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Everything posted by Primo

  1. Be prepared for the onslaught of haters in 3... 2...
  2. Alright... alright, I'll be serious about flogging this topic to death... no more retreads! Bring in Wade Philips!
  3. Is Zombie Landry not available? He'd probably be a little stiff at press conferences and I can't imagine him at the Pourhouse, but he'd may work for cheap...
  4. Exactly... That's my father in law's alma mater... been watching this team for a couple of years now out of curiosity and then saw an article on him...
  5. Is that for real... you know like wrestling... It's great to see a d-bag get the smackdown!
  6. My deepest condolences to the family and my prayers for him.
  7. Here's an interesting article on Frank X. Tolbert's story... Texas Monthly How about Jake's in North Dallas???
  8. They bash North Texas... they never mention Super Lucha Libre Sabaados! That station just sucks!
  9. Glad to see folks from the Valley following North Texas... I'm in DFW, but have family in San Juan.
  10. In 3...2... Seriously, I hope no one does... Congrats to the team!
  11. No thanks, but how about The Roadrunners in the Sunbelt. I wouldn't mind hanging out at the Friendly Spot before a game...
  12. How about Zombie Wade Phillips?
  13. you said "doodie"
  14. Calm down... I agree there is nothing dignified in a 5-34 record... But don't you think he would be dignified in his exit? Maybe, maybe not, but we'll find out...
  15. Now, now... there's no need for that... Every negative nancy is gonna get their wish... Mr. Greendozer is mostly likely correct... Dodge will be probably do the dignified thing and resign at some point in the not to distant future...
  16. I'll admit that i got a lump in my throat...
  17. Where's that pendejo "will to win"? This is right up that cabron's alley... I think given the circumstances... probably should weigh heavily into Dodge's future. Of course there is a whole lot of season left. If there is to be an honest debate about this... then the injuries can not be ignored... Is it conditioning, bad luck, Vishnu forsaking us... who knows...
  18. where is that cabron "will to win"... figured he'd be all up in your faces....
  19. 42 38 North Texas
  20. So... Zombie Landry it is... awesome.
  21. It's all TD's fault....
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