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  1. In fairness... Chandler Rogers gave us hope for once at the QB position. Then he ditched us for a prettier girl... The feeling of betrayal stung worse. It also desensitized this to Morris leaving the next year...got used to the betrayal.
  2. Man I miss Robertson and Nwigwe though
  3. He really busted onto the scene this year. I agree this is a great pickup. That touchdown in the bowl game where he stretched his arms out was phenomenal.
  4. Tax, Agent Fee, post-collegiate medical insurance (sans going to NFL) and no... this guy will be working like most the rest of us lol
  5. Some of you on here insisting....
  6. Interesting that Kevin Wilson would hire him after this:
  7. Until they show any type of above-average skill and leave? The wash and rinse/ reload shit is getting annoying... I barely learned this year's rosters (both FB and BB) and expect that they will all be gone at the EOY.
  8. He had plenty of offers... Since he is from Prosper I believe he is one of those rare instances where he wants to stay close to home
  9. Well guess what? Pennsylvania has a 3% flat income tax on top of the fact that Philadelphia is infinitely more expensive to live in than Denton. But I guess you didn't factor that in. On top of living away from your entire family and the place you call home.
  10. Texas douchebaging Wesleyan. *Edit apparently the f word is redirected to the term douchebag s
  11. I love a guy who knows his history. It was never Kool-Aid.
  12. Friend of mine in South Austin just sent me a picture of who I believe to be Diet Coke boy
  13. Worst Topic Title I have ever seen.
  14. I know the perfect guy...and he is available on the cheap.
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