I can understand the mindset. Where I grew up there was a local university, no football, but track baseball and basketball. Both my parents went to school there. It is a fine institution and is now part of the UT system, they didn't offer what I wanted to study and I wanted to get the hell out of town. Had I stayed I would have been stuck there my whole life. There is nothing wrong with staying home, The problem is most of the kids I went to high school with never left home and never did anything with their lives. Most still live with their parents (part of it is a culture issue) and most people never explore the outside world. I have visited other campuses, just recently I was in richmond, Colleges all over the place, beautiful campuses. I think that's part of the appeal. The State of Virginia does it right. UNT Needs a major Beautification project to bolster it's appeal, in my opinion I think its a necessary for pride and a sense of belonging and the city needs to get behind it. I loved my time at UNT hopefully I will go back some day and work on campus.