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Everything posted by SteaminWillieBeamin

  1. Just dog-whistlin. re: 'eliminating *everything* ' I've never once considered minstrel music, traitors or racist imagery as 'everything' That's a odd thing to consider everything.
  2. I mean, those outside people pay for the Army... and the Army fights to uphold the rights and values of those people.... so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I guess their opinion matters on the government matters. Certainly no disrespect intended. But I don't think the soldiers feelings on the name of government institution is what matters at the end of the day. Soldiers should be thinking about their job and not what the name of their base represents. That is good that it didn't affect you.
  3. "The NCAA on Friday expanded its policy banning states with prominent Confederate symbols from hosting its sponsored events, one day after the Southeastern Conference made a similar declaration aimed at the Mississippi state flag." https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/colleges/ncaa-no-championships-in-states-with-confederate-symbol/2020/06/19/36f65bfa-b242-11ea-98b5-279a6479a1e4_story.html?utm_source=reddit.com I am going to be shedding tears for the states that haven't come to their senses over the last 150 years..
  4. It's entirely fair and factual. They were traitors to the country. You are right, during reconstruction it was found to be counter-productive, so the "Lost Cause" narrative was allowed to foster and fester. Fester to allow it to white-wash history and change racist songs into 'folk songs' that children sing. The confederacy lasted five years. I wear t-shirts older than that. Hardly ancestral t-shirts.
  5. I think it boils down to name and intention. VW was used by Germany's army and had very bad image. But "VW" itself wasn't setup as a name to mock, whitewash or ridicule Jews. Hugo Boss made the Nazi uniforms - but "Hugo Boss" isn't named like "Dumb Jew" or something like that. "Aunt Jemima" and "Uncle Ben" were setup for that whole purpose. Mrs. Buttersworth is not as clear cut IMO. But really - this was not that long ago. My grandmother is still alive. I definitely grew up with old mammy syrup bottles in my house as a kid. The 'working on the railroad' song STILL is sung with very racist lyrics in certain portions of this country..
  6. And now Syrup! When will this whitewashing of racism stop!?? Why can't we enjoy our breakfast with a healthy dose of racism? Interesting that the Senate approved a statue for southern "Slave Mammies" in 1923. What a crazy country - that we nearly had a monument to the "faithful slave" and not the ones that struggled to get free. https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2013/05/the-mammy-washington-almost-had/276431/
  7. Jefferson Davis led the Confederacy to become the richest most powerful country on earth... He should rightfully have a statue. /s
  8. 1. Again - you are projecting your slippery slope argument and saying that we will lead to horses wearing people clothes. Did Washington start a war to protect slavery? Was he a traitor to his country? To my knowledge he did not.. So... I assume you are trying to draw a line to people removing confederate statues during protests? Or Christoper Columbus (which in itself is an odd thing to have a statue of - he was not a good person at all and his whole US history is nearly a lie )? I don't see the see slope of those arguments. But if a black community decides rename their elementary school from Washington Elementary to Langston Hughes Elementary - that does not offend me. I couldn't care less. If they think it represents the goals and values of their school - perfect - the should do it. Renaming Washington DC? Sure. I don't care. I don't live there. I don't have skin in that game. But you are using this a slippery slope strawman line of of thinking. Like people arguing against gays marrying because it will lead to people marrying animals. That is just bananas. We can agree as adults that truly offensive characters in history don't deserver to be pillars of history. 2. Is the soul purpose of Mickey set up to mock and ridicule a race? No? Ok. Great. We can agree on that. If I learned that his character was used for that purpose for whole generation of people, but then was white washed into being acceptable for white kids later? I would not accept Mickey. It would not enter my house for my kids. The same way other racist Disney characters have been sidelined and are not sold anymore. I don't find the logic hard. 3. Snowflake. Funny. 4. I am glad you accept the line of reasoning that Texas should change their fight song - since you are not offended by their offense of the minstrel tune.
  9. I am sure you can differentiate between flawed people doing good things and flawed people doing hateful things, yes? A racist can design a couch and sell that couch and anyone can sit on that couch - no big deal, right? That racist can have their personal opinion and be hateful and live their hateful life as long as they aren't breaking laws. Or a racist can design a couch that is only for whites and if a black person wants to sit on that couch they are beaten - that is a big deal, right? There are NO good wholesome minstrel shows. They were and are racist and harmful. They are not good ole fun. It is not a slippery slope. I don't get why you snowflakes are so upset by these athletes trying to not sing along to minstrel music.
