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About GreenGuy123

  • Birthday 03/23/1988

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  1. Surprised our NET didn't take a bigger hit after losing to High Point.
  2. This is why we don’t/won’t sell out our stadium…
  3. This defensive scheme is trash. Morris can deflect and defer blame all he wants. But it’s on him. He needs to own up to it.
  4. Apparently, the Associated Press thinks we are the “Falcons.” Lazy ass writers (or AI bots) https://www.cbssports.com/college-football/news/anderson-runs-for-183-yards-4-tds-to-lead-memphis-over-north-texas-52-44/
  5. The number of disruptive ads on this site is getting ridiculous. I understand the need to generate revenue, but good god, the mobile experience is terrible.
  6. No to a special teams score is odd. No one thinks someone will kick a field goal?
  7. I probably set the bar low. I don't know what it's like for UNT to go 6-1. I do know what it's like for UNT to have poor attendance.
  8. If I'm Texas St., I don't know that it's worth it. It's not the same MWC, and while some of the brands might be better than in the SBC, not by much. They'll be on more of an island than they are now, travel more, and would be joining a less stable situation. If it's the PAC12, I saw yes. MWC? Not so much.
  9. No way. We may be 4-1, but there are way too many shortcomings waiting for a good team to expose them. I think we're ultimately team that will solidly beat bad teams, but lose or potentially get killed by good teams. I hope that's not the case.
  10. Poor, but not unexpected. The Tech loss hurt. Tulsa isn't going to bring a ton or draw a ton of interest to the casual DFW UNT fan. If we beat FAU and Memphis, I think we'll see a 23k+ crowd for Tulane (maybe more if it's a "bowl eligible" marketing ploy to fill stands). Unless we really S the bed against Tulane, we'll see a good crowd for Army (at minimum 20k). Unless we're having a killer season at that point, we'll see another sub-par attendance for ECU. Realistically, I think we end up averaging 22k-23k, which would be a good improvement from last year. I'd be happier with 24k-25k.
  11. Our strength and conditioning... Now, I'm hurt
  12. No, the script is hideous. But I get it and it looks better on the current version of green. That darker green with the script was bad.
  13. Both schools heavily recruit Texas. Wazzu’s QB is from Little Elm. Their prior QB is from Texas as well
  14. We are the 3rd largest university in Texas. The problem we have is a brand problem. Or, lack there of. If we’re not going to improve our brand by consistently winning, then we need to do everything we can to find other ways to do it. Being associated with the most known brands is the way we should go. That’s probably the PAC. And likely more money. If we haven’t knocked on their door, then I give up.
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