round draft choice in the NFL....he gained 360 yds vs Lafayette last week......think Army rolls big after losing 2 in a row....hopefully they win big so the Cadets will have "big heads" all week...if they win big think they will take North Texas somewhat lightly.....Army has Wake Forest away and Air Force and Notre Dame up next.....they do need the North Texas win to be bowl eligible...... I know North Texas had a bye week so they can prepare for the wishbone.....but can the NT defense stop the rushing attack.....think NT offense can move the ball vs the Army defense....but you can prepare for a month and have no idea how to stop it... Army opened up with a good Temple team.Temple had the whole summer to prepare for their opening game....and Army just ran all over them...... how are the NT's linebackers....? its not their speed or how athletic they are......its reading the offense......almost every team Army plays are bigger,stronger,quicker and more athletic.....and they still run over you.....
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