  10. https://gen.medium.com/dinah-put-down-your-horn-154b8d8db12a I've been in favor of not teaching minstrel music to my kids... http://newfangleddad.blogspot.com/2014/02/the-dark-history-of-ive-been-working-on.html?m=1 It's long been a topic way before Mr. Floyd's murder.
  11. Nobody demanding change said that violent rap should is held up to the standard and represent the whole school. You and El Paso Green are saying that - then arguing that side - trying to invalidate the initial argument. It is up to the AD and Coaches to limit what is played in their locker room. It's up to the students at UT to try and change what is played at their school events. This isn't rocket science. Trying to get a UT-centric-minstrel song to be removed is not an attack on white culture and your white ego. It is only about their school's history.
  12. I mean, you saw her correction today? Right? Or you just like posting old articles? https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/09/who-scrambles-to-clarify-comments-on-asymptomatic-coronavirus-spread-much-is-still-unknown.html
  13. Cloth masks do NOT protect the wearer. It protects the spread. N95 masks DO protect the wearer AND the spread.
  14. “There is no conversation at Conference USA, nor is there any interest. I don’t know how direct I can be with that,” he said. “If I were in Lafayette’s position, I’d be figuring out a way to move up to a level like Conference USA, and so congratulations on that conversation." This guy is delusional about the quality and perception of CUSA.
  15. There is no herd immunity going on. Your math is a joke. Your understanding of statistics is astounding. Your disbelief in 'experts' is tiring and willingness to spread it is troubling. It's crazy that you can't use google to search for medical journals or studies... instead rely on your awesome gut instinct to spread misinformation. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7191274/ https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.08.982637v1.abstract https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/alr.22577 https://academic.oup.com/jid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/infdis/jiaa189/5820886 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/risa.13500 https://www.nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NEJMc2009324 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2763852 https://science.sciencemag.org/content/368/6490/489 https://erj.ersjournals.com/content/early/2020/04/27/13993003.01260-2020 .. https://medium.com/better-humans/whats-the-evidence-on-face-masks-5f3c27a18cc .. I could post links to studies all day long. It wouldn't matter to you. You don't respect the science, studies, math of the brains behind it all. You think everything is a big ass conspiracy. It's akin to me saying oxygen doesn't help spread fires ... and telling you to prove me wrong You think the heat is slowing the spread and NOT the crazy amount social distancing? That is comical. I guess it isn't warm enough in NV, AZ, CA, MS, AL, GA, AR, NC, SC, TN, KS, WV, CO, UT - yet. If only early summer would play along. You are willfully ignorant. It is scary. You show no signs of ever admitting not being the utmost expert, or ever trusting 'experts' or just being decently nice about stuff that matter to people you disagree with. I wish I would ignore you - but you spread so many untruths - I can't bring myself to do it. Facts are not opinions and your opinions are not facts. But again - what does this have to do with facilities? Nothing.
  16. FFR - what does Covid have to do with football and their facilities? This is absurd. Quit turning every thread into your 'poor Republicans, poor Christians, poor Trump.' Just stop. It is tiring. People that enjoy MGF stop coming to the site if they can't avoid your irritating snowflaking on nearly every thread.
  17. Your math is terrible. My panties fit great. Your sleight of hand is a mean green wonder.
  18. This is just simply not true. Why do you turn everything into some BS argument? No one died - but not true that "not one" got Covid 19. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/mar/30/liberty-university-coronavirus-student-positive-jerry-falwell-jr Also only 10% of their students stayed on campus. So ... of that 150 kids on campus, not attending classes in person, they remained safe. That is not too hard to believe, no? Not to mention a couple employees tested positive. But in a very Trump-ian move, Falwell is threatening to sue reporters that are reporting the cases.
  19. It all started when he was late to a game practice when his baby was born. How dare he.
  20. Why are people saying he is a dual threat QB? It says he is a pro-style.
  21. I am a Miami Shark QB.
  22. Cool - "everything on the table" mean to not let the elderly attend (maybe we can be lucky enough for them to show up and protest with AR-15s!). Age is what you consider the tale tell of people who will die. Age is the 'pre-existing condition.' That's a fine take - you can have that. It isn't accurate though. Another note (not that it seems to matter) - the largest hospital chain here in Dallas is doing serology on all operative patients in advance of surgery. So far the non-symptomatic infection rate is 1.4%! That is a huge number. If you have 500 on the hub club, you may have 7 spreaders on the floor that have no idea they have it at all -- or they are not showing any signs yet. They will potentially spreading to 300+ people on a given game. That's a pretty hot take to not care. It transmits from non-symptomatic carriers - which is why different that a flu or cold.
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