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Everything posted by GT(N)T

  1. Carabear, I hope you told the shop owner how much you liked seeing the N. O. Bowl signs in their establishments. They need to know that support for UNT translates into goodwill. God bless Texas!
  2. Suggestions: 1) Complain strongly to your department chair. If he/she fails to satisfy you make an appointment to talk to the A&S Dean. These officials don't want upset students. 2) Talk to the undergrad advisor. As several in this thread have pointed out, the enrollment limits on some of your courses may not be set in concrete. 3) Talk to the professor. Some of them may be willing to let you take the course as a 'Topics' course. It will probably mean attending the same class meeting and taking the same exams, but it will allow the prof to get some credit for having an extra student. 4) Be ready to drop-and-add. Opportunities to enroll nearly always arise. 5) Don't be upset. Just be adamant about getting it right. 6) If worse comes to worse, remember that an extra year or two at university can be fun! God bless Texas!
  3. The editors have the right to write editorials, readers have the right to respond by writing 'Letters to the Editor'. If you disagree with what they wrote, write! God bless Texas!
  4. Rudy has a right to an opinion 96, and IF Scotty is the one who has made those posts on the opposing teams BBs then that opinion is shared. God bless (North) Texas & protect her from idiots.
  5. The Houston Chronicle today announced the projected Fall 2002 enrollment at UH to be 34,100. If both UH and UNT continue to grow at their current rates UNT will pass UH next year to be third in enrollment behind UT and A&M. God bless Texas!
  6. Reb, Sounds like the facilities are getting a little closer to what our team deserves. The Liberty field, if its done right, will be a welcome reward for a winning women's soccer program. God bless Texas!
  7. You may not agree with his politics but he speaks the truth as he sees it. http://www.newsdirectory.com/go/?f=&r=tx&u...u=www.chron.com God bless Texas!
  8. I agree about the improvements on campus over the last 20 years or so. A big part of the improvements have involved closing down streets and getting traffic off campus. I would like to see that continued so that all campus streets are killed and made into 'greenways'. Parking should either be in the form of parking garages or distance parking with shuttle buses bringing people from the lot to campus. God bless Texas!
  9. Stan, Enrollment in the Fall term won't increase as much as we saw in the summer. Summer enrollment is very nearly open, with few requirements since a lot of these kids aren't being admitted to degree programs. The numbers I have heard most often suggest a 3-4% increase in the total enrollment in Fall 2002. That will keep UNT in line with 5 and 10 year projections. God bless Texas!
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