I have contacted Dr. Velose' office about the flags. He's out of town till next Monday. I spoke with the receptionist and she said to call him or a woman named Meridith about the flags. I also told her what we were trying to do incase she passed one of them in the hall to let them know I've been trying to get ahold of them for two days now and what it pertained to. I've called Meridiths number and continue getting a machine and am waiting for a call back. We can get the flags made for a whopping price of about $16 a piece, but the trick is getting them in time for the TCU game. Considering today is Friday, and the TCU game is in 8 days, I would expect we will see our Green Brigade surounded by Purple Flags at TCU next weekend. GOOD GRIEF! This is about all we can do, offer and hope they take us up on it. You can't say the alumni at NT doesn't get involved as many of us have done MORE than our share in volunteering our time and money to sell season tickets, getting people to the game and help continue tradition. If someone has another number or knows of a contact person I can get in touch with let me know. FirefightnRick@hotmail.com. Rick