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UNT Five&Dime

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Everything posted by UNT Five&Dime

  1. TapStats only works during home games. I had some issues with it at the Rice game (slow load/crashes), but I think that can be contributed to AT&Ts atrocious network.
  2. Has the Internet made it into Louisiana yet?
  3. Wish I could see the celebration. Awesome! Go Mean Green!!
  4. While the thought of Dunbar only getting 12 rushes looks bad, we have to look at the context of it. He had a total of 17 touches for the game. The offense ran a much smaller amount of plays (58) compared to the first two games (83 & 72). But in each of the games, the offense has gone through him 30% of the time. 30.1% @ Clemson, 29.1% v. Rice and 29.3% @ Army. Add in that he was struggling to get yards and we were playing from behind, I can understand him only rushing 12 times. In reality though, he got what the offense averages for him. He would of gotten more if we had moved the ball better. Not singling you out Mrs., a lot of people share you sentiment, but the moaning about the OC (or the HC if you ask some) not getting him the ball enough is somewhat misguided.
  5. I'd like to know why MeanGreenBob isn't on this ballot. I'm not voting until he is. Think about it, he already goes to the games. If you ask him, he knows more about coaching than the current regime. Plus, he has proven to be an effective communicator with the players and RV. What more could we ask for?
  6. They clearly weren't saving Thompson. He started the first drive of the second quarter. It seemed Tune had some problem throughout the first quarter. Whether that was game inflicted or not, I don't know. The offense sure was in a funk if you ask me. Dunbar saved that drive. I would believe that Riley came in those early minutes to relieve a "problemed" Tune because Thompson probably wasn't still warmed up. With most of the game left, it makes (a little) sense to throw out Riley to run. If it works, great. If not, you have a bunch of time left. A field goal still makes it a one score game. Thompson started warming with about 5 minutes left in the first and spelled him at the start of the second. Nathan came right back out a couple minutes later. Something was up. Also, Thompson shows two tackles. What's the deal with that? Special Teams or Jamal Wilson out there with #7 on also?
  7. Quiet down! I heard you guys on another thread.
  8. I bought this last Thursday for the iPad. I was disappointed the app only does home games, as the description in the app store does not state that limitation. The stats did finally appear last night for the Clemson game, so there is a bit of a wait. Can't wait until Saturday to see it in action live. I imagine it will be much quicker than espn.com. I haven't loaded it onto the iPhone yet. Hopefuly it looks okay, I'm worried about screen size. Go Mean Green!
  9. 1986 Penn State @ Alabama Went with my father (Penn State ex) from Atlanta. Was 8 at the time. Quite a first game.
  10. Thanks for the montage of horrendous uniforms. I didn't know ugly could be done so many ways.
  11. Southlake Carroll @ Copperas Cove
  12. Left turn? That felt like a pretty hard right to me.
  13. Here are some pictures of the North Texas Skin I received yesterday. I know, I know. They aren't aerial photos of some giant new stadium or business building, but someone might be interested to see the actual product. I am quite happy with skin. Easy to "install", makes gripping the tablet much easier, adds protection without a bulky case and shows off some Mean Green pride. All the real fans have one...
  14. $14.99 Count me as another who got one for their little one.
  15. I saw this a couple weeks ago. Just bought an iPad yesterday (treated myself for earning my UNT MBA Friday) and ordered the skin. I'll let everyone know how awesome it looks after I receive it.
  16. The green looks awesome! Thanks for all the work you put into the site Harry.
  17. meangreensports.com shows last year's being released on 08/13. My guess is sometime next week.
  18. Toured the Pottsville, PA brewery last summer. It's amazing that thing is still standing. The don't brew much there anymore, have another facility in the area that handles most of the brewin'.
  19. Anytime: Budweiser Special Occasion: Stella Artois When I can get it: Yuengling Lager I am actually enjoying my second to last Yuengling now. I hope I can pick some more up on my trip east next month. Go Beer! and Go Mean Green!!
  20. Name: Five & Dime Ht: 5'10" Wt: 180ish Age: 31 40: Haven't ran one in 14 years T Shirt: Large Have played flag football before, been a few years though. Nothing athletic to brag about other than being my high school mascot. Looking forward to coming out and having a good time.
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