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Everything posted by UNTGuy5

  1. Carlos won the tournament by 1 stroke today at -14. Not that it was ever in doubt because he was the money leader by a mile, but with the 3rd win has guaranteed his membership on the PGA tour next year. Can't wait to see him play with the big boys!
  2. I love it more than a fat kid loves cake!
  3. I went with 7-6. I have no real knowledge of why I did so. I'd love to be surprised and NT ends up with a better record than what I guessed. We'll find out how good Mac actually is this season.
  4. Our video was better. I really wish people would stop using that damn Motion Picture Association of America title card before stuff. It's effing annoying and it makes it look like a C- student put it together.
  5. Cuban? Who else would need 3 phones and 3 clocks!?
  6. That's it. I'm done with this team until Benford is gone. I don't care how many games they win in the next few years, F#*k Benford and his crappy coaching.
  7. My Theory: What if DW is the no.1 in the minds of Mac and Chico, but they don't want to show their hand to UT? They have him fake in injury to miss the Spring Game, and then throughout Fall practice, the coaches continue to say he is 3rd on the depth chart until they finally select him as the starter the day before the UT game. Giving UT little time to prepare, and catching them on their heels. BOOM!
  8. I wouldn't mind making that amount for 4 days of work.
  9. Great round today to keep him around for the weekend! Hopefully he can keep playing well and make a move up the leaderboard.
  10. I think just making the cut this week would be a huge confidence builder for him. But, I think he should win it just for kicks.
  11. I haven't seen this posted anywhere yet. Carlos Ortiz got a sponsors exemption to play in The Memorial this weekend. He tees off at 8:59 ET tomorrow morning. http://www.pgatour.com/tourreport/2014/05/27/ortiz-still-making-name-for-himself.html Go Mean Green!
  12. Is it ok for me to say I'm glad it's over?
  13. I've never been on the fire RV train. I think he has done some really good things for the athletic program. But, if he honestly believes this team will be better next year with Benford as the coach, then I hope he goes down with the ship.
  14. For those people that argue that Benford's increased win total is reason for optimism, or reason to give him another year, I present this argument... Last year, we won 12 games, Benford told us that we won only 12 because our roster was so depleted with injuries. This year, outside of Kelvin Gaines missing a few games while recovering from a foot injury, we were completely healthy. And being completely healthy bought us 3 wins. With a joke of a schedule. Nothing to see here, time to move on.
  15. Ghosts?
  16. Seeing as how Williams was pushing DT for the starting spot at the beginning of last season, I think it's his to lose. If McNulty wasn't good enough then, I don't think he's good enough now. Greer is the wildcard in all of this, since he seems to be the most experienced QB. All depends on how well he can acclimate to the system. 1. Williams 2. Greer 3. McNulty
  17. Look like a couple of solid hires! Welcome to the Mean Green! I wonder where they'll be coaching next year.
  18. It's so hard to care! Eh, I don't care.
  19. Great win for the ladies! I would love to see them surprise some more teams this year. It would give me a reason to pay attention to basketball again. Go Mean Green!
  20. Ouch. This one hurts. I know coach Mac said when you have a winning program, coaches are going to be poached. But damn, when does a well respected coach WANT TO COME to, or stay at a winning program? We need to be paying these guys what they deserve.
  21. Best of luck to coach Walters, but I'm not that upset by this departure. I feel like our corners were the weakest part of the defense last year. (sans Kenny Byers) I think Mac will be able to bring in a coach that will do as good or better with this unit.
  22. After watching the highlight videos of all these players, I can't help but think we have found several diamonds in the rough. I wouldn't be surprised to see some of these guys become immediate impact players. I can't wait for the upcoming season! Go Mean Green!
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