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Eastwood Eagle

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Everything posted by Eastwood Eagle

  1. I wonder if these tickets are still GA or if we will be assigned seats.
  2. Here is some useful, semi-useful, known and unknown game day info. https://www.facebook.com/notes/mean-green-sports/north-texas-athletics-game-day-information-and-ticket-pickup/10150292753614324
  3. Just because your the best player does not mean you are the best leader. However, by no means am I saying that Dunbar is not a good leader. I do not know if he is one, the coaching staff must have seen more leadership abilities in Thompson and JJ. I think this role for Orr will propel him to becoming one of our best players, great motivation for a young player.
  4. Apogee plus three. Just kidding, only two.
  5. I actually thought the turnout was great. Especially on such a short notice. I found out the day before..
  6. Great event. Only down side was the mic would not cooperate and it was too short! Great event to pump students up for the new season.
  7. Please. Go. Away.
  8. Derek Thompson can throw a football from 40 yards into a lunch box. Really FIU, a trash can? Not impressed.
  9. https://www.facebook.com/notes/mean-green-sports/frequently-asked-questions-about-the-new-football-season-game-day-and-tailgating/10150289187414324 This was posted a bit ago. It gives some insights what to expect come game-day. Some good information. I especially like the part where it states there will be multiple music stages.
  10. Almost 1,000 students have said attending. Should be a great crowd, no excuses for freshman not to go.
  11. https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=234302639942235 Should be a great time at Apogee. Hopefully this kick-starts freshman to become the most spirited class yet. *Also let it be known, there are some students complaining about having to cross 35/walk to the stadium.
  12. Don't send any to the players. There might be a few NCAA violations involved with that.
  13. They are still played during Ranger's games.
  14. I thought it was a crap on another schools stadium thread. Looks like a nice Sun Belt stadium to me. It will not affect the quality of play by FIU this year.
  15. What is the point of this?
  16. If they have not made a shirt like that they need to jump on it now. And who cares if another school did it.
  17. This board comes up with the absolute worst puns of all time.
  18. Yes please, I will take 12 of those.
  19. I'm a senior (not senior citizen like some on this board) and I plan on dropping my stuff off on Highland Park Drive by that little duck pond and setting up a pit, washers, lawn golf, etc... on the grass. I'm not sure if this is allowed yet but it will be most convenient for me because I live in the Denia area. If this this proves to be a hassle the next game I will probably set up shop at Fouts.
  20. No more celebrating a "close loss"?
  21. Lous if you want a bar, however, it will be packed. If you are trying to check out a good band I suggest Dan's Silverleaf of off Industrial.
  22. No because I did. Stupid but hilarious. When they say tailgating is available at Fouts, they do mean the parking lot? Because that would be fun to set up on the field.
  23. It's turning into an alternative to Fry Street.
  24. Tailgate situation on game day. A lot of confusion about this topic currently.
  25. I love how an actual UNT football thread gets no football comments. Where as A&M-SEC drama and material for uniforms gets 4 pages worth of discussion. Original poster- I believe two-a-days just started so I'm willing to be they will stick around through that.
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