So much frustration and obvious pain being felt by this fanbase. I am also in the camp that a strong heartfelt thanks needs to be sent to RV with the acceptance of a resignation letter. The nepotism of the AD in combination with the failures in selecting coaches has added up to a level of being unforgivable.
To see so many fans feel exactly the way I do (apathetic) is tearing me up. If it is happening to the diehards then the level of apathy among the casual fans has to be through the roof.
I feel that the season ticket sales will show this next year and it will be an undeniable black eye on AD. Hopefully to the point where there is a new regime installed. Smatresk was applauded by all of the coaches at UNLV for hiring an internal person to take over the AD. She is a graduate of the school and a diehard sports fan. Time will tell how she pans out but count me in again on wanting our AD Leadership to be at least partially comprised of persons who are AT LEAST somehow related to this area.