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Everything posted by UNTGuy5

  1. I grew up in Georgia, so UGA is my P5 shcool. However, I got my degree from UNT, and love them above any other. I hate SMU, the entire Big Ten, and Florida.
  2. So, a highlight reel over a really shitty song. Didn't get me too hyped. Also, who the F chose that song!? Terrible!
  3. Just another disappointment from UNT Athletics.
  4. As much as I want the team to succeed, I kinda hate seeing these wins. Benford needs to go. When he pulls out a lucky win over a much better team, it gives RV all kinds of crazy ideas. 5 suits!?
  5. I don't like quitters. Especially ones that had nothing to quit in the first place!
  6. I lived near Atlanta for 13 years, and didn't even know that Ga. State was in Atlanta until the last few years. No one in Georgia cares about anything outside of UGA, and Tech. Ga. State would be a complete waste of time and the TV market doesn't mean a thing for them. (Although, if they do take over Turner Field and make it a football stadium, the damn thing would be pretty dam nice.)
  7. Sounds about right.
  8. Sad day for UAB. Too many inbred jackoffs in Tuscaloosa.
  9. He was there to scout substitution strategies.
  10. Opening tip and it looks like Benford is already trying to sub. Someone stop this man!
  11. Not totally related to the QB situation at UNT, but it struck a chord with me.... Not verbatim, but close enough. Troy Aikman was on the Musers this morning, talking about Mark Sanchez and his time with the Jets. He said that the Jets were using him as a Quarterback to not win a game, but to not lose a game. Largely depending on the running game an defense to win the game. And any coaching staff that uses a quarterback in that manner has no idea what they are doing. (In the NFL) Seems pretty much exactly like what the coaching staff here is doing. I trust coach Mac and the rest of the staff, but I sure as hell wish they would let the QB play to win (Use the most talented QB on the roster), and not play to not lose. All the while losing by 20 anyway.
  12. UTEP - 37 NT - 14 It worked last week.
  13. Rice - 56 NT - 17 "They say rice in North Korean prison is fabulous!"
  14. We're bad. O-Line looks terrible, quarterback looks terrible, defense looks terrible. Jimmerson and Harris are the only bright spots on this team. Play Dajon the rest of the year, get him some experience, and look toward next year.
  15. NT - 28 So Miss - 31 Sad day for the good guys.
  16. UNT 35 UAB 20 You'll see....
  17. "A player from the University of North Texas Mean Green runs with the ball. (credit: AP Photo)" Yup, this is pretty lazy reporting. But, I suppose par for the course.
  18. I hope I'm wrong... Hoosiers 38 Mean Green 31
  19. NT 55 NS 6 Not a thing of beauty, but it doesn't have to be.
  20. Probably an ugly game. But, we win the TOP and TO battles, thus win the game. NT - 17 LT - 10
  21. I'll be at the game, and I'll probably be sitting in the wing since I plan on buying my tickets on game day. So, if they offer free food and drink, it'll be a bonus for me! Even better if I can trade the hot dog and soda for a beer.
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