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UNT Five&Dime

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Everything posted by UNT Five&Dime

  1. I love that a thread about guns and universities delivers an ad for Kent State:
  2. There's a part of me that thinks you're inflicting your will as a tyrannical moderator to show us how great we have it in the US.
  3. Just to be clear, I found it at Academy online. I haven't been in stores to check and can't verify. The page showed a number to call for local availability. I was like, "Don't you know I'm an NT fan. I'm not making a phone call!"
  4. Found it at Academy
  5. I just get bitter when people don't know their produce. ps Thanks for dropping some knowledge about olive processing on me.
  6. Sorry, but I'm not trusting a restaurant that calls a fruit a vegetable.
  7. Don't be a coffee mug. I haven't mentioned politics or anything that could be conisdered political.
  8. That wasn't a joke. Have you not been paying attention to the news?
  9. Sorry to hear that...I've got a 7 year old who's just starting to become aware of things going on outside of Minecraft and our simple family life. It's one thing when it doesn't impact them directly, I can't imagine how difficult that was.
  10. @TheTastyGreek Thank you for your showing us we can get along! This melts my heart!
  11. The 2 American victims are from Texas. I believe the father was a UNT Alum.
  12. "Football. Littrelly."
  13. I could have made you one with a blank mug and an Avery® Marks-A-Lot.
  14. In Dallas, the primary argument of the NRA and pro-gun advocates was completely debunked.
  15. Was waiting until my organization announced what they were doing before encouraging them to contribute...I had faith that they wouldn't need any guidance. Proud to say they are making a $50,000 donation to ATO and providing other assistances that our industry affords us to give to loved ones. *EDIT* Don't give me the plus ones, I didn't write the check. I'm just fortunate to work for a company that values helping out whoever they can throughout the world.
  16. Quinn Shanbour "has a little magic to him".
